News and views from the Tarn, Aveyron and Tarn and Garonne corner of South West France.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Parisot Literary Festival
OCTOBER 10, 11th and 12th
I am delighted to announce the official launch of the second bi-lingual Parisot Literary Festival. Following the great success of our first festival last year we have decided to make this an annual event. Our aim is to bring exciting writers to our small village in SW France and provide a setting where they and their readers can meet and talk in a convivial atmosphere. We aim also to attract readers from beyond our immediate locality, and to make the Parisot Literary Festival an event not to be missed.
We have been working hard to produce an exciting and varied programme for this year’s festival and, with 6 French writers and 7 English, we think we have something for everyone: new fiction, non fiction, workshops, a book sale, a cookery demonstration and tasting and of course our ‘supper with the writers’ on Saturday evening. All of these events, except the Saturday night dinner, are entirely free of charge.
We have set up a Festival website which you will find at which gives the full timetable for the festival, information on all participating authors, the Maree Giles masterclass, the calligraphy workshop, our Second Hand Book sale and Friends of the Festival. There is also a link to the full 12 page programme and to our festival blog ( where you will find rolling news items and articles, in both English and French, posted between now and October. Printed copies of the programme will be available in September from the Parisot Library and other outlets in the area. For all further information on the festival and for all bookings, please contact:
I very much hope you will come and join us and help to make this second festival a big success. Please also forward this to anyone you know who might be interested to come along.
I hope to see you there!
Kind regards.
Gina Connolly
What would Asterix think?
The popularity of the stories of ancient Gaule is based on a fascination with that time in France's history which we ancient Britons seem to have forgotten in our history. So inspired by the Gauls was a viticulteur in the champagne region that he spent his life with his eyes glued to the soil, looking for signs of their passing.
As the years went by his collection of coins, jewels, artefacts and other paraphernalia grew. So much so that with modern technology (a metal detector and a pilot's licence to overfly the terrain looking for archaeological sites) his collection became very extensive - and very valuable. Naturally this attracted the attention of the authorities. And has ended up with the wine maker being prosecuted for illegal excavation of sites of historical interest. He defended himself by saying he was a "gaule de souche" and only kept gaulist items, throwing Roman objects back into the ground. He had not declared his finds because landowners did not want archaeologists digging up their land (mostly vineyards). The court has been asked to declare the finds the property of the state and the excise men want 180000 euros in duties.
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As the years went by his collection of coins, jewels, artefacts and other paraphernalia grew. So much so that with modern technology (a metal detector and a pilot's licence to overfly the terrain looking for archaeological sites) his collection became very extensive - and very valuable. Naturally this attracted the attention of the authorities. And has ended up with the wine maker being prosecuted for illegal excavation of sites of historical interest. He defended himself by saying he was a "gaule de souche" and only kept gaulist items, throwing Roman objects back into the ground. He had not declared his finds because landowners did not want archaeologists digging up their land (mostly vineyards). The court has been asked to declare the finds the property of the state and the excise men want 180000 euros in duties.
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Seventy years ago Saint Euxpéry was killed in an aeroplane accident
The author of the classic children's story " Le Petit Prince" was killed in an aeroplane accident 70 years ago today. I love that story and it was where I learnt the verb "apprivoiser" to tame.
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July 31 st, 100 years ago Jean Jaures was shot
We hear so much about Jean Jaurès this year here in France , we had to explain who he was to our English children. This date 100 years ago he was shot by Raoul Villain.
Le 31 juillet, Jean Jaurès tombait sous les balles de Raoul Villain. 100 ans après, jour pour jour, la France rend un hommage solennel et unanime à la grande voix humaniste qui porte toujours le message de paix et de justice.
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Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Help will be needed at the book swap
As I could not make the last swap there will be masses of books this time, probably more than we will be able to get in our car.
At the swap I will sort them out near the end into what stays for next time and what goes to Emmaus. If I can then take what stays, will two or three people offer to take the extra Emmaus bags. At any dechetterie they can be handed in and then Emmaus picks them up.
Please offer this time to give us a hand as we cannot end up leaving books at the Gazpacho.
Contact me Val to say you can take a couple of bags.
Many thanks
Val says three ladies have offered help but if we look as if we need help on the day, more help gratefully received.
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At the swap I will sort them out near the end into what stays for next time and what goes to Emmaus. If I can then take what stays, will two or three people offer to take the extra Emmaus bags. At any dechetterie they can be handed in and then Emmaus picks them up.
Please offer this time to give us a hand as we cannot end up leaving books at the Gazpacho.
Contact me Val to say you can take a couple of bags.
Many thanks
Val says three ladies have offered help but if we look as if we need help on the day, more help gratefully received.
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A 3 month old bichon abandonned, holiday time of course!
merci pour starsky et vicky mais on a encore un abandon!
Il s'agit d'une petite chienne d'environ 3 mois, type bichon, elle est so cute comme tous les bébés!!
merci pour elle!
mes coordonnées:
sur facebook maeva vayron
ps: il y a un bal avec un repas à feneyrols le 8 aout.
Well travelled Shiva needs a home
Hi Val. Any chance you could put this lovely young border cross on your blog? Any help appreciated in which case pick whichever photo you think will work best. Many thanks, Nicci
9 month old female border cross for adoption
Chanel (formerly known as Shiva) was brought in from Romania and adopted here in France a few weeks ago, unfortunately the family dog won`t accept her and attacks her.
Chanel (formerly known as Shiva) was brought in from Romania and adopted here in France a few weeks ago, unfortunately the family dog won`t accept her and attacks her.
She is currently with a foster family here in the Aveyron and under the care of the Association Protection Rapprochée.
Vaccinated (including against Rabies), spayed and micro-chipped : 642 098 1000 14988
DOB : 26/10/2013
She`s a shy/scared, very calm and sweet natured dog who gets on with everyone (dogs, cats & children).
Adoption fees, covering her costs : 200€
Mandatory adoption application to complete and pre-visit by a member of the association obligatory.
