Every morning Julia, Malc and I, are walking the donkeys down the road for them to clear an area of field of grass and brambles. I love it that they are are being useful and also that they are getting out and walked each day. The little darlings run up to have their head collars and leads put on, they know full well that means a walk.
It is just like the dogs, who get excited when you say " walkies".
In the evening we go and collect them and they are delighted again to come home. As soon as they are back in their field they go into the stable, lay down and sleep. They are so calm on the walk that Malc managed our two donkeys Rosie and Lucy on his own tonight and I walked with Filou and Coco. When Julia came to help, we were proud to say " all done and dusted" well actually as she is French, I think I might have said " c'est fait"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
News and views from the Tarn, Aveyron and Tarn and Garonne corner of South West France. taglines82@gmail.com
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Anniversaire de la liberation
2014- 68ème Anniversaire de la libération de la France
le 08 MAI 1945
Monsieur le Maire et son Conseil Municipal invitent les administrés ainsi que les Anciens Combattants de toutes les guerres, à assister à la commémoration du 08 mai 1945, qui aura lieu le jeudi 08 mai 2014.
Rassemblement au stade à 11h15 pour les 2 stèles : stade etDocteur Ringuet.
Rassemblement dans la cour du doyenné, devant la Mairie, à 11h45.
Formation du cortège à 11h45. Dépôt de gerbe au monument aux Morts, avec sonnerie aux Morts et Marseillaise.
Cordialement le Maire,
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Hush a bye divan for sale
Hi Val, can you please put this on TAG for sale items, thankyou.
4'0 Hush a bye divan - Pocket 1000. Barely used .
Really useful, luxurious sized single, or useful small double if you have tiny space or only occasional need. Very comfortable.
100 € or near offer.
Also slatted single bed frame and light mattress - 40€ ono
Contact 06 74 646 647 evenings please.
May, the month of holidays and brocantes
Vide greniers and brocantes start on the bank holiday tomorrow. A list below you might like to visit, but check with Tourist offices nothing has changed since going to press.
Thurs 1st of May
Montauban, Parisot, Septfonds, Villefranche de Rouerque
Sunday 4th of May
Castelnau de Montmiral, Negrepelisse, Limogne de Quercy and the plant fair at Bruniquel.
Thursday 8th of May
Lacapelle Livron, Cayreich
Sunday 11th of May
Sat 17th
Montauban, Albi, Carmaux,Monesties, Negrepelisse, Septfonds
Sunday 25th
Albi, Caussade, Montech, Negrepelisse,
Thursday 29th
Blaye le Mines, Caussade
Sunday June 1st
Castelnau de Montmiral, St. Antonin Noble Val, Septfonds
If you know of others I have missed out please let me know
Happy hunting
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Thurs 1st of May
Montauban, Parisot, Septfonds, Villefranche de Rouerque
Sunday 4th of May
Castelnau de Montmiral, Negrepelisse, Limogne de Quercy and the plant fair at Bruniquel.
Thursday 8th of May
Lacapelle Livron, Cayreich
Sunday 11th of May
Sat 17th
Montauban, Albi, Carmaux,Monesties, Negrepelisse, Septfonds
Sunday 25th
Albi, Caussade, Montech, Negrepelisse,
Thursday 29th
Blaye le Mines, Caussade
Sunday June 1st
Castelnau de Montmiral, St. Antonin Noble Val, Septfonds
If you know of others I have missed out please let me know
Happy hunting
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
A man enjoying life and happy to share his knowledge
We met with Michael Fontes of Najac this afternoon. The sun shone as we took Michael to our secret places to show him the orchids we knew about. The places are secret only because no one is ever there but us and this special place Cazelles Cross has special meaning to us.
The fields were teeming with insects and butterflies enjoying all the colourful flowers in the meadows and we found orchids a plenty, but nothing that Michael had not already photographed.
We spent a lovely hour or so browsing often on hands and knees and Michael has promised to send a couple of photos. To see more look at his website or visit his shop in Najac, he is a mine of information on wild flowers not just orchids. http://www.orchideesdenajac.fr
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The fields were teeming with insects and butterflies enjoying all the colourful flowers in the meadows and we found orchids a plenty, but nothing that Michael had not already photographed.
We spent a lovely hour or so browsing often on hands and knees and Michael has promised to send a couple of photos. To see more look at his website or visit his shop in Najac, he is a mine of information on wild flowers not just orchids. http://www.orchideesdenajac.fr
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
It is in your diary I am sure
Fifi Friperie coming up, Saturday at Verfeil sur Seye, 10 till 2pm
A new wardrobe, lovely cakes, free entry. Go early and spend, spend, spend.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
A touch of sarcasm in this post.
Hi Val!
Reading your post about pesticides I wonder how many TAG readers use 'products' in their gardens and their houses,. However, I am sure these products are completely harmless, like the label says! And there is of course now way these chemicals could end up in the water or in any plants or animals we are not aiming to destroy. No bird would be stupid enough to eat a poisened snail, like no owl would ever consider itself lucky to find the mouse that crawled out of our houses to die after eating the little surprise we left for it. So, even if we do use 'products', it is indeed very different from what all these ignorants farmers do to provide us with the cheap cereals and vegetables we like so much.. besides, who could stand to see bugs or weeds in the garden, that's not why we came to live in the country is it???
