Saturday 2 May 2015

Do we really appreciate how much we need Europe?

I hear the odd person who lives here talking about the benefits of anti European Nigel Farage and I really wonder how little those people must appreciate the benefits we have from Europe. I think if we withdrew from the European community our lives here would become extremely difficult. Many of us have now invested our lives and our money in property here and without being Europeans we would lose  importantly health benefits and imagine that with our aging ex pat population. Please never praise the benefits of Nigel Farage in my presence I will not be able to listen, and would wonder about your sanity. He goes on about immigrants in the UK and if you agree with him what are you doing being an immigrant in France?
Before I read through this I had written " Nigel Lafarge" Lafarge being the cement company who used to be in Varen. Fortunately I spotted it before posting
Comments to
Malc says : the auto-correct had it as Nigel Farrago - smart these things!