Wednesday, 14 May 2014

More reserved in the North East of France than the South.

Talking to our young neighbour Julia who is upgrading my French language and understanding, I was explaining how reserved the English are with bisous and bonjours to all and sundry.
She explained to me that she felt here in the South, the French villagers talk to everyone and bisous much more than the Alsaciens. She was born and bred in Alsace near  the French German border.
When she took her new husband to meet her parents and friends up there Johan who she described as " un campagnard pur souche" ( a countryman to his roots) he was " fairing le bise" to everyone and saying bonjour wherever they went. She said "I had to say " stop" we do not do that so much here."
Poor Johan I am sure he was just trying to make an impression on the in-laws.
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