Saturday 19 May 2012

News of former French residents

Marjorie Mitchell who used to live at Verfeil with husband Barry is now living well and happy in Hyde in Kent. Sadly a few years ago Barry a Prof. and expert on worms ( who discovered an unknown, unrecorded worm and called it Marjorie after his wife.) died. Marjorie now has her son close by and has made contact with Geoff and Jean Lipscombe who also do not live too far away. This news via Jeanne Riondel, adjoint Mayor of Verfeil who still keeps in touch with her English friend. Di Coleman former resident of Paradis at St. Antonin who now lives in Loose Village in Kent is gradually adjusting to life with out her beloved Ivor. She still keeps in close contact with her friends here and her French neighbours have just been to see her and look around the area and visited London