Monday 18 February 2013

We may get to meet Ann from Christchurch NZ

You have certainly been busy and much has been achieved for animals and children and new arrivals in the area.   So wish I had been there for the weekend when so much was happening and a lot of hard work was going on.
 Life here moves on - I have moved into a townhouse which is to be demolished in 3 months time as it has slumped towards the stream - walking like I imagine a drunken sailor does.   The three months dateline gives me a definite time frame for my trip.  Thank you for the link to your friends B&B which sounds perfect for my visit - when I have firmed up my dates I will contact her, being aware it will be at a busy time of the year for her.
 Take care and know that I read everyday and look forward to meeting you.
Val says   Ann is a TAG reader from NZ who has kept in touch now for many months. She touched us with her first letter describing the problems in her  city after the earthquakes, and explaining she had spent a happy holiday in St. Antonin a few years ago. If she can come on holiday again there will be many friends to greet her.
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