Feel free to post this on TAG while I put my bulletproof vest on ;-)
Gros bisous,
Val says Anke does have a point.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Reading your post about pesticides I wonder how many TAG readers use 'products' in their gardens and their houses,. However, I am sure these products are completely harmless, like the label says! And there is of course now way these chemicals could end up in the water or in any plants or animals we are not aiming to destroy. No bird would be stupid enough to eat a poisened snail, like no owl would ever consider itself lucky to find the mouse that crawled out of our houses to die after eating the little surprise we left for it. So, even if we do use 'products', it is indeed very different from what all these ignorants farmers do to provide us with the cheap cereals and vegetables we like so much.. besides, who could stand to see bugs or weeds in the garden, that's not why we came to live in the country is it???
Feel free to post this on TAG while I put my bulletproof vest on ;-)
Gros bisous,
Val says Anke does have a point.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Things seem to happen at Lourdes, apart from miracles
Last year it was severe flooding, this year an earth tremble "Le séisme de magnitude 4,7"
It was the largest tremble seen or heard in the last few years in the exposed area of the massive Pyrenees. The tremble could be felt all the way to Toulose.
Trembles are of course tremors.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
It was the largest tremble seen or heard in the last few years in the exposed area of the massive Pyrenees. The tremble could be felt all the way to Toulose.
Trembles are of course tremors.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
From Jean to Lucas in 60 years
A study of first names published by INSEE (the government statistics service), broken down by Region, shows how names have changed with fashions being quite evident, over the years since the end of the war.
In Midi-Pyrennees back in the 40's and 50's boys were called Jean, then a few years of Philippe but from about 1980 the names have changed more often. Nicholas, Sebastien and Julien were popular for a decade, a few years of Kevins around 1990 and nearly a decade of Thomas in the 90's. Since 2000 only two names have dominated, with 8 years of Lucas interrupted by three years of Enzo.
For girls the pattern is similar: Marie for 20 years, then Sylvie, Nathalie and Stephanie up to the mid 70's. Up to the mid 90's a succession of Celines, Elodies, Manons, Laura and Julies, but from 1997 to 2003 it was Lea and ever since Emma tops the list.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
In Midi-Pyrennees back in the 40's and 50's boys were called Jean, then a few years of Philippe but from about 1980 the names have changed more often. Nicholas, Sebastien and Julien were popular for a decade, a few years of Kevins around 1990 and nearly a decade of Thomas in the 90's. Since 2000 only two names have dominated, with 8 years of Lucas interrupted by three years of Enzo.
For girls the pattern is similar: Marie for 20 years, then Sylvie, Nathalie and Stephanie up to the mid 70's. Up to the mid 90's a succession of Celines, Elodies, Manons, Laura and Julies, but from 1997 to 2003 it was Lea and ever since Emma tops the list.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
French life
Early morning sun today and a bit of orchid spotting on the horizon
Not sure how the day is going to go but this morning the sun is shining, the sky is only a watery blue, the trees and grass are still that bright lush, greenest of green. The fields and meadows are full of flowers, the best we remember seeing, the orchids are prolific. We heard someone saying yesterday, "you know there are wild orchids here". Walk out into the countryside and you cannot miss them, they are everywhere and you can identify them easily now with all the various orchid sites.
This brings me to a visit we are having today from orchid expert of Najac called Michael Fontes.
He was surprised a week ago we had found a clutch of pyramid orchids in our lanes. We sent a photo and he agreed that is what they were. They are very common here but these particular ones obviously arrive earlier than those at Najac. More on Michael's visit and orchid talk later.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
This brings me to a visit we are having today from orchid expert of Najac called Michael Fontes.
He was surprised a week ago we had found a clutch of pyramid orchids in our lanes. We sent a photo and he agreed that is what they were. They are very common here but these particular ones obviously arrive earlier than those at Najac. More on Michael's visit and orchid talk later.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
We have them in the Aveyron, but what are they?
La loutre est un animal particulièrement discret et craintif. Aussi, il est bien difficile de l'apercevoir. Comme pour d'autres mammifères, les connaisseurs détectent sa présence par ses excréments, composés des restitutions de son menu.
We have otters that have returned to the Aveyron. Last year we spotted one near the Moulin in Varen and its presence was confirmed by others. Worth knowing the French name is " La Loutre"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
At Perpignan, a wife shoots her husband
Perpignan. Elle lui met une balle dans la tête pour son anniversaire
It was their wedding anniversary, they were drunk, the wife had suffered many attacks by her husband over the years. The husband an old army man was also in a gun club so had guns. At 68 years old the battered woman shot her husband in the head with a 357 Magnum. Sad story.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Faits divers
And yet another pesticide story.
Children in agricultural areas are being exposed to a dangerous cocktail of pesticides, some of which are banned substances, a French health and environment group has claimed.
