Sunday 3 May 2015

TAG international news

Hi Val and Malc,

Like Marie Pierre, I will add that to me TAG has become also  now  an international media.since readers come from all continents. 
As President Mubarak said once  " I know within minutes all about the world thanks to CNN " ,  I would say. ( more modestly , and safely perhaps..)  that with TAG,  I learn in a day everything of interest  about what's on around  Varen, the pearl of " les confins du Quercy, du Rouergue , et de l'Albigeois" !!!
Unfortunately we have no respountchous here. I am teasing a bit, but not so much. Hope you  laugh again today.
Val says  second homer "B" a famous ( well famous in our group) ex Varen summer  resident since childhood, who now has a home in Laos and a second home in Laguepie,( or the other way round) and always makes us smile.
On the subject of Varen - the ecole privée / Roman  Catholic St. Josephs  has had to close for lack of pupils. There is of course another school in the village.