Please contact or call Marie on 06 88 57 50 02 (french speaking)
Become friends on Facebook -ée/244618889045342
No ordinary folk'n' jazz
Every folk'n'jazz is different but this one is going to be very special. Once the decision had been taken to have an evening to commemorate the outbreak of world war 1 everyone has pulled out all the stops to make sure that it really will be "an evening to remember". ( Rehearsals started the day after the last folk'n'jazz evening)
Regulars will be joined by guests from Montauban folk club and the Fifi singers for a programme of nostalgic music,songs and poems from the period. In order to fit everything in the evening will not be quite as casual as usual and the usual "folk clubby intros" will be minimal with a souvenir programme ( in English and French) telling the stories ( don't forget your reading glasses!).
Judging by the phone calls we have had asking for directions there will be a good mixed nationality crowd so get there in good time and have a garden chair in the boot in case the chairs run out!
The venue is La Vigerie at St Vincent de Varen just outside Varen
Parking will be signposted.
The evening starts at 8.00 sharp, entry is free, just bring yourselves a drink and nibbles if you want to.
Sue Carter
Val says We have also had phone calls from French people asking where Mas del Sol is ( in one leaflet the wrong venue was given) We have directed them to the Vigerie. I do hope if there are a number of French people some concession will be made with introductions in both languages, but I am sure it will and the programmes in French and English are a brilliant idea.
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Join Becky Brown and her choir
Hi Val,
Since January this year I've been singing with the Voices choir in Villefranche. There are three Voices choirs for different ages and from September there will be a 4th which I have been asked to conduct. The choir for adults will be suitable for beginners, or those who like singing but have not necessarily sung in a choir before. Everything will be sung with music and you are not required to be able to read music as all the parts will be recorded individually and available to download online to aid learning at home. The repertoire will consist of more popular music in both French and English (yes I have managed to sneak a Beatles number in there!) and the rehearsals will be carried out in my 'improving everyday' French!
Rehearsals will take place on a Monday evenings in Villefranche and you can find out more about the Voices choirs and how to sign up on the Voices website (where you can also listen to recordings of all the different choirs.)
I need at least 15 people to get the choir going so I hope some of you will come and join me!
Becky x
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Since January this year I've been singing with the Voices choir in Villefranche. There are three Voices choirs for different ages and from September there will be a 4th which I have been asked to conduct. The choir for adults will be suitable for beginners, or those who like singing but have not necessarily sung in a choir before. Everything will be sung with music and you are not required to be able to read music as all the parts will be recorded individually and available to download online to aid learning at home. The repertoire will consist of more popular music in both French and English (yes I have managed to sneak a Beatles number in there!) and the rehearsals will be carried out in my 'improving everyday' French!
Rehearsals will take place on a Monday evenings in Villefranche and you can find out more about the Voices choirs and how to sign up on the Voices website (where you can also listen to recordings of all the different choirs.)
I need at least 15 people to get the choir going so I hope some of you will come and join me!
Becky x
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Why not today?
In Laguepie today at the weekly market was a bunch of young players touring France on their holls. They were from the Reims area in the North and we were not sure if they were collecting money for a good cause or themselves. Anyway we enjoyed them so much we were happy to subsidise them with some euros thrown into the hat. Happy holidays boys and girls.
Why not today... the sun shines
Why not today... no more wars
Why not today ... ice creams at tea time.
We will never know " why not today"
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Malc says: I googled them and they are composed of medical students who enliven sporting and other events with their "santé fortissimo" playing. definitely cheered up a dull market morning.
Why not today... the sun shines
Why not today... no more wars
Why not today ... ice creams at tea time.
We will never know " why not today"
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Malc says: I googled them and they are composed of medical students who enliven sporting and other events with their "santé fortissimo" playing. definitely cheered up a dull market morning.
Hey ho here we go.. riding on a donkey
The fields are a lush green, and the area is beautiful, so walking the lanes is a pleasure. Annie has booked another ride tomorrow morning and the relaxed manner of riding, arms crossed shows she is now up to doing tricks. Filou the big white chap gave a bare back ride to some visiting Dutch grandchildren whilst we were out. A great photo opportunity for parents. Comments to

Who is a knitter amongst us?
Hello Val
Do you happen to know of anyone who is a keen knitter and would be willing to knit some baby clothes for me....well not me exactly...but our daughter, Susannah? She is due to give birth early/mid November and has asked for some home knits. We think the baby is going to be a girl, but not 100% sure yet. Whilst I can knit, time is running away with me and I won't be able to have them ready for November. Unlike Lillian in The Archers, I will, of course, 'fess up' to not doing them myself!
My contact details as follows:
Yvonne Machin
Les Mazieres
12270 Lunac
Tel: 05 65 81 21 10
Kind regards.
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Do you happen to know of anyone who is a keen knitter and would be willing to knit some baby clothes for me....well not me exactly...but our daughter, Susannah? She is due to give birth early/mid November and has asked for some home knits. We think the baby is going to be a girl, but not 100% sure yet. Whilst I can knit, time is running away with me and I won't be able to have them ready for November. Unlike Lillian in The Archers, I will, of course, 'fess up' to not doing them myself!
My contact details as follows:
Yvonne Machin
Les Mazieres
12270 Lunac
Tel: 05 65 81 21 10
Kind regards.
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Gospel singers at St. Antonin
Hi Val
For those who may not have seen the flyers in the village, and who may be interested, the Glory Gospel Singers from New York are giving a performance in the church of St Antonin on Saturday 16th August at 21h. Tickets are on sale at the tourist office, 18 euros. Seats are not numbered.
Barry and I will be going.
May be see you there,
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Eurostar direct to Marseille
From 1st May next year (2015) Eurostar will be running a London-Marseille direct service, the journey will take about 6.30 hours, stopping at Lyon and Avignon.