Générations Futures did independent analysis of the hair of young people living or studying near farms and vineyards after parents expressed worries about their children being exposed to poisons that could disrupt their endocrine system.
The group, a non-profit organisation specialising in the use and effects of pesticides on humans and the environment, says its findings confirmed their fears.
Researchers took hair samples from a selected group of children aged between three and 10 living or attending schools between 50 and 200 metres from different agricultural zones. It sent the samples to an independent laboratory in Luxembourg that used methods similar to those employed by detectives investigating poisoning cases.
In 29 samples tested 624 pesticide traces were found, suggesting that 80% of the children had been exposed to agricultural pesticides in the previous three months. The laboratory found traces of 53 pesticides believed to affect mammals' hormone systems and capable of causing cancerous tumours, birth defects, developmental disorders and learning disabilities in humans.
An average of 21.52 distinct pesticides were found in each child; 35 endocrine disruptor pesticides were found at least once, while 13 types of pesticides were discovered in all the hair samples.
Just under three-quarters of the children ate organic food regularly, so the contamination likely came from an outside source, not their food.
Val says I am so fed up of these stories, what does it take for everyone to take pesticides seriously?
This story in the Guardian
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Protecting the bees
FARMERS in France will be banned from spraying pesticides during daylight hours to protect bees, under plans unveiled by agriculture minister Stéphane Le Foll.
Spraying is already technically banned in the early morning, but many farmers have waivers, protecting them from sanction if they ignore the regulations. The new law will prevent spraying during daylight hours and there will be no exceptions.
Val says thank heavens for a little sanity
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Spraying is already technically banned in the early morning, but many farmers have waivers, protecting them from sanction if they ignore the regulations. The new law will prevent spraying during daylight hours and there will be no exceptions.
Val says thank heavens for a little sanity
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
La Seye et Vous at Verfeil
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Le duo GILLES CARLES (guitare) et JEAN LUC AMESTOY (accordéon).
Ces deux atypiques, à la tension au moins égale à leur douceur, produisent une musique d’étals de marché, de randonnées pédestres, de pêche à la ligne…qui nous fait voyager dans une proximité évidente mais peut aussi, d’une cavalcade sur le manche ou d’un galop sur le clavier, nous téléporter à l’autre bout de l’empire européen de l’imaginaire ou même dans la campagne américaine, bien nommée « country » .
Ne tombons pas dans le piège : un accordéon et une guitare n’appellent pas obligatoirement des flonflons et un bal.
Oui, la musique de Jean-Luc AMESTOY et Gilles CARLES s’entend où on l’attend pas !
Et si vous avez faim, nous vous aurons mijoté :
- Poulet korma
- Tajine végétarien
- Assiette mixte charcuterie-fromage
- Dessert maison
Le service des repas se fera à partir de 19h jusqu'à 20h30.
Renseignements : 05 63 65 22 18.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Going Greek at Liberte des Anes
dear everyone
our next lunch will be on thursday 8th may. the menu this time will be Greek, so please come along and support the donkeys here at la volvene.
we start with MEZZE, followed by
LEMON & HONEY CHEESECAKE from the island of Siphnos, or
You know our food will be delicious so we hope to hear back from you as soon as possible giving us your desert choices aswell. Thursday the 8th is only next week ......
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Book and DVD swap Monday 5th of May
Hard to believe it is coming around again, book and DVD swap at St. Antonin Noble Val. As always at the Gazpacho 10.30am.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Beautiful Puycelsi

We recently visited the fortified village of Puycelsi, where we were invited over for a cup of tea. We later had the opportunity to wander around with a local expert on the village and take some pictures......Puycelsi is listed as one of "Les Plus Beaux Villages de France" and while meandering around the streets it is clear to see why as there has been extensive renovation works to many of the old properties here. There are also some great views over the Grésigne Forest and Vère valley from the village as it is perched high up on a rocky plateau.
There is a walk around the ramparts where you can discover places such as Château des Capitaines Gouverneurs or the St Roch chapel with a statue of St Roch outside, complete with his dog which is also holding a baguette in its mouth, rumour has it that is why they bake French bread with such a hard crust. Please note the date on the plinth of the statue refers to the age of the Chapel and not the birth date and death of St Roch as that really would be a miracle. For the energetic you can extend your walk into the Grésigne Forest viewing the regional centre for ancient fruit trees on the way. This centre has 750 varieties of fruit tree and over 100 grape varieties from all over the world.
Another location I wanted to see was the Church of St Corneille which has recently held a concert to raise funds for its renovation. Typical for a medieval church, is the blue ceiling which is ornately decorated, I believe the colour blue symbolises the sky and the Gothic designs of this church do draw the eye upwards. The pictures included are one of the ceiling and the other is of the interior. You might think that there are ghosts on the right but these are other visitors to the church and the ghostly effect is due to the long exposure of the shot and them moving around.
Regards Nev.
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comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Varen Post Office stays open, but we must use it
The Maire tells us the Post Office will remain open and the hours are
Les heures d'ouverture sont inchangées en semaine :Lundi a vendredi de 9 heures à 12 heures et de 13 h 30 à 16 heures ; le samedi de 9 heures à 12 heures. Le départ des lettres et des colis déposés au guichet est fixé à 15 heures en semaine et à 12 heures le samedi.
