PARISOT opens its arms to our refugees.
They are going to be missed at Bruniquel and Verfeil
but on their first visit to the village of Parisot this afternoon, the welcome from all was amazing, so welcoming.
I arrived after lunch with a vacuum and some trainers which fit, Cinderella shoes, "they fit " I cried to Hafez who had been walking around in flip flops.
Talking to the Afghans I realised they were keen to look at the village.
As we were getting ready to leave with the first car full of Afghans and a second load of Africans we were greeted by two local ladies so keen to offer help. They were both very interested French cooks, they told me and wondered if they could invite boys for a meal. When they heard the boys all liked cooking they laughed and said " maybe they will cook for us?"
Then two car loads later we wondered around the village, which being Wednesday was mainly closed.
The library was however open and the boys loved it. They could not get over you could borrow things for free, including DVD's and the ones who had not seen Paddington 2 wondered if that would be there.
In the library at Parisot |
A lady who used to be a teacher at the local school approached us and said she would like to give the boys French lessons, brilliant contact, I have her card to pass on the info to Anais.
Val Hudspeth from the friperie was in the library and said the boys would be welcome at the friperie, there may be useful things for them.
The only down side is the boys have been told that they cannot go to the local bar on a night for the music, in case of trouble. I can only think the locals might cause trouble our boys certainly will not. They have had enough trouble to last them a life time.
I have just had a thought if they cannot go to the music perhaps the music can go to them. They have a big hall perfect for events, I am sure the jam session players could go to them occasionally. Our boys love cooking and music or music and cooking, not sure in which order.
Today I thank you Parisot