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The maire didn't like the sculpture..
so he had it painted blue. Not our newly-friendly maire, you understand. A recently elected Front National maire decided that the sculpture, a fountain, was a bit dull, so had it painted in two shades of blue (bleu marine peut-etre?). The artist is unsurprisingly a bit miffed, but the maire of the eastern France town fails to see the fuss and offered to sell the sculpture back to the artist.
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Lac de Parisot and the uncommonwealth games
The sun shone briefly when we got to Parisot Lac this morning. We had a ball to play netball on the court next to the lake. Divided into teams, I was the last to be picked, but someone had to have me. The game was a fast moving, quick scoring one with me being a runner, Malc being a blocker on the opposing team and the two lanky ones being shooters.
The score was 5 all, when there was a bit of rough stuff where someone got an elbow in the eye and father of the children was shown the red card.
A tired and disgruntled set of family players made their way to the restaurant in the wooden hut, which by the way comes highly recommended. The food was excellent but the chilly wind and lack of sun took us back years to being children, on the beach at Saltburn. Today it was so chilly you could have been forgiven for thinking we were in the North of England rather than in SW France!
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A tired and disgruntled set of family players made their way to the restaurant in the wooden hut, which by the way comes highly recommended. The food was excellent but the chilly wind and lack of sun took us back years to being children, on the beach at Saltburn. Today it was so chilly you could have been forgiven for thinking we were in the North of England rather than in SW France!
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Man with a van called Graham
Thanks val,
cheque in the post. We would like to take this opportunity of
thanking TAG users for supporting our new venture, 'Man with a Van'. We have had some interesting jobs - moved a settee, picked up an IKEA
kitchen, delivered 30 sheets of plaster board, helped people de clutter
and removed unwanted items. We are now venturing a little further and have
a couple of bookings from UK to France, so a big thank you and please
contact us if we can help you move goods from pillar to post!
Graham and Beryl.
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Tuesday, 29 July 2014
And this little mite, misses his owner, so now needs you.
Contact Maeva if you can give a home to this little tuck under your arm treasure.
Two dogs needing homes
hey Val,
j'espère que vous et votre mari allez bien?
Si je vous écris c'est que d'un je sais que je peux compter sur vous pour diffuser mes annonces.
Alors commençons par la bonne nouvelle, Berger est adopté, après un an de recherche le toutou a trouvé sa famille, vous pouvez donc retirer sa bouille rousse de votre blog.
La mauvaise c'est que c'est l'été et les abandons vont bon train.
je vous présente donc Vicky un petit mâle yorkshire de 9 ans, il s'entend avec tout le monde! Sa maitresse est partie en maison de retraite! il cherche une famille d'urgence!!
il y a aussi starsky, 7 ans, le croisé labrador de 40 kg, c'est un bon chien de ferme, il aime tout le monde et est très proche de son maître! il est très obéissant!
merci pour eux Val!!!
Val says
The good news is that after a year Berger has been adopted. The bad news is that lots of dogs are being abandoned for the summer.
The little yorkie needs a home after its elderly lady owner has gone into an old people's home.
The black lab who looks just like our Twister, likes to be with you and is very obedient.
Contact Maeva if you would like to see the dogs with a view to adopting.
Elly at Parisot Art festival
Hello Val,
I would be grateful if you would put the attached invitation on TAG please. I shall be sending email invitations to people on my mailing list, but I am sure your site will reach far more people than I ever can on my own.
Should anyone buy a painting and they mention that they ‘READ ABOUT IT ON TAG-ON-LINE BLOGSPOT’ I will be pleased to make a donation to one of your charities of course. Hope to welcome you and Malc there too.
Kind regards,
Elly Wright
Many of us have tamed " chats sauvage" but these two cuties might be beyond us!
Two rare Sri Lankan leopard cubs have been born in a zoo in northern France, a boost for a sub-species of which only about 700 remain in the wild, the head of the zoo said Tuesday.
"There are only a few of them in capitivity with about 60 spread across some 20 European zoos," said Jimmy Ebel, of Maubeuge Zoo. "These leopards are under great threat due to deforestation and poaching."
The cubs were born on July 1 and weighed around two kilos.
The House at Zaronza, by local author Vanessa Couchman, published today
Dear Val,
My historical novel, The House at Zaronza, is published today by Crooked Cat Books!
Set in early 20th-century Corsica and at the Western Front in World War I, it tells the story of Maria Orsini, the daughter of a bourgeois family in a Corsican village. A new schoolmaster comes to the village and they carry on a secret romance, but Maria’s family has other ideas for her future. She becomes a volunteer nurse during the war and the novel follows her fortunes through the war and beyond.
The novel is loosely inspired by a true story, which we uncovered on holiday in Corsica a couple of years ago. Corsica is a captivating island with a fascinating history.
With the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I less than a week away, the book covers a topical subject. I did a lot of research both about Corsican history and culture and about nursing in World War I.
It’s available in paperback and e-book formats from Amazon ( and com and also on fr):
The Kindle version is on special offer during the week of publication.
Many thanks for your support, Val, which is greatly appreciated.
Vanessa Couchman x
Val says well done Vanessa, I have ordered my copy on Amazon
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Val says well done Vanessa, I have ordered my copy on Amazon
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Heureusement nous sommes bien!
The game today is whenever it rains or anyone moans about the weather you gain points for being the first one to say " heureusement nous sommes bien". Try it, it could make everyone laugh.
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Unusually wet in July
75 litres of rain per square metre, the Depeche lets us know it has been wetter than normal!
Le mois de juillet aussi a eu son lot de précipitations, puisque plus de 75 litres d'eau au mètre carré sont tombés, soit plus du double qu'à la normale.
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Bad weather ideas
Hi Val,
We have guests here too. Teens in fact. Weather has been hard for us too. We've done - Peche Merle pre-historic art caves, museum of natural history in Montauban (funniest place ever), Ingres museum in Montauban (just across the street from the Museum of Natural History), Toulouse Lautrec museum and just for fun, in the rain, we went to Cahors and found the 27 secret gardens. Sometimes you just have to put on the rain coats and go for it.
