Tuesday 8 July 2014

Can you believe this was a badly treated dog, tied up and left in his own excrement ?

I thought you might like this up-to-date picture of Reggie (or perhaps Regis
"the dog with no name" from Parisot January 2013). As you see, he is very
well. He has clearly been warmly accepted by our 19 year-old black cat. We
thought of sending one of Reggie in a red bandana but decided that sending
one of Reggie with cat did not smack of plagiarism.
You may like to know that you and tag on-line are doing their bit for the
French tourist industry. We returned last week from cycling around the
Garonne, Lot and Dordogne areas but could not quite stretch our route to
Montauban and beyond to see the land where Reggie came from. Puy L'Eveque
and Les Eyzies were our Easterly extreme points. Maybe next year.

Val says  Reggie' s dog's life  was not good in France but he was rescued  by Douglas and now leads the "life of Riley" in England.