The Prefet (Prefect) is the head civil servant in each department, whose responsibility it is to ensure that government policy is implemented, security is maintained and the constitution upheld. He is in charge of the department's police and has the power to suspend a maire who tries to do things which are unlawful or who is derelict in his duty. As many of us know, the prefecture is where we go for all kinds of administrative needs, such as driving licences or
cartes de sejour.
Pierre Besnard. Pic. MaxPPP |
Today Pierre Besnard takes over in Montauban, having previous experience in Hautes Alpes, Aveyron and in the Elysee equivalent of the Cabinet Office of President Hollande. Aged 49 he is said by colleagues to be "warm and humorous". But as a new broom we can probably expect all kinds of "initiatives" to have some effect on our lives, even if it is just more traffic controls.
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