HI Val
It seems to me that if our guest community here in Varen and the other villages fails to show its support for this initiative by simply not turning up, none of us will any longer have the right to claim that there are no efforts being made at integration. I also hope that people come together in a positive frame of mind to put forward constructive suggestions and do not use the opportunity to complain about the past or other issues not specifically connected with the subject.
Val says Like you I hope we have a full meeting but I know from delivering the invitations many of the houses which are supposed to be full time residents were closed up. So maybe we should not be expecting huge numbers. I have not heard any " unpositive" comments about the meeting from the non French community so I am sure these fears are unfounded.
Whatever the numbers we must have positive views to put forward and appreciate the big step the Maire is making.
I also agree we must put any past slights behind us and give this initiative a chance. By all working together we can make our lives more interesting and fulfilled and having Marcia as our voice on the council is an excellent step forward.
Malc and I are doing our bit by organising with a mixed nationality group " Salon du jardin d' été " in August in the salle des fetes and would welcome any help from any person whichever nationality will offer. It is going to be a big task but very worthwhile and a lovely day for everyone in the village and beyond.
The meeting is on Wed May 21st in the Mairie at 8pm. Maybe if you cannot go for any reason you could send apologies to Marcia. mmscott@orange.fr
comments to taglines82@gmail.com