Monday 25 March 2019

Second hand stores in Toulouse (and here)

Selling your unwanted household items or clothes is becoming more popular in Toulouse. A permanent "vide grenier" has been opened in a large hangar where owners mark their items with a price and the managers sell them for a commission (isn't this what the so-called Trocs have been doing for years?). In addition a monthly "vide dressing" is held in the St Georges gallery.
These events are becoming very popular, partly because quality things are sold at very good prices and partly because more people believe that recycling is good for the planet.
In our area the "friperies solidaire" at Parisot, Varen and Les Cabannes can all attest that there is a need and a willingness to use these "thrift shops" more and more to combat out throwaway society and there are very popular "vide dressings" (second hand clothes sale).