Tuesday, 1 April 2014

It all makes work for the working men to do.

Hi Val,
 First of all: this is no April’s fool message.
Last Saturday there have been made minor changes to the new British Satellites. It means that the signals have become a bit weaker since then in this region. Many people thought it was the high wind which caused their dishes to be out of position, but that wasn’t the case. So again some people who didn’t need to make changes up till now, just have to do that still. So the satellite boys in the region have some work to do again, I’m afraid…
 Hans Buijserd 
Val says Joan Crooks asked me yesterday if we had problems because she had lost her signal. We are experiencing no problems but we have had both dishes at each house realigned. Yet we spoke to Peter Anderson today who after the winds is actually getting more channels than ever! He thought the wind had swung his dish in the right direction.... but perhaps the "minor changes" Hans mentions have improved the position for some installations and made it worse for others.