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We have guests here too. Teens in fact. Weather has been hard for us too. We've done - Peche Merle pre-historic art caves, museum of natural history in Montauban (funniest place ever), Ingres museum in Montauban (just across the street from the Museum of Natural History), Toulouse Lautrec museum and just for fun, in the rain, we went to Cahors and found the 27 secret gardens. Sometimes you just have to put on the rain coats and go for it.
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Monday, 28 July 2014
What is wrong with the weather?
Looking at the meteo, there is still no prospect of the weather settling down in the near future. Sun and rain for the next few days alternating with possibility of storms.
I never remember a holiday with the family where we spent so little time in the pool and we need to have inventive ideas of how to entertain ourselves.
One of our holiday games we like to play seriously is "croquet" but even that has not been easy with grass shooting up and wellies rather than flip flops being needed on one's feet.
If readers have any ideas for poor weather entertainment please send them to TAG.
Ideas to
I never remember a holiday with the family where we spent so little time in the pool and we need to have inventive ideas of how to entertain ourselves.
One of our holiday games we like to play seriously is "croquet" but even that has not been easy with grass shooting up and wellies rather than flip flops being needed on one's feet.
If readers have any ideas for poor weather entertainment please send them to TAG.
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Another good thing to do on a wet day
Visit le grotte du Bosc above St. Antonin, ancient caves with stalagmites and stalactites. Our family went this morning and had the hours tour and were impressed. The seven year old came racing in to us saying "Grandma it was amazing" although the 13 year old prefered Cheddar gorge cave !
For adults 7 euros, children and students 4.50 small children free. Open from 10 am till 6 in July and August and even open over lunchtime. The walls of the grotte were apparently lined with chicken wire last year to stop the visitors " pinching" the stalagmites!
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For adults 7 euros, children and students 4.50 small children free. Open from 10 am till 6 in July and August and even open over lunchtime. The walls of the grotte were apparently lined with chicken wire last year to stop the visitors " pinching" the stalagmites!
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Grand Soirée Africaine at Sautou
The last soirée Africaine at Sautou was just brilliant, with an African band with young lithe men dancers and drummers. The drums, the drums, the bongo drums were just brilliant, we had a super evening so will definitely be going again. I am not sure if it is the same group " Amounia Ziety" but I will ask Jean Marie. The evening was arranged around the floodlit swimming pool which has a stage at one end, especially for entertainments such as this.
Come along, if you have never been to Sautou before it is a good opportunity.
Come along, if you have never been to Sautou before it is a good opportunity.
Tango Argentin in Varen
Tango Argentin with Christian on keyboard, all happening in the Halle at Varen Thursday 14th Aug. 20h30 free entry but if you want more info 0563654509
Organised in participation with L'Eclat.
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Organised in participation with L'Eclat.
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Annie get your gun!
Little Annie at seven is a "dead eyed shot" Here at the Fair in Varen, she shot every balloon in sight and choose a gun and a bow and arrow as her prizes. Grandma tried to steer her to a beach ball or cuddly toys to no avail. Gone are the days when those " Cinderella heeled shoes are chosen"
Don't mess with our Annie in the next few days.!
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Don't mess with our Annie in the next few days.!
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Government to attack "monopolies"
Certain professions and trades are protected by law or regulations which according to a report by the Inspection des Finances give them a monopoly which is against the public interest. For example pharmacies are the only places where you can buy non-prescription items such as cough medicines and aspirins. The result is higher prices for the consumer. The same with taxis, ambulances, driving schools etc. The report recommends the government to make it easier to offer these services to introduce more competition and lower prices.
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Espinas, Fenaisons à l'ancienne
Espinas fete in the summer is one of the best around the area. The Fenaisons has through the day ancient agricultural machinery, alongside heavy horses set up for ploughing, caleche rides and always a wonderful atmosphere.
On the evening of 16th August a group occitane called Nadau who are very well known to the French come and sing, all our French friends are going (and some English) and Espinas will be packed.
Last year the group came to Laguepie and if it was because we were right at the back of the crowds and struggled to hear and could not understand the occitane jokes and their was more talking than singing I was out of my depth (I felt it was just like the French must feel when they listen to us speak English and tell jokes in their presence ... totally lost)
I think whereas I love " Bombes 2 bal" and their dancey music for me Nadau and jokes in Occitane are a step too far for an evenings entertainment, but do not let me put you off, the music is good and everyone has different reactions.
The group are on at 21.30h reservation 0643477587 restauration sur place 19h
On the 17th of August at 10.30 there will be a mass in Occitan
11.30 an apero gratuit
15h the fenaisons d' antan
20h30 Grand repas campagnard
Adults 16 euros Reservations as above. or comité
Just writing this post made me remember last year and how difficult it can be if you do not understand the language. I was invited to an evening with Dutch friends once and they all could not help speaking there own language, once again I was lost and remember trying to smile when they all laughed, it is a most rotten experience. Imagine how the French must feel in their own country being invited to be with English speakers and then listening to everyone speak a language you do not understand. We have to consider this and put ourselves in their shoes. No good saying " the French do it to us" ( believe it or not this has been said to me!) We are living in France for heavens sake.
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On the evening of 16th August a group occitane called Nadau who are very well known to the French come and sing, all our French friends are going (and some English) and Espinas will be packed.
Last year the group came to Laguepie and if it was because we were right at the back of the crowds and struggled to hear and could not understand the occitane jokes and their was more talking than singing I was out of my depth (I felt it was just like the French must feel when they listen to us speak English and tell jokes in their presence ... totally lost)
I think whereas I love " Bombes 2 bal" and their dancey music for me Nadau and jokes in Occitane are a step too far for an evenings entertainment, but do not let me put you off, the music is good and everyone has different reactions.
