Saturday 13 December 2014

Not in the best possible taste

The subject a very emotive one, euthanasia.
Francois Hollande has been given a dossier on this very question. His députés suggestion deep sedation for the terminally ill possible, " sedation profonde pour les maladies en phase terminal." This  is called an advance by some and timorous by others.
What I really did not like is a picture in the Depeche of a poor old lady obviously at the end of her life presumably not dead ( but not looking very well) perhaps sedated. I thought it not in the best possible taste.

Il n'est toujours pas question d'euthanasie, dans le rapport remis à François Hollande par les députés Jean Léonetti et Alain Claeys, mais de «sédation profonde» pour les malades en phase terminale. Une avancée pour les uns, «timorée pour les autres…