Tuesday 12 May 2015

Shenanigans in the Shallows

Dear Val and Malcolm,

A case of been in the right place at the right

It was going to be hot today so I thought, walk the dog early, then a spot of shopping later.  We went the the Parc de la Lere which has a number of lakes you can wander around, suddenly, ooh what's that? a big splash.   I thought Lottie had overcome her fear of water and gone in for a swim but no.  Another large splash, then there were large ripples on the water and they were coming our way, could this be a relative of Nessie?

It took a while to work it out (well it was early) that these were fish, in fact they were Carp in the process of spawning.  The female noses around in the shallow areas of the water where it is warmer and deposits her eggs,  the male follows closely behind fertilising them.  You will see from the 'photos that they come right out of the water and they also came really close to where I was sitting so I was doused in the pungent smell of turfed up river mud, well that is why showers were invented.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com