Malc says: given the shortage of cash dispensers I opened a post office bank account so I do have access to cash during all the hours above, at all post offices and I often use Laguepie, which has slightly different hours.
Malc says: given the shortage of cash dispensers I opened a post office bank account so I do have access to cash during all the hours above, at all post offices and I often use Laguepie, which has slightly different hours.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Our local chateau / landmark for sale
Belpech at St. Vincent de Varen is for sale. A 16 piece chateau with small grounds and another house in the grounds of 300sm. all with commanding views down along the valley of the Aveyron. When we came 12 years ago we often walked around the grounds admiring the derelict chateau, it was a stones throw from our then presbytere.
I was always led to believe there was nothing inside as it had been sacked by locals many years before. Looking at photos on an estate agents site, the salon certainly has its tremendous stone fireplace and floors and ceilings. I know that the outside has been cared for over the years.
The problem with the chateau is lack of grounds and privacy, which if you were paying nearly
700, 000 I think you would want. The owner in our mind was pretty foolish not buying a very close small ruin which was peanuts to buy. He waited for the price to be less than peanuts and the house was sold on to others. If I wanted to buy I would try and buy the very close property out, but these are only my views.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
I was always led to believe there was nothing inside as it had been sacked by locals many years before. Looking at photos on an estate agents site, the salon certainly has its tremendous stone fireplace and floors and ceilings. I know that the outside has been cared for over the years.
The problem with the chateau is lack of grounds and privacy, which if you were paying nearly
700, 000 I think you would want. The owner in our mind was pretty foolish not buying a very close small ruin which was peanuts to buy. He waited for the price to be less than peanuts and the house was sold on to others. If I wanted to buy I would try and buy the very close property out, but these are only my views.
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view of Belpech in autumn |
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Concert at Cajarc with Peter Nowfel conducting
de l’ ORCHESTRE départemental d’ HARMONIE du LOT
à la salle des Fêtes de CAJARC
Au cours duquel seront données les œuvres travaillées pendant son stage annuel :
- Le Concerto de trompette de J.N. HUMMEL
- La 1ère suite de l’ ARLESIENNE de G. BIZET
- La musique du dessin animé « Chicken Run »
- La fantaisie « MOSCOU NIGHT » et un final surprise
En première partie nous entendrons l’ Harmonie des « Artisans Réunis » de FIGEAC que dirige Peter NOWFEL, dans son répertoire dynamique :
- Musiques de films d’ Ennio MORRICONE
- Glenn MILLER
- Paul BOUGON (jeune musicien et compositeur de l’Orchestre
- « Birdland » jazzy de Joe ZAWINAL
Bonne Humeur de rigueur !
Entrée Libre Peter Nowfel
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Cancer Support now having coffee and chat at Gaillac
Dear Val
Could you put a message onto Taglines please to say that we at CSF (Cancer Support France) are meeting for coffee and offering chat and information at the cafe des Sports in Gaillac on the 2nd Tues of alternate months. Our first meeting will beon May 13th, then July 8th and Sept 9th. Anyone is welcome to come and join us. Come and have a coffee and chat. We will be there from 10 - 11.30 am.
I am an Active Listener with the group and am organising these events along with the other members.
many thanks
Jenny Harris
Val says Such a good idea. I hope this idea grows and comes to St. Antonin and other local towns.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Cancer Support
Monday, 28 April 2014
Fairing le pont / forget work from your mason in May
May is going to be a nice month of extra long weekends for most French workers, but it's not going to be of much help to the country’s limping economy.
Over the four and a half weeks of May, there were will be three public holidays and each happens to fall on a Thursday. That makes them prime candidates for what the French call ‘ponts’ or bridges in English, which are simply extended weekends and give workers the chance to head to the coast or into the country.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Country dancing in Les Halles
Our young neighbour Magali and young friend Anne Claire are organising these bals. They will start by teaching you the dances and then into the dance, fabulous music, young people,families, children all enjoying the danse.
Najac again
Dear Val,
As a Najacoise of nearly 25 years (not my age, rather the time I've lived here in the nearby countryside mi-temps) I like to hear and share people's positive views of Najac. However every time I drive to or past Cordes-Sur-Ciel I get goosebumps. Such a wonderful sight to behold. Still, there can be a place in our hearts for all these lovely villages/towns, St Antonin de Noble Val very much included!
Best wiahes,
Elly xxxx
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
As a Najacoise of nearly 25 years (not my age, rather the time I've lived here in the nearby countryside mi-temps) I like to hear and share people's positive views of Najac. However every time I drive to or past Cordes-Sur-Ciel I get goosebumps. Such a wonderful sight to behold. Still, there can be a place in our hearts for all these lovely villages/towns, St Antonin de Noble Val very much included!
