Saturday 13 December 2014

It was all the beginning of an exercise

Hi Val
I just read TAG again and saw a question about the exercise last week re. a possible break through of the barrage in the Lac de Paraloup.
In Varen the council members met on Monday evening and were informed about a big exercise/rehearsal to take place at the end of April 2015.
This week the preparations for this exercise started and the council members contacted everybody living in the "zones inondables" and handed out a questionnaire.
In the latest Bulletin Municipal de Varen you will find more information on these areas.
On Thursday morning all council members were contacted by phone after a fake warning and they visited the inhabitants in the potential danger zone.
They were timed in order to get an idea how long it took to get in touch with all concerned.
The questionnaires were collected at the same time.
This was just the beginning of the exercise/rehearsal which will be held on April 29, 2015.

I will do my best to keep you posted on this Val!
xx Marcia
Val says thanks Marcia, we were speaking to Alain at the Moulin who said the pompiers were fed up as they could not find anyone to alert or pass news to,  all the houses along the river being closed for the winter!