Thursday 17 November 2016

Nous sommes le jeudi dix sept novembre

Another misty start to the day. I have been and let the donkeys back into the newly fenced garden area, they get so excited standing at the gate. As the gate opens I stand well back as they dash through and aim for what they consider is the longest, greenest grass.
Last night I had an interesting visit to the young people of the commune at Verfeil taking Shaban to meet some friends of his. Two refugees who are waiting for asylum and have not got a CADA have been take in by the group. They are teaching them French, feeding them and with Anais Rondeau's help jumping through the hoops with all the documents needed.
I was so interested by the group who have invited Shaban for a meal one evening to be with all the young people.
They also invited Malc and I next Wednesday at lunchtime as they open their doors and invite villagers in to eat with them. Yesterday they were feeding 100 people. They grow their own vegetables and have sheep and goats. They all work on different tasks for the common good and the young people come from all over the world. It reminded me a little of the hippy groups of the sixties  but with the aded care in the community aspect. As the world is going so wrong at the moment it is interesting to see these intelligent young people going back to their roots and just caring for everyone.
I was impressed.
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