Friday 4 April 2014

You are all so interested in my donkeys

Out in the rain all morning along with Patrick the marechal and Julia, the other donkey owner.
Three donkeys hooves achieved without any trouble but it was impossible to cope with Filou, the big donkey.
Rosie, naughty though she is, she is always so calm, lifting her sabot when asked.
I stand at her head and recite calming poems. She loves a spot of poetry does Rosie.

Patrick thinks Filou must have had some bad treatment in in his past history to be so afraid. The only way is to give him a sedative, so another visit has been arranged.
Julia had asked me on an earlier occasion to help clean hooves and I had helped once but after nearly being ''squished' to the sides of the shed, I felt a bit foolish saying I was too scared to do it again.
It made me feel better when big burly Patrick, said ''no, it is too dangerous to continue''
Patrick making the decision, ''this is too dangerous''