Monday 14 July 2014

Firebomb and rocks hurled at Jews In Paris

If you did not think it could happen again you were wrong.
Jews are being attacked again in broad daylight in Europe. And like once before, they cower inside, waiting for the “authorities” to save them.
This time, anti-Israel protesters swirled around the Synagogue Don Isaac Abravanel in Paris, screaming hate-filled epithets and hurling rocks and bottles as the Jews cowered inside, fearful for their lives. At another synagogue nearby, protesters tried to force their way into the building, armed with bats and chairs.
The police were called to assist the Jews to safety. This time they came. What if they didn’t?
Val says this piece was taken from the Jewish Press I will find another source trying to get a more balanced account.
Having searched,  this news is in all the Jewish newpapers, and on TV news and
Scary or what?
Francois Hollande is taking about this dreadful occurrence  in synagogues on TV at the moment and says " France must respect all religions"
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