Thursday 18 December 2014

Living happily in France

The headline says it all, living happily in France, and that is what TAG is about. The more we know about French life, politics, what the French eat and drink, the language etc. the happier we will all be. Malc and I do not know it all which is why we need your help. We can research the news but what is happening is for us all to pass on.

Do you all remember to look in labels? For example the work done by Chris Robinson on the medical list we personally find helpful and I often check out how to say something before visiting the medecin. I have copied a section to refresh your memories but the list covers general illness as well and is given in French, dutch and English

To begin with, here is a list of essential medical questions and terms according to the type of condition and/or symptoms.  More words and phrases like these can be found at the web site used by many of the French medical services to help foreign callers -
Remember the services to phone are Samu 15 and Pompiers 18 and from a mobile 112. For evening, weekend or holiday advice when your GP is not open ring 3966 .
The Samu you phone for medical help and the Pompiers for accidents, not just fires and if someone needs to get to hospital quickly. 3966 will advise you on non-emergency situations or pass you on tp a medecin de garde or advise you to ring 15 or 18 as necessary.

When you phone say your own tel. number in the French way for example our number is 05 63 64 06 73. You would say zero cing,soixante trois, soixante quatre, zero six, soixante trieze. Have your number in a place you will remember written down in case you forget in panic.

Urgent matters

- It's an emergency - C'est une urgence – Het is een spoedgeval
- I need a doctor, an ambulance - Il me faut un médécin, une ambulance – Ik heb een dokter nodig , een ambulance
- Allergy to bee/wasp stings - Allergie aux piqûres d'insectes – Allergie voor bijen/wespensteek
- Insect bites/stings - Piqûres d'insectes – Insectenbeet/steek
- Nut allergy, dust allergy - Allergie aux cacahuettes, allergie a la poussière – Notenallergie, stofallergie
- Overdose of medication - Surdosage de médicaments – Overdosis van medicijnen
- Chest pain - Douleur dans la poitrine – Pijn op de borst
- Appendicitis – Appendicite – Blindedarmontsteking
- Recent surgical procedure - Opération chirurgicale récente – Recente chirurgische ingreep
- Loss of vision, sudden blindness - Perte de vision, cecité brutale- Verlies van gezichtsvermogen, plotselinge blindheid
- He fell all the way down the stairs - Il a dégringolé jusqu'en bas de l'escalier – Hij viel van de trap
- She fell from a height of 3 metres - Elle a fait une chute de trois metres – Hij viel van een hoogte van 3 meter
- He fell in the river and practically drowned - Il est tombé dans la rivière et il a presque noyé – Hij viel in de rivier en is bijna verdronken
- He has broken his arm, leg, wrist, pelvis - Il s'est cassé le bras, la jambe, le poignet, le bassin – Zij heeft zijn arm, been, pols, bekken gebroken
- Hip, shoulder blade, spine, clavicle, ribs - Hanche, omoplate, colonne vertebrale, clavicule, côtes – Heup schouderblad, wervelkolom, sleutelbeen, ribben
- Stroke - AVC (accident vasculaire cérébrale) – CVA (herseninfarct)
- Mini stroke (TIA = transient ischaemic attack) - Ischémie transitoire - TIA
- Interrupted circulation, gangrene - Arrêt de la circulation sanguine, gangrène – Trombose, gangreen
- Choking, he was choked by fumes - étouffement, la fumee l'a fait suffoqué – Verstikking, hij werd verstikt door de rook
- She choked on a fish bone - Elle s'est étranglée avec une arête – Zij stikte in een visgraat
- Injured – Blessé - Gewond
- Burn - Brûlure - Brandwond
- He has been electrocuted - Il s'est electrocute – Hij is geëlectrocuteerd
- Knife wound, bullet wound - Blessure causée par un couteau, une balle – Meswond, kogelwond