Best wiahes,
Elly xxxx
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Becky and family love Najac
Hi Val, in response to your Najac posts we are huge fans of Najac! The hilltop town takes my breath away everytime on the drive up from Parisot, it's definitely my favourite view in the area. We took the kids there last year and made the steep journey up to the castle at the top. They loved exploring the ruin and although in previous years we've only visited in the summer, it will be nice to spend more time there 'out of season'. We're going to try out the canoeing there this year and take the kids along to a fun mini golf place in the nearby St-Andre-de-Najac!
Becky x
Becky x
Champignons de printemps
Malc spotted our elderly neighbour Norbert , furtively going home with a bag. Malc stopped for a chat and asked what was in the sack. Norbert is "very canny" in letting you know what he has "ramassed " and he would certainly never tell you where he had ramassed them from.
He had a bag full of spring mushrooms, normal for this time of year, he told Malc and they are apparently delicious.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
He had a bag full of spring mushrooms, normal for this time of year, he told Malc and they are apparently delicious.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
We are planning something BIG, for the summer.
I cannot keep secrets but it will not be long before we can unveil our cunning plan.
I will give you some clues but do not on pain of death mention to Malc that I have started talking about the event.
Think lovely outfits, think style, think chic, think jazz, think naked and unashamed fun.
Think the odd drink or two, think laughter, think friends, think sunsets.
Think is this going to cost me a fortune ?
The answer is no, but pure unadultered pleasure on a summers eve is forecast.
Think Midsummer nights, think fairies, think love and romance.
We are going to take you swinging back to your youth ( remember that) well watch this space!
Gosh, I get so excited.
Malc used to have one of those cool moustaches when he was young, the night we are planning will make us all remember those wonderful times, when you sported a moustache.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
I will give you some clues but do not on pain of death mention to Malc that I have started talking about the event.
Think lovely outfits, think style, think chic, think jazz, think naked and unashamed fun.
Think the odd drink or two, think laughter, think friends, think sunsets.
Think is this going to cost me a fortune ?
The answer is no, but pure unadultered pleasure on a summers eve is forecast.
Think Midsummer nights, think fairies, think love and romance.
We are going to take you swinging back to your youth ( remember that) well watch this space!
Gosh, I get so excited.
Malc used to have one of those cool moustaches when he was young, the night we are planning will make us all remember those wonderful times, when you sported a moustache.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Najac is magical
Apart from the first view of Saint Antonin on the drive from the airport, Najac is the most magical sight, we still visit every time we are here.
Kind regards
Pam Oakes
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Kind regards
Pam Oakes
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Signs we are becoming French
Signs that we are becoming French: Saying 'bonjour' to strangers. Stepping over dog poo outside shop doorways.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Hat stand located: TAG works
Dear Val,
Thank you so much for putting my request on taglines and needless to say it
has worked brilliantly and a hat stand has been located.
Many thanks.
Love Judy XX
Last nights concert at Puycelsi
dear Val
Thank you for the lovely remarks about last nights concert. We always appreciate your comments but this year I would really like to add my thanks to all who took part and as well as those who were to listen there in the less than perfect weather conditions. It was so cold during the rehearsal that Nicolas O'Neill wore a 'beany' to keep his now sparsely haired head warm and contemplated wearing it during the concert. Zena Baker had had a really nasty throat infection which made her soaring voice during Oh for the Wings of a Dove even more wonderful.
This year Mark Opstad has given us his organ on permanent loan and we have invested in very high quality speakers which will repay themselves soon by no longer having to rent an organ every time. So our commitment to continuing these concerts is there but nothing would be worth doing without the singers and audience so many of whom come to every concert we hold. Many of them arrive as a result of the publicity that TAG gives us so many thanks to you too for that.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Suddenly a sea of green before my eyes
As I sit writing TAG occasionally looking out of the window as the kestrel flies past, the view is just "too" green.
The vibrancy of the colours and shades of green is overwhelming. I feel I need a knob to turn down the brightness, all the rain is just making everything shoot up and it feels in another few days as if we will be surrounded by trees and long grass, as if in an enchanted castle, lost for ever.
Malc says " you and your vivid imagination!"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The vibrancy of the colours and shades of green is overwhelming. I feel I need a knob to turn down the brightness, all the rain is just making everything shoot up and it feels in another few days as if we will be surrounded by trees and long grass, as if in an enchanted castle, lost for ever.
Malc says " you and your vivid imagination!"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Looking out for deer
Most of us see deer in the fields and lanes around our homes, but it is not just the "chasse" (hunters) which threatens these elegant, if destructive, creatures. Apparently they often give birth to their young in tall grassland and the fawns are programmed to remain inert to avoid predators. Fortunately there are not too many natural predators around here, but it seems that combine harvesters can be lethal as the babies just dont run away.
Many farmers have different methods of finding where the fawns are but German farmers are being helped by animal protection groups using drones to spot the deer, which can then be fitted with warning beacons.
Perhaps the chasseurs can be fitted with them so the deer know when they are coming...
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Many farmers have different methods of finding where the fawns are but German farmers are being helped by animal protection groups using drones to spot the deer, which can then be fitted with warning beacons.
Perhaps the chasseurs can be fitted with them so the deer know when they are coming...
