Monday 21 April 2014

Posts on integration, have us all thinking... and doing.

Where ever I go, whoever I talk to someone mentions the posts on integration.
We all have ideas on how to go about it, most feel that the post from Hans got to the crux of the matter. Many people including myself are stepping up their French lessons. But you still get different ideas voiced. "The  French do not want us to integrate and in truth we are quite happy with our own groups, so why not just leave it like that", has been said to me.
My opinion is to live here happily and  be fulfilled we need to have these intertwined relationships and we all benefit by them. Learning about the different cultural aspects of our next door neighbour, being able to converse has got to be the best way.
Our neighbour Norbert with his thick Occitane country accent was impossible for me to communicate with when we arrived at Mas del Sol but now we can talk and laugh about "les histoires des anes"
Keep up the good work everyone on the language front.
 I like the idea  so many of you have told me about,  inviting neighbours in each week for conversation lessons.
We will get there in the end.
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