The group are on at 21.30h reservation 0643477587 restauration sur place 19h
On the 17th of August at 10.30 there will be a mass in Occitan
11.30 an apero gratuit
15h the fenaisons d' antan
20h30 Grand repas campagnard
Adults 16 euros Reservations as above. or comité
Just writing this post made me remember last year and how difficult it can be if you do not understand the language. I was invited to an evening with Dutch friends once and they all could not help speaking there own language, once again I was lost and remember trying to smile when they all laughed, it is a most rotten experience. Imagine how the French must feel in their own country being invited to be with English speakers and then listening to everyone speak a language you do not understand. We have to consider this and put ourselves in their shoes. No good saying " the French do it to us" ( believe it or not this has been said to me!) We are living in France for heavens sake.
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Sunday, 27 July 2014
Elvis has fallen on his paws
Hi ValComments to
Elvis now has a new home with a young french couple who have had cats before and are very happy to have him. I think he has fallen on his paws!
Thanks for your help
Fiona and Andrea
More physiotherapists
Hi Val
Both Nick and I use Veronique and Pierre at the cabinet in Parisot. They
are both very good and have given us both excellent treatment for our
various hip, back and neck ailments over the last couple of years. The
phone number is 05 63 28 24 72
Hope that helps
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are both very good and have given us both excellent treatment for our
various hip, back and neck ailments over the last couple of years. The
phone number is 05 63 28 24 72
Hope that helps
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The next book swap is only a week away
Monday 4th of August will be the next book swap at St. Antonin, as always 10.30am at the Gazpacho. There will be loads of new books to choose from but I think DVD's are getting a bit sparse.( if you have any you do not want please bring them along.)
I will give another reminder nearer the time. Chris and Karen have given info. about ordering from the British Corner shop.
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I will give another reminder nearer the time. Chris and Karen have given info. about ordering from the British Corner shop.
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Le Bouton Rouge
Dear Val,I hope that this finds you well and enjoying the lovely sunshine.
I wonder if I might ask for your help with a little publicity for an exhibition of textile work made by Ankie de Jager and I to be held in Caylus from the 9th - 16th August. I have attached a short piece inviting people along which we hope you might be able to use to go in TAG on-line.
I have also attached a jpeg of our poster which goes with the text. If you have any problems, please do let me know what you need and I will send you things in another way.
Many thanks as always,
Kathryn Humphries
I wonder if I might ask for your help with a little publicity for an exhibition of textile work made by Ankie de Jager and I to be held in Caylus from the 9th - 16th August. I have attached a short piece inviting people along which we hope you might be able to use to go in TAG on-line.
I have also attached a jpeg of our poster which goes with the text. If you have any problems, please do let me know what you need and I will send you things in another way.
Many thanks as always,
Kathryn Humphries
Ordering with the group from the British Corner Shop
Hi Val
We thought we'd put in another group order to British Corner Shop during August, having collected people's wish lists at the Book Swap on August 4th. Delivery will be to the September Book Swap, expected to be Monday 1st. This order doesn't need to be a huge one, since the next one will be in November, to bring over anything book swappers might need in the run up to Christmas.
We ordered for a group of 10 in January, and again in May, spending a total of over £1,000 - so clearly there are British treats which people living here like to receive. In fact, as I think you observed, Val, when the package arrives at the following Book Swap it's like getting presents, even if you have bought them yourself!
All who attend the TAG Book Swaps are welcome to participate. Below is a reminder of what to do to choose the goods you want to order. We shall look forward to seeing you at the Book Swap on August 4th.
x Chris & Karen
First step: go to the British Corner Shop web site and choose what you'd like. The address is You can ignore log-in; just click on Start Shopping or Shop Now and then view products by brand, search by name, or browse by group or by category. There's a tremendous range to choose from.
Second step: don't add anything to an on-site Shopping Basket, but instead bring a note of what you've chosen, its brand, size and price, and your email address to the August Book Swap. And that's it! There won't be anything to pay in advance, and if you later find you are unable to pick up your order at the September Book Swap, we can make separate arrangements for payment and collection. British Corner Shop's delivery charge - which is shared between those ordering - is usually 5-6% of the total cost of the goods.
Val says thanks Chris and Karen, that makes it easy to understand.
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A Harry Potter fève needed.
Val says you might think it is the wrong time of year to be discussing " la fève" but on the brocante at Varen this morning, our grandchildren bought 3 Harry Potter feves. They could not find a Harry Potter one although they bought 3 other characters so now we are searching the net for small porcelain Harry Potter fiqures. Exactly how collecting begins. Often you see people searching through little baskets at brocantes looking for their missing feve.
The Galette des Rois is a way for French people to celebrate the Epiphany, the arrival of the Three Wise men (Magi). Every year, on January 6th, people gather pour tirer les rois, to find the kings. The traditional galette is cut in a very specific number of slices: one slice for each person sitting at the table plus one. The extra slice is symbolic for the first poor person passing by.
The youngest person in the room goes under the table, and announces who gets the next slice. The youngest person is said to be the most innocent one and therefore fair in the distribution of the slices. Such an importance is given to the distribution because of the lucky charm, la fève, hidden in the galette.
Initially, the lucky charm was a bean but it has since evolved and was replaced at the end of the XIXth century by porcelain trinkets, and today porcelain or plastic trinkets. Today, the diversity of lucky charms is so important that people collect them. It is called “favophilie”. If you want to learn more about favophilie, here is a French website dedicated to this hobby: click here
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A reminder that there is a concert tonight in St Antonin Church
The concert starts at 6pm and is to help raise funds for the organ. Details have been on TAG, so search if you want more.
The Restoration Consort has been formed to raise funds for the restoration of the organ in St Antonin Church. All performers are giving their time so that all public donations can be put towards the organ restoration fund. The organ in St Antonin Noble Val has seen better days, and cannot be used for performances now. Once restored it will be a centrepiece for music in the region.
The group of 11 people comprises local and professional musicians from England. They will perform A Capella music from Renaissance, Baroque and 20th Century. Many locals and tourists dropped in to listen to the rehearsal yesterday and were clearly delighted to hear the music reverberating in the fine acoustic of the church.
