Friday 24 May 2013

Let those French businesses know about TAG

If you look at the adverts you will notice they are all from English speakers, now this is understandable as TAG is an English speakers community magazine. However we often use French suppliers and they need to know about TAG. The reponse the adverts are having from the feedback received is excellent . Yesterday we had 507 hits and by 9 am today already 76. I know I have a French Immobilier working out an advert at the moment but please send a link to any French artisans, producers or service provider [ not EDF, please] give them a link to TAG and tell them about the advertising space. If you get one advert placed it will feed a child in Mali for weeks or be the cost of having a donkeys hooves trimmed.Give it some thought readers.I have a plan to contact others but some help would be appreciated, you will know likely people.
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