Friday 15 September 2017

New medical consultation rates

The cost of a visit to your GP has gone up to 25 euros some months ago and now some charges for consultations will rise from 1st November. These are for "complex", "very complex" or "longue" cases. They concern certain difficult illnesses which require the GP to spend more time with the patient, including newly born babies, preparations for complex surgery, Parkinsons or cancer. Also consultations on teenage contraception or assisted pregnancy may cost more.
The tariffs may be up to 70 euros, though normally 46 euros will be the charge for the "complex" consultations. Reimbursement will be 100% for the poorest patients and long term illnesses and 70% for most others, with the complementaires making up the balance.
GPs will discuss these things with their patients and their families so they are prepared and such charges will be limited to three consultations per annum. It is estimated that the changes will add 870 million euros to the Social Security bill.
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