Please bring your families and friends to L’Eglise de St Antonin today, Sunday 27 July. The concert starts at 6pm so come early to make sure you get a seat. A donation of 5 euros per person is suggested.
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Motor mechanic in the area
Maybe Melvyn Smart can help you with mechanical problems?
Since a few months Melvyn and Sue Smart are living near St Antonin. Melvyn has been the owner of a garage in the UK and has decided to do some of that work also here. He is a fully qualified mechanic, with even French qualifications, and working as auto-entrepreneur. In case of problems with your car or other equipment like lawnmowers or mini tractors, he will come to you to help you with the problems.
Melvyn and Sue are living in Les Granges (between St Antonin and Septfonds). Their telephone number is +33 (0)7 81 64 88 73.
Hans Buijserd
Val says tell them to take out an advert down the side of TAG. They will get enough business to keep them going, everyone needs a good motor mechanic.( including us )
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3 days of national mourning
To mark the death of 54 French nationals in the Air Algeria crash in northern Mali last week, President Hollande has ordered that flags be flown at half mast for three days from Monday. The plane is thought to have been brought down by a sand storm.
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Faits divers,
World's best healthcare for expats in France
In this year's edition of International Living magazine's Annual Global Retirement Index. According to the magazine, the Gallic system is unbeatable for expatriated retirees.
“France provides the best health care system in the world,” it concluded, describing the medical services as “inexpensive”.
Val says one wonders how long it will be able to continue. I do not think I have ever heard of anyone dissatisfied with the health service care they have received in France, although some do complain about the hospital food.
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Tour de France ends today
The final 137.5 km stage will end today with the traditional parade up the Champs Elysees. Barring a catastrophe Sicilian Vincenzo Nibali will be the winner overall (yellow jersey), becoming only the 6th rider to win the three major Tours, France, Spain and Italy.
French fans will be delighted to see that the second and third places on the podium occupied by French riders. It will be the first time since 1997 that a Frenchman has had a podium finish.
Today will also see a women's race around the streets of Paris for the first time as part of the Tour celebrations.
French fans will be delighted to see that the second and third places on the podium occupied by French riders. It will be the first time since 1997 that a Frenchman has had a podium finish.
Today will also see a women's race around the streets of Paris for the first time as part of the Tour celebrations.
Tour de France
Off to Spain, you non French speakers!
General opinions on speaking the French language appear to be, it is polite to talk French when in the presence of the French.
It is not thought speaking French when French people are in the vicinity is something we need to do. Most people feel it is natural when we are just an English or Dutch speaking group to speak the language we are most comfortable with.
Everyone feels that speaking French is important if we live here even if it is "French with faults" by speaking French we pick things up as we go along.
Most French people are so pleased you are trying, they are happy to help you out... and if they are the one who isn't, then you probably would not want to be their friend anyway.
I have had a few remarks made about people who do not want to speak French should have gone to Spain where it does not matter if you do not speak the language, Spanish.
I think it probably does matter even in Spain if you are in a country location and not in the huge enclaves of the Costa del Sol.
From remarks made we do seem to look down on the Brits / Anglo Saxons who settle in Spain, and think these are the worst sort of settlers abroad unlike us more educated, understanding of French culture resortissants
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It is not thought speaking French when French people are in the vicinity is something we need to do. Most people feel it is natural when we are just an English or Dutch speaking group to speak the language we are most comfortable with.
Everyone feels that speaking French is important if we live here even if it is "French with faults" by speaking French we pick things up as we go along.
Most French people are so pleased you are trying, they are happy to help you out... and if they are the one who isn't, then you probably would not want to be their friend anyway.
I have had a few remarks made about people who do not want to speak French should have gone to Spain where it does not matter if you do not speak the language, Spanish.
I think it probably does matter even in Spain if you are in a country location and not in the huge enclaves of the Costa del Sol.
From remarks made we do seem to look down on the Brits / Anglo Saxons who settle in Spain, and think these are the worst sort of settlers abroad unlike us more educated, understanding of French culture resortissants
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Saturday, 26 July 2014
A TOF report on the Belle Rive at Najac
I think I like the Belle Rive best because of its view up to Najac castle. Sitting outside on the pretty terrace in the shade of the chestnut tree, with neatly laid table and lovely linen napkins, I am always in a good mood before we even talk food.
If I had a criticism it would be that the menu is pretty much the same each year, but the food is always good and we have never had a poor meal there. We started with the foie gras and then I had rainbow trout, others had veal, everyone was happy. The creme brulée with vieille prune is always a favourite. We had a bottle of chablis and a red from Languedoc and the cost for 6 people was just slightly over 200 euros.
We have been going each year for 12 years and the patrons seem to have always been the same ones.
We tell tales handed down to us of Chris Patten staying at this Hotel and liking the area so much that they then decided to buy a house here. That must have been some years ago now and he still has a family home at Laguepie.
If you are reading this Chris and would like to write a piece for TAG, please do.
Out of 5 I think this year I would give it a 4, no higher as I think I would like something to change to make it more adventurous eating, but if it was your first time you could not fail to enjoy it.
They do also have a vegetarian menu.
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If I had a criticism it would be that the menu is pretty much the same each year, but the food is always good and we have never had a poor meal there. We started with the foie gras and then I had rainbow trout, others had veal, everyone was happy. The creme brulée with vieille prune is always a favourite. We had a bottle of chablis and a red from Languedoc and the cost for 6 people was just slightly over 200 euros.
We have been going each year for 12 years and the patrons seem to have always been the same ones.
We tell tales handed down to us of Chris Patten staying at this Hotel and liking the area so much that they then decided to buy a house here. That must have been some years ago now and he still has a family home at Laguepie.
If you are reading this Chris and would like to write a piece for TAG, please do.