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Cordes sur ciel, a special place
700 000 touristes each year visit Cordes sur Ciel
I wonder how many Najac gets. Although Cordes is wonderful, for me I love Najac. Both magical villages in the sky.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Tax Return time again
Several people asked about the "official" rate for changing your GB pound income into euros when filling in your 2014 Declaration de Revenu. We are informed that it is 1:1.775 - though we have no confirmation of that from a Tax Office.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
"That will give you something to write about"
The comment above was made by organiser Ross Jenkins as we left Puycelsi church last night.
He was right, it was a lovely evening, great choice of music in that unbeatable setting. Interested people know that the input of Mark Opstad, Nicholas O' Neill, Zena Baker and the Puycelsi choir make these concerts exceptional.
Many probably do not know that Ross and Ginny Jenkins have raised over 50,000 euros for restoration of the Church, by organising these concerts.
Well done to all concerned.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
He was right, it was a lovely evening, great choice of music in that unbeatable setting. Interested people know that the input of Mark Opstad, Nicholas O' Neill, Zena Baker and the Puycelsi choir make these concerts exceptional.
Many probably do not know that Ross and Ginny Jenkins have raised over 50,000 euros for restoration of the Church, by organising these concerts.
Well done to all concerned.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Two local programmes of the area we love.
We have managed to download Escape to the Continent featuring Laguepie, Castanet and the area and also we are looking forward to seeing "Causses et Gorges de l'Aveyron" which we have copied.
If anyone does not have the knowledge or possibility of downloading let us know if you want to see them and we will arrange a viewing. Two friends have already asked to come.
We will see if we can project them on the big screen.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
If anyone does not have the knowledge or possibility of downloading let us know if you want to see them and we will arrange a viewing. Two friends have already asked to come.
We will see if we can project them on the big screen.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Wood, wood, wood and more wood.
Dear Rachel,
You could call Emile Bert (on behalf of Etienne in Salvagnac) at 0563670184. He lives between Caylus and Parisot.
All the best,
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Replay TV
Hello Val and Malc,French TV addicts
It is possible to use a program called Captvty which is available from (http://captvty.fr/) to download French TV programmes to view on a computer. When captvty is started it will list the available programs for download for each station, you can order on date aired or program type culture, sport etc. If a particular program is not visible there is an option to put that URL into the search function of Captvty and it will find the program if it is available. There is also a facility to record live programs and even set up a future recording from the built in TV Guide.
As it is for French TV then the program only supports French language but it is quite intuitive to use, it might even make French TV interesting.
Happy Viewing
It is possible to use a program called Captvty which is available from (http://captvty.fr/) to download French TV programmes to view on a computer. When captvty is started it will list the available programs for download for each station, you can order on date aired or program type culture, sport etc. If a particular program is not visible there is an option to put that URL into the search function of Captvty and it will find the program if it is available. There is also a facility to record live programs and even set up a future recording from the built in TV Guide.
As it is for French TV then the program only supports French language but it is quite intuitive to use, it might even make French TV interesting.
Happy Viewing
Hi back Val,
I tried the link again and yes it has changed. But I found this link. Just scroll down and you'll see the video.
Hi again,
I also became friend with the show on facebook and here's a link to all the shows.
Malc says: the last two certainly work so we will be looking at the programme soon. You can also download a Pluzz TV app to do most of what Nev says above with Captvty, but to use a simple "iPlayer" like system is difficult as most programmes are only available for 7 days. But it seems there are ways round this (legitimately).
So we are looking forward to seeing "Causses et Gorges de l'Aveyron"
comments to taglines82@gmail.com

This lovely house for sale with superb views
Further information can be found by following this link: House for sale in Castelnau Montratier
Many thanks,
Steve & Liz Matthews
Another Paon de nuit / Emperor Moth
What a surprise on our return to the house yesterday evening! A giant moth
sitting on the doorpost to the kitchen. And it hasn't moved at all, despite
being continually
disturbed. I looked it up and it is the largest moth in
Europe. Shame that I am not an expert photographer - but thought it well
worth recording on the ipad.
No luck with the bed I'm afraid - people don't seem to want double beds
anymore - too small. Thanks for posting it anyway. I will see if Emmaus want it.
(Val says Shame about the bed, it is so pretty)
Kind Regards
Terri Lumb
Terry thinks it is a Great peacock moth and she may be right? Gosh - how quick was that! Still think it's a Great Peacock Moth though
because of its brown hairy head! Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Terry thinks it is a Great peacock moth and she may be right? Gosh - how quick was that! Still think it's a Great Peacock Moth though
because of its brown hairy head! Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Vernissage and exhibition
vernissage le samedi 3 mai à 18h
au PONT des ARTS - 12330 Marcillac-Vallon
EXPOSITION du 3 au 28 mai 2014
Nicole PFUND peintures, Didier SABY peintures, Gilles BONNIN, sculptures
Nicole PFUND peintures, Didier SABY peintures, Gilles BONNIN, sculptures
Concerts this evening
If you are not going to the choral concert at Puycelsi (and you will probably miss a treat), remember that the Ecole de Piano at Arnac has its weekly Vesperales concert at 6pm (18h). This week's programme is Bach, presumably Johan Sebastian and Malc wishes that could be downloaded for later!
