Sunday 24 May 2015

Cheap and cheerful and good value

Hi Val
Thanks for the recommendation Val, as you can see the ‘students’ had a good time there.  I was mighty relieved as  after I had passed on the info i went on Trip Advisor – aaargh !!  Anyway I rely more on you thant TA !
Just got back from the Book Sale at Beauville, had a good day and made enough to pay for the dogs’ food this month – yey !
 Sue x Poorpaws
Val says I was asked by Sue where some friends passing through St. Antonin should eat, not to spend too much time as on the way to the airport and not too expensive. Well the obvious choice a we all know is the Gazpacho. I have just read the reviews on Trip  adviser, which are terrible. I remember last time I looked it said it was the place for anglophones. Now if you eat in the bar through the week it is full of French workmen.  I copied one of the quotes to show you.

1 5 étoilesAvis écrit le 10 mai 2015

Surtout, ne vous arrêtez pas. De la nourriture mal décongelée, un prix démesuré vu le rapport qualité/prix et une déco qui va de pair avec le "repas". Ne dois en aucun s'
Well this has never been our experience and I suggest those who like the Gazpacho send in some decent reviews. It is not high cuisine I grant you but we personally have never had anything but good value.