Monday 25 March 2019

Make your own cleaning materials

Rendez-vous pour un moment pratique et convivial de fabrication de produits ménagers naturels
Learn the basics of spring cleaning using natural products.

Samedi 30 mars 2019 à 14h30 à Caylus : Atelier Créateurs au Naturel 
You can make your own effective cleaning materials at a fraction of the cost of commercial products, using simple natural ingredients.
Le CPIE Quercy-Garonne offers this workshop where you can make and take your own products. Exchange tips and ideas to enable your household to be kept like "grandma", and helping to save the environment at the same time.
Places limitées sur inscription, réservations auprès du CPIE Quercy-Garonne 05 63 24 06 26 ou par mail :