Thursday, 7 January 2016

As you can guess this is my sort of story.

Sets built for British television show Jekyll and Hyde have been shipped to the Calais "Jungle" as shelters for migrants and refugees after the series was cancelled, its creator has announced.  "One small good thing to come out of #JekyllandHyde cancellation. Our sets have been shipped to Calais to make refugee shelters," writer Charlie Higson wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.
At least 4,500 people live in notoriously squalid conditions in the sprawling makeshift camp which is located in the northern French port city of Calais in the hope that they will one day be able to cross the Channel to Britain.

Since June, at least 18 people have died while trying to make the crossing illegally.
Loosely based on Robert Louis Stevenson's split-personality tale, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the 1930s-set drama was dropped after only 1.1 million people tuned in for the final episode, compared to the 3.4 million that had watched the first.