Wednesday 29 May 2013

A cheque sent for 495 euros, wow!

I have been called " obsessive " writing TAG and it is a label that is accurate, but tell me why ? Ok, I shall tell you: today we sent off a cheque to Jean Marie and Winnie Nosal at the Domaine de Sautou for 495 euros, made up of monies from the barbecue and advertising on TAG. Without the decent sized  readership nobody would want to advertise, nobody would know about events planned. I have a mission now not only to be an interesting local link but to raise money for deprived anything, be it children, cats, dogs, donkeys and amazingly Malc is coming along with me. I remember when I ran a library years ago before I started bookselling,  we were trying to increase the number of readers through the doors to keep our library open. I made the library a place you wanted to come to not just for a book but a social centre where you never knew what was going to happen next. As with TAG I had spectacular success mixed with totally embarrsassing dismal failures but you have to keep plugging away to make things work. I like people, I like animals and I like you all looking at TAG never knowing what dreadful mistake I will make with spelling or comprehension but always trying to be interesting. I like your participation and would like  more of that  and I love the fact that we are all on this same adventure here in this most beautiful place, South West France. Keep reading, sometimes laughing, hopefully never bored and tell your friends about TAG.
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