Monday 8 December 2014

A lady after TAG reader's hearts, she loves bees

 Hi Val
   Le Jardin d'Emma   plantes mellifères 
This is the first time that I have come across your site and was very interested to read the comment from Susan Prie as this is a subject close to my heart.
 I will try and keep this as short as possible! 
      I have lived in this region for 10 years now and living in the countryside I am well aware of the catastrophe facing our bees ( this includes wild bees and other pollinators as well as the 'domestic' variety, butterflies also are included) . This has been going on for years. The countryside has become a desert for our insects and wildlife for many reasons; the use of chemicals, monocrops, loss of habitat, bad land management and indifference. 
            WE can and should sign petitions, lobby our governments , pester our departments BUT there is something we can do at a 'grassroots' level. First, think of yourself as a little bee flying over the countryside (go on you can!) looking for pollen and nectar. Where would you want to go? 
An area with no viable means of support OR a garden where there tends to be more flowers and less chemicals? For the bee the answer would be the garden of course.
   The garden is becoming the last safe refuge for our insects and wildlife, whether it is in a village, town or even the city. There are now beehives on top of many buildings, the musée Ingres at Montauban, even Fortnum & Masons produce their own honey from hives on its roof!
     This is where You come in, gardening for nature. Next time you buy a plant THINK is it  bee friendly? 
      This is what I did 4 years ago and realized that the majority of plants for sale in the gardencenters were modern sterile hybrids, no good for bees, and the majority were shipped in from all over the world, not good for local economy. So in response I started ' Le Jardin d'Emma Plantes mellifères'. A small specialist nursery raising plants locally from cuttings or seeds. 
 Both plants and insects are my passion and so I have spent the last few years promoting awareness of them both, at shows, talking to groups, helping design bee friendly gardens.
    There is so much that can be done , start by signing the petition for pollinis, pass the message on and then think garden! if each garden in every village, town or city had an area for bees think of the support they would be getting.
Thank You for reading my message and if anyone is interested I can be contacted by email on 

Val says such an interesting post, we want to know more. Where is Jardin d'Emma plantes mellifère?