Friday 4 July 2014

That is it, official: the holidays start Saturday

Le week end s' announce chargé sur les routes.
The holidays begin; the traffic starts, so expect the motorways south to be busy starting Friday night.
Our quiet little paradise will be buzzing for 6 weeks with difficult parking, busy motorways, noisy fêtes and yet we enjoy it all.
On the historical walk yesterday a tourist said to me " but why is everything closed in St. Antonin"
My answer could have been " ca, c'est normale"  but I said  "well the holidays do not officially start till the week end," and  could have added and then many will be on "congé annuel " or even "fermature exceptionelle"
That seems to be our area but we love it anyway, perhaps even more for its lack of living in the commercial world.
Relax, be cool, it is holiday time in SW. France.
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