Out of 5 I think this year I would give it a 4, no higher as I think I would like something to change to make it more adventurous eating, but if it was your first time you could not fail to enjoy it.
They do also have a vegetarian menu.
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Physiotherapist recommendation.
Hi Val
I wondered if any of your readers have experience of any physiotherapists in or near to St Antonin which they could share with me?
My broken leg seems to be healing well and hopefully in a couple of weeks the surgeon will prescribe some physio.
One of the nurses told me that there is only Pierre Rouzard in St Antonin and that he is overworked. I would be glad to have anyone’s comments direct on 05 63 27 28 02 or via TAG of course.
Thanks a lot.
Best wishes
John Dawson
Val says I went to Pierre when I had a bad hip a year ago and was very pleased with his care and now my hip is completely better. I know of another man who had broken his leg and once again spoke highly of him and his care .Does anyone know of anyone else if this man is overworked?
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St. Antonin Fete, with fireworks
Hi Val
Here is the link to the Fete, which includes the fireworks on Sunday 10 Aug
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Here is the link to the Fete, which includes the fireworks on Sunday 10 Aug
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A funny medical story, it happened last week.
A lady went to the medical centre feeling unwell and dizzy. After tests she was advised to go to Albi for more tests and the Doctor wrote a note. In the course of the examination the Dr. asked something and the lady replied she felt dizzy. The Doctor asked how you spelt dizzy so the lady told him, thinking he needed to look it up.
On arriving at the hospital and handing over the Doctors letter and other documents needed, the hospital was puzzled by the two names Pat Smith on official documents and Pat Dizzy on the Drs note!
One wonders just how many other funny mistakes one encounters with language problems. Names have been changed to protect the innocent!
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On arriving at the hospital and handing over the Doctors letter and other documents needed, the hospital was puzzled by the two names Pat Smith on official documents and Pat Dizzy on the Drs note!
One wonders just how many other funny mistakes one encounters with language problems. Names have been changed to protect the innocent!
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Feu d'artificice / fireworks at Laguepie
Sat Aug 9th 22h sur les berges du Viaur, fireworks around the banks and up to the chateau.
Later at 23h a concert with " Houston"
Val says I think the fireworks at St. Antonin are usually a week later, will somone remind me of the date?
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Later at 23h a concert with " Houston"
Val says I think the fireworks at St. Antonin are usually a week later, will somone remind me of the date?
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Les Musicales du Rouergue
8th of August 21h Eglise de Najac Piano à 4 mains, oeuvres de Bizet, Saint-Saëns et Ravel
15th Aug. 21h Eglise de Peuch Mignon, Laguepie Rachel Schiffman, soprano et L'ensemble baroque Escapades.
13th Aug 21h Eglise romane de Lunac Oliver Mazal, recital de piano, oeuvres de Ravel, Fauré, Chabrier
17th Aug. 17.30h Eglise romane de la Salvetat des Carts Duoharpe baroque et voix.
un aperitif clôtutera ce dernier concert
Val says that is interesting a cloture( a closed space, clotutera used in the sense to close or round it off)
More info :http:/
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15th Aug. 21h Eglise de Peuch Mignon, Laguepie Rachel Schiffman, soprano et L'ensemble baroque Escapades.
13th Aug 21h Eglise romane de Lunac Oliver Mazal, recital de piano, oeuvres de Ravel, Fauré, Chabrier
17th Aug. 17.30h Eglise romane de la Salvetat des Carts Duoharpe baroque et voix.
un aperitif clôtutera ce dernier concert
Val says that is interesting a cloture( a closed space, clotutera used in the sense to close or round it off)
More info :http:/
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Long tall Sally, or in this case Charlotte.
Our granddaughter at 13 is quite tall at 5 ' 7
It made us check heights of women around the world.
In the UK women are on average 5' 4.25
French women 5' 4
Dutch women 5'7
Charlotte has Dutch jeans/ genes ( she tells me actually they are Jack Wills, but basically they did not come from Laguepie market)
The smallest women are from Bolivia 4'8
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It made us check heights of women around the world.
In the UK women are on average 5' 4.25
French women 5' 4
Dutch women 5'7
Charlotte has Dutch jeans/ genes ( she tells me actually they are Jack Wills, but basically they did not come from Laguepie market)
The smallest women are from Bolivia 4'8
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Le Musée Soulages at Rodez
Le musée Soulages at Rodez is pleased to report they have 1,000 visitors a day passing through the doors. We were interested talking to Jean Marie Nosal to hear that his father who was a painter of some renown in the era of Jean Cocteau, will be having paintings displayed at Rodez at the Soulages musée before too long. Many of his paintings were donated to Rodez by Jean Marie a few years ago. I will let you know when the exhibition is on.
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Dead for a year, found in a bungalow at an elderly persons village
They are advertised a lot on French TV, these villages of bungalows for " sénioriales" I am sure one of the reasons you would rent a bungalow is to be with your peers and have security if you were on your own. Sad to think no one would miss this person or wonder why there was never anyone at the bungalow. Where was the the caretaker we ask?
Au tribunal de grande instance de Carcassonne, le procureur de la République est le premier surpris par l'incroyable enchaînement de faits qui a masqué jusqu'à ce mardi 22 juillet la découverte du corps d'un locataire de la résidence «Les Sénioriales» à Villegly. Selon les premières constatations, l'homme était mort depuis plusieurs mois, au moins une année.
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Train tales
A lorry carrying timber cut from a wood unaccountably turned onto the railway line where a TGV headed for Bordeaux was due. The train managed to make an emergency stop and passengers suffered a few minor injuries. Presently no one knows how the lorry managed to get onto the line as it was not near a level crossing. It is thought that the driver was on an old forest track at the time.
The report into the crash at Pau between a TGV and TER train suggests that the signal which should have been red was stuck at green due to a short circuit in the cable due to its having been gnawed by rats.
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The report into the crash at Pau between a TGV and TER train suggests that the signal which should have been red was stuck at green due to a short circuit in the cable due to its having been gnawed by rats.
