Saturday 31 May 2014

Time for " yummy" ice cream

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Time for icecream. With fruit galore this year, one must make some icecream with the surplus fruit! Here is a simple recipe that doesn’t require an icecream making machine. It’s so simple that’s it’s not even funny…. 1kg fruit, 500gr crème fraiche, 500g sugar. Put all ingredients in a blender, blend for a couple of minutes, pour in freezer compatible plastic boxes and that’s it!!! My sister Bibi uses this recipe every year with her strawberries, raspberries, blackscurrants and gooseberries and they are such delight in summer….If you want to make sorbet then you need a machine to brake the crystals, as you don’t use cream. I am off to make some icecream with my 2 kgs of strawberries I’ve just picked. I hope you make loads this year!!!!