Friday 1 March 2019

And ticks are on the lookout

The very warm weather has woken ticks from their winter slumbers and the little insects are already hunting out food. For animals such as dogs they can be fatal and for humans can cause the very debilitating Lyme's disease.
Many pet owners, Taglines included, will have already found ticks on their dogs or cats. There are various remedies or preventions; for walkers the simplest is to tuck your trousers into your socks. Children, who are nearer the ground, should also wear a hat when walking through tall grass or bushes. Anti-mosquito sprays may be effective and for animals tick collars can work. Regular examination of your pets and use of a simple fork to remove ticks without damage is recommended.
Our old Golden Retriever, Bonny, was a tick magnet and we have already found one on Chanel, so be vigilant.