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Ecole de Piano,
Techie thing
Wanting to watch the Laguepie programme we missed we decided to try via BBC iPlayer. Some of you know how all this is done, so look away now (or suggest something easier).
iPlayer is not available to most of us either via our satellite box or computer because the Beeb knows we are not in the UK and there are problems with broadcasting rights. So you need a VPN (virtual private network). This you download to your computer from the internet. We use Expat Shield (google it). Once you connect to it, it assigns an internet address that looks like a UK address and so fools the Beeb into allowing you to access iPlayer.
Having done this we found that our internet connection was too slow to "stream" the programme, which kept stopping to "buffer" and eventually gave up, telling us we had insufficient "bandwidth".
But iPlayer suggested we install the iPlayer Download app and then download the programme to be watched later without problems. So we did that and hey presto, "escape to the continent" was there to be watched at leisure. Many iPlayer programmes are now available for 30 days.
Please note that in an earlier post it was advised that you only use a VPN for these purposes and disconnect it for normal internet use.
Unfortunately the French programme "Causses et Gorges de L'Aveyron" on France 3 catch-up was only there for 7 days and gone by the time we wanted to look yesterday evening - nor does there appear to be a download facility to keep the programme for later.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
iPlayer is not available to most of us either via our satellite box or computer because the Beeb knows we are not in the UK and there are problems with broadcasting rights. So you need a VPN (virtual private network). This you download to your computer from the internet. We use Expat Shield (google it). Once you connect to it, it assigns an internet address that looks like a UK address and so fools the Beeb into allowing you to access iPlayer.
Having done this we found that our internet connection was too slow to "stream" the programme, which kept stopping to "buffer" and eventually gave up, telling us we had insufficient "bandwidth".
But iPlayer suggested we install the iPlayer Download app and then download the programme to be watched later without problems. So we did that and hey presto, "escape to the continent" was there to be watched at leisure. Many iPlayer programmes are now available for 30 days.
Please note that in an earlier post it was advised that you only use a VPN for these purposes and disconnect it for normal internet use.
Unfortunately the French programme "Causses et Gorges de L'Aveyron" on France 3 catch-up was only there for 7 days and gone by the time we wanted to look yesterday evening - nor does there appear to be a download facility to keep the programme for later.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Damp morning for the Laguepie Plant Fair
Normally one of the best days of the year in Laguepie, slightly marred this morning by a damp start.
We arrived at 8.30am quick off the mark for the pick of those best plants. Actually we go early to avoid the queues and enjoy a coffee and croissant in relative calm. We got our two Ikea sacks full of flowering plants ready for my hanging baskets and then installed ourselves at the Troubadour cafe. We were joined by other early birds whilst there, and one handed over 10 euros for a doggy charity, many thanks for that Sylvia.
Nearly at the car we met the couple from Norway, Roger and Eileen now moved to Le Riols. They have been reading TAG for a year whilst in Norway and planning to come.
Roger has been a professional gardener all his life and has worked for and with some starry names, Richard Branson, Elton John and the like. He was asked this morning about how he would feel judging a flower show and said he would happily accept the challenge. So with John and Debbie from Les Jardins des Espiemonts we will have no problem with judging.
We arrived at 8.30am quick off the mark for the pick of those best plants. Actually we go early to avoid the queues and enjoy a coffee and croissant in relative calm. We got our two Ikea sacks full of flowering plants ready for my hanging baskets and then installed ourselves at the Troubadour cafe. We were joined by other early birds whilst there, and one handed over 10 euros for a doggy charity, many thanks for that Sylvia.
Nearly at the car we met the couple from Norway, Roger and Eileen now moved to Le Riols. They have been reading TAG for a year whilst in Norway and planning to come.
Roger has been a professional gardener all his life and has worked for and with some starry names, Richard Branson, Elton John and the like. He was asked this morning about how he would feel judging a flower show and said he would happily accept the challenge. So with John and Debbie from Les Jardins des Espiemonts we will have no problem with judging.
We meet at last: Roger and Eileen |
Programme change at Le Colombier
Important Update: Programme change for 10th May
Michael Lunts’ award-winning one-man show, A Meeting of Minds,
will be our first event for FET at Le Colombier
on 10th May (doors open at 6.30 )
This extraordinary blend of music and drama recreates the remarkable encounters
between Sergei Rachmaninov and his hypnotist, Dr. Dahl,
which led to the creation of the Second Piano Concerto.
Rachmaninov’s best-loved composition, forever associated with the film Brief Encounter,
will be played live by Michael Lunts as the intriguing story unfolds.
We already have 60 bookings, so if you are interested please contact us soon and don’t forget, there are only 120 seats at Le Colombier…
The show originally scheduled for May 10th, Kemp’s Jig, unfortunately had to be cancelled.
Sadly, Chris Harris is seriously ill and is unable to be here.
Many of you have already bought your tickets and of course if you prefer not to attend,
we will either refund your tickets or hold them for a further event. If so please contact.....Nigel Baillie Tickets are 15 euros for members,20 euros for non members
We are sure you will not be disappointed;
Michael Lunts has an enormous following and has taken his many one-man shows around the world to great acclaim.
