Sunday 13 April 2014

Part of the family arrive today

Daughter and youngest will arrive today at Toulouse. At 13 years old the eldest granddaughter chose the option of going to play tennis at La Manga in Spain. I suppose we cannot compete with that option for a sports fan.
Little 7 year old Annie coming here  will be wanting to check out her chicken choice from last holiday, Black Peck is now patrolling the grounds with chum Penny and has settled in well. Chosen for her beauty, Black Peck is not a prolific egg layer, but all the renters still say  "can we take that hen home in our suitcase"
Malc' s answer is always " please do" and he would probably provide a hen carrier  (which is a box from Unicor)
This post is really to warn of  "standards decline" in the posts as I chat to family and post at the same time ... "bear with"

What do you say to a " bear with  - ear muffs?"     Anything you like as he cannot hear you!
Just getting in the swing of things for the week.
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