Friday 10 August 2012


I thought TAG readers might be interested in a piece I read recently in a French consumer magazine, on this subject.  It has been illegal for many years to use an actual detector of radar emissions in France - in fact even having one in the car would get you a fine and points.  But now, since 5th January 2012, it is illegal to have a radar warning device which works on GPS, or to have your SatNav capable of identifying French radar speed check sites.  And of course the French are in the process of removing those helpful warning signs that tell you you're approaching a radar speed trap, and what the speed limit is! 

The article reads as follows (I'll translate below): Interdiction des avertisseurs de radar.  Depuis le 5 janvier, finis les bips-bips à l'approche d'un radar! Il est interdit d'utiliser des boîtiers GPS et des applications pour smart-phones capable de localiser les radars. Les automobilistes continuant d'utiliser un appareil non conforme risquent une amende de €1.500 et le retrait de 6 points du permis de conduire. Si l'on possède un navigateur GPS, il faut désactiver la détection des radars ou installer une mise à jour sur le site Internet du fabricant qui effacera ces données. 

In English:  Ban on radar warning devices.  Since 5 January, no more warning beeps as you approach a police speed trap! It is forbidden to use SatNavs and similar smart phone aps capable of identifying the position of radar speed traps. Drivers continuing to use a device which does not conform [with the new law] risk a fine of €1,500 plus the loss of 6 points from their driving licence. If you own a SatNav you need to de-activate its radar detection function, or install an update available on the maker's web site which will remove this information. 

Having found out that I'm breaking the law, I'm about to make these changes to our Garmin SatNav - and can tell anyone by email where on their web site the instructions to do this are hidden, if this helps.  However I've so far found it only in French - no-one seems to have considered warning our British guests coming over this Summer of the need to adapt their SatNavs to make them legal in France, making them easy targets for the gendarmes up and down the country...

Chris Robinson