Sunday, 20 July 2014

Concert in the church at St. Antonin

Dear Val

I was hoping you could put this poster onto Tag Online for a concert that is taking place in St Antonin church on Sunday 27th July.

We have formed a small group comprising local and professional musicians from England, to perform a capella music from Renaissance, Baroque and 20th Century.

All performers are giving their time so that all donations can be put towards the organ restoration fund. The organ in St Antonin Noble Val has seen better days, and cannot be used for performances now. Once restored it will be a centrepiece for music in the region.

Here is the leaflet for the concert which will be appearing on car windscreens soon.

L'Eglise de Saint Antonin Noble Val
(GPS 44.150895 N1.755574 E)

Compris des musiciens
professionnels de l'Angleterre
Nous allons présenter un concert A Capella
Musique de la Renaissance, Baroque et du 20e Siècle.
Tous vos dons sont pour la restauration de l'orgue de
l'Église de St Antonin.
Don suggéré de 5€ par personne

Thank you very much for your help.