Monday 14 April 2014

Plant swap success for Debbie at Les Jardins des Espiemonts

Deviating slightly from the 10 till 3 pm,  today it was  2pm to 4 pm and it worked perfectly,  a move perhaps to be repeated Debbie.

Betty tells Lorna all about Tansy
The sun shone as people started to arrive with their boxes of plants. Betty Nuttall as promised arrived with all her plants potted up; a very knowledgeable gardener is Betty.
I took some of the "tomatoes anciens" which could have been cannabis... but weren't.
I picked up some more strawberry plants, more rockery plants and all sorts of odds and ends.
Debbie had gone to lots of trouble, but all worth it, making delicious cakes and offering drinks. All way beyond the call of duty, but John and Debbie,  we appreciated it. Many thanks both for all your work and Malc and I look forward to the next one.

Plants of all types enthusiastically swapped

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