Monday 14 November 2016

We agree with Depardieu

You never thought to see that in Taglines, but the veteran actor (and generally horrible man) is promoting his latest film "Tour de France" and had some interesting things to say about politics in general.
He plays an old reactionary forced to tour with a young rapper and has to face the hard choices many young people in France (and elsewhere) must make. In an interview he warns that the election of Trump sends a signal to politicians that the  ruptures in society are exacerbated by our over-reliance on social media to spread "news", that propaganda is widely used to distort the truth. He says that Marine le Pen is not a threat, it is a "connerie" (stupidity), a collateral damage of these distortions.
He says that the English (sic) were the first to demonstrate their frustration at modern politics in voting for Brexit, but will "pay dearly for their cowardice". He suggests that at least Trump is not stupid like George W Bush, but urges voters to start to use their heads to find solutions, rather that trawling the net for unworkable ideas.
Unfortunately he appears not to know of Fox News in the USA or the Daily Mail in Britain, who have also been pretty instrumental in whipping up the "popular" reaction.
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