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New arrivals in Najac
Hi Val
We have found TAG online by chance some months ago when searching any news regarding Najac on the internet. We do find your site informative and pleasing to read and kept coming back to read more.
We are new arrivals to Najac from UK, to live here all year round. Yes, we have been warned that Najac could be dead quiet when it’s not tourist season. We bought our place in the village about a year ago and have been coming during different times of the year and still love it. The house needs doing up and once that is out of the way, we’re hoping to open an Atelier doing silversmithing (jewellery) and also some weaving.
It was great reading about things happing in the area and it’s a shame we could not attend ‘Picnic in the Park’, we were travelling down on Wednesday and got here really late. It sounded great though and glad to know all went well and that you were lucky with the weather.
Thanks Tsedey and Gareth
Val says a very big welcome to the couple, TAG has lots of readers at Najac so I am sure readers will now be looking out for you to make you welcome. Malc and I love Najac and the more people moving in and making things happen there, the better. My advice is start learning or improving your French and you will reap rewards by doing this, as you make lovely French friends and neighbours.
See you soon I am sure.
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We have found TAG online by chance some months ago when searching any news regarding Najac on the internet. We do find your site informative and pleasing to read and kept coming back to read more.
We are new arrivals to Najac from UK, to live here all year round. Yes, we have been warned that Najac could be dead quiet when it’s not tourist season. We bought our place in the village about a year ago and have been coming during different times of the year and still love it. The house needs doing up and once that is out of the way, we’re hoping to open an Atelier doing silversmithing (jewellery) and also some weaving.
It was great reading about things happing in the area and it’s a shame we could not attend ‘Picnic in the Park’, we were travelling down on Wednesday and got here really late. It sounded great though and glad to know all went well and that you were lucky with the weather.
Thanks Tsedey and Gareth
Val says a very big welcome to the couple, TAG has lots of readers at Najac so I am sure readers will now be looking out for you to make you welcome. Malc and I love Najac and the more people moving in and making things happen there, the better. My advice is start learning or improving your French and you will reap rewards by doing this, as you make lovely French friends and neighbours.
See you soon I am sure.
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Hi Val
I agree with Glynis about the crème fraiche crue which Stephanie Rives sells in her dairy behind Intermarché in La Fouillade. It is delicious, tastes nothing like the Crème Fraiche one buys in a supermarket, (which I also like!) much more like thick double cream. The name of her Dairy/shop is Nature de Lait. Her cheese range is growing and her yoghurts are delicious - I bought Sureau (Elderflower) and Lavande today but she has many other flavours.
Liz G
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I agree with Glynis about the crème fraiche crue which Stephanie Rives sells in her dairy behind Intermarché in La Fouillade. It is delicious, tastes nothing like the Crème Fraiche one buys in a supermarket, (which I also like!) much more like thick double cream. The name of her Dairy/shop is Nature de Lait. Her cheese range is growing and her yoghurts are delicious - I bought Sureau (Elderflower) and Lavande today but she has many other flavours.
Liz G
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Friday, 25 July 2014
Cream, not easy to find.
Hi Val
There are 3 places I know of that sell what I call proper thick english cream
There are 3 places I know of that sell what I call proper thick english cream
Hyper U ( as per picture)you need to know where to look though - they store it with the speciality cheeses
La Fouillade - a shop behind Intermarche - she also sells home made cheeses and yoghurts
Caussade market - the cheese man in the van with the long queue - it's at the far right hand side
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Basic sky receiver
Hi Val
To the TAG reader looking to find a secondhand Sky set-top box - I searched for one of these recently but found they are like hens' teeth in France. So last week I bought one on ebay in the UK. Nowadays, if you search on, goods being sold via the UK sister site will be listed. Not all UK ebay sellers will export, but relatives in the UK could receive the package and relay it on - probably for less postage cost than the seller would charge for sending it direct. Mine cost £18 plus £11 P&P. The previous secondhand one I managed to buy in France 6 years ago, when they were less scarce, cost me €35, so not a lot different.
x C of Caylus
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100 years on - an evening to remember
Folk’n’jazz presents an evening of music, verse and song in commemoration of the start of World War 1
Une soirée de musique et paroles pour commémorer le commencement de la guerre 1914-1918
Thursday 31st July
La Vigerie,
St Vincent de Varen
Regular performers will be joined this month by guests to present a very special folk’n’jazz evening. Hopefully the evening will take place in the beautiful courtyard of La Vigerie but in case of rain there is a large indoor space available thanks to the hospitality of Jeremy and Iga Rewse Davies.
Aim to arrive early to get seated, bring a garden chair and something to drink and nibbles if you want and be prepared for a varied and entertaining programme. For car parking follow signs as you approach La Vigerie ( precise parking arrangements will depend on how wet the ground is on the day)
Venez nombreux Everyone welcome informations :
telephone 05 63 67 93 35
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Une soirée de musique et paroles pour commémorer le commencement de la guerre 1914-1918
Thursday 31st July
La Vigerie,
St Vincent de Varen
Regular performers will be joined this month by guests to present a very special folk’n’jazz evening. Hopefully the evening will take place in the beautiful courtyard of La Vigerie but in case of rain there is a large indoor space available thanks to the hospitality of Jeremy and Iga Rewse Davies.
Aim to arrive early to get seated, bring a garden chair and something to drink and nibbles if you want and be prepared for a varied and entertaining programme. For car parking follow signs as you approach La Vigerie ( precise parking arrangements will depend on how wet the ground is on the day)
Venez nombreux Everyone welcome informations :
telephone 05 63 67 93 35
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Is there anything of value left in the Elysee palace ?
Val says the rumours were that Valérie Trierweiler threw valuable vases about, smashing thousands of pounds worth in the Elysee when President Hollande told her of his affair. Now we he hear the rumour about Sarkozy's dogs.
Is there anything left of value in the Elysee Palace?
FORMER president Nicolas Sarkozy’s dogs have been accused