Thursday 10 July 2014

St. Antonin and its medieval history

We live in and around this beautiful village but how much do we know of its medieval history.
St Antonin Noble Val is one of the most visited rural holiday destinations in the region. Its natural history is exceptional.
Founded around a 8th century Benedictine Abbey, the town retains its medieval aspect The struggles against the Albigensian  Cathars, lead by Simon de Montfort, were the reason for the destruction of the abbey. In the middle ages the town was an important centre for manufacture and commerce, notably leather and woollen products.
During the 100 years war St Antonin changed allegiance 5 times and being a Republican protestant town Louis XIII laid siege to the town during the Wars of Religion.

Guided walks in French or English are available from the tourist office each week.
La bourgade de Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val est une des destinations de tourisme vert les plus courues de la région.Son patrimoine naturel est exceptionnel...
Née autour d'une abbaye bénédictine au VIIIeme siècle, la ville a conservé son aspect médiéval.
Les luttes contre les cathares albigeois, menées par Simon de Montfort, sont à l'origine de la destruction de son Abbaye. Au Moyen Age, la ville fut un important centre artisanal et commercial (production de cuir et de draps de laine).
Pendant la guerre de cent ans, St Antonin changea cinq fois d'allégeance. Lors des guerres de religion, s'étant proclamée République protestante, Louis XIII en fit le siège en 1622.

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