Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Aid for Mali

I have told you before how friend Jean Marie Nosal often turns up on the doorstep for a chat.
I had put my cleaning the donkey stable gear on and the dogs had rolled in something very nasty.
A knock at the door and there was Jean Marie with a spendidly attired Malian lady, Madame Konaré Nafissatou Guindo. Her husband was a minister in the Malian government and she herself was also a minister.. She is a great friend of Jean Marie and as they have both been working very hard for children and women of Africa, Jean Marie suggested she should take a holiday here.
Malc sat talking to Jean Marie and I sat on the sofa talking with her in beautiful understandable French (hers, not mine of course) We had a fascinating conversation where she explained being a great friend of the now President she was able to present to him all the work Jean Marie had done over the last 35 years for Mali. The President was impressed and awarded him the "Legion d'honneur"
Madame Konare is an economist working for the CCSI ( Cabinet Counseil et suivi des Investissemets) At the moment she is concentrating her efforts as is Jean Marie on finding and paying for milk for the nursery at Sangha. She is also helping  find funds for the women who are growing their own produce.
Once again she had tales of hardship and fear. This fear  in the country which has caused the tourist industry to collapse and thrown thousands into poverty. Jean Marie says in 35 years he has never  seen the people and the country so poor and deprived.
We have promised to go and support the musical evening at Sautou on January 16th  (the information was on TAG a couple of days ago.)
Oh and I forgot to add all the money has  now been found to finish building the new school
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