Friends of English Theatre at Le Colombier
Le Chevalier Noir
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Wonderful mornings in South West France
Oh, to be in South West France,
Now that April's here
And whoever wakes in South West France
Sees some morning unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the oak treebole are in tiny leaf,
While the nightingale sings on the orchard bough
In South West France now.
Plagerised from Home-Thoughts, from Abroad is a poem by Robert Browning. It was written in 1845 while Browning was on a visit to northern Italy.
Val says We are rushing to get off to the plant fair, getting parked as near as possible to the plants is useful for us. So the above is a TAG filler.
Val says We are rushing to get off to the plant fair, getting parked as near as possible to the plants is useful for us. So the above is a TAG filler.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Making a show of ourselves
You will remember me putting on information on TAG about our village flower show in England, Binfield Heath Flower Show just outside Henley. Malc and I were very pleased in our first entries to win the prize for chutney with my Mother's prize winning recipe, and also the first prize for our apples and second prize for our plums. We were very impressed with the whole event and really fancy doing the same thing here in our village in Varen.
Martine Lyon at Puylaroque also fancied doing a similar thing in their village, as does Debbie from Les Jardins des Espiemonts.
Having talked about it one can see quite a bit of thought and preparation would be needed to get it "just right"
Martine and I both agreed we would like to do it in our villages using salle des fetes and outside space around those areas and we have to arrange it for everyone not just our compatriots.
My plan now is to talk to all the French organisers of the summer activities and alert them to what I am planning and then get a mixed nationality team ready for for next summer and
A friend has given me information about their summer fete near Canterbury and it is really useful info. to work with. Below is a dish of prize winning runner beans, on a white plate, the right number and equal length, well done Liz. I have just noticed it was the novice class!
Early next Spring I will give details of plant and flower categories, cakes and flower arranging etc. That will give you time to grow your exceptional leeks or sweet peas.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Martine Lyon at Puylaroque also fancied doing a similar thing in their village, as does Debbie from Les Jardins des Espiemonts.
Having talked about it one can see quite a bit of thought and preparation would be needed to get it "just right"
Martine and I both agreed we would like to do it in our villages using salle des fetes and outside space around those areas and we have to arrange it for everyone not just our compatriots.
My plan now is to talk to all the French organisers of the summer activities and alert them to what I am planning and then get a mixed nationality team ready for for next summer and
A friend has given me information about their summer fete near Canterbury and it is really useful info. to work with. Below is a dish of prize winning runner beans, on a white plate, the right number and equal length, well done Liz. I have just noticed it was the novice class!
![]() |
Prize winning beans |
Early next Spring I will give details of plant and flower categories, cakes and flower arranging etc. That will give you time to grow your exceptional leeks or sweet peas.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Gardening show,
Firewood ... please
Dear Val,
My name is Rachel Wright , over the past 7 years bought a ruin and renovated it, completing in 3 years ago.I am currently staying at our house in St Grat, Vailhourles for three months.
I am running out fire wood from our log store from last year, due to the current weather! Could you please let me know of a reliable source of fire wood for my 2 wood burners. I don't have any extra heating yet as that still has to be put in later this year.
Hope you can help,
Many thanks,
Rachel rachelowright@aol.com
Val says Can anyone help Rachel find a wood man ?
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Val says Can anyone help Rachel find a wood man ?
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Guided tours of Penne Chateau in May
La Forteresse médiévale de Penne et les guides de l’AGIT vous proposent des visites guidées afin de découvrir le site, son architecture, les travaux de restaurations engagés pour sa sauvegarde, son évolution.
Dates: Dimanche 1er mai, 8 mai, 29 mai
Horaires: 15h et 16h30
Durée: 1h environ
Horaires du site: En semaine de 14h à 18h
Les week-ends et jours fériés de 10h30 à 12h30 et 14h à 19h comments to taglines82@gmail.com
English books tomorrow in the Salle des fetes, St. Antonin
please could you announce the "vide-bibliothèque" on the blog a second time as we forgot to specify that English books will also be proposed.
The salle des fêtes will host the sale : it appears that rain will be our lot tomorrow.![*:( Tristesse]()
Many thanks
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Albi marathon tomorrow
Hi ValJust in case anyone was thinking about going to Albi tomorrow for a jolly day out. It's the marathon/half marathon and 10k. So if anyone is going, give the runners a cheer.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Wine tasting and Food at Relais Mont Le Viaur St Andre De Najac
Hi Val and Malcolm
Thank you for a delightful lunch yesterday, good food and wine with the added pleasure of meeting some new people.
The wine tasting went well; last night, 38euro for Formule Vins et Repas which we considered good value, the wine was from Chateau Grezan who are based near Fougeres, some of the reds were very good. I am not sure if you know the Relais Mont Le Viaur in St Andre, its about our third visit , we certainly rate it 4 out of 5, they apparently hold the wine tastings regularly , I believe each month ...definately worth watching out for.
thanks once again
c u soon
joan and frank xx
Val says The restaurant in TOFs has got reviews, one from us I think.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
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