The Aveyron departmental archives relating to the period 1939 - 1944 are now open to public scrutiny after having been labelled "sensitive" and therefore not available. Local records relate to cases brought before the courts in Vichy France and under the German Occupation. Given that apart from the usual criminal cases there were many politically based prosecutions, often the result of "denonciations" it is clear that some families would want evidence of this collaboration with the nazi powers kept quiet. The archives have many of the original hand written testimonies that would tear families apart in those dark days of France's history.
Documents from the archives |
Ironically we "benevoles" involved with the refugees were recently called "collabos" on a far right web site, by a "facho" who just wanted to "smash their faces in". These people are the direct inheritors of those who denounced their fellow citizens and handed over Jewish refugees to Nazi rulers and French fascist sympathisers .
We must continue to oppose these bullies who wrap themselves in the tricolor; they would just love to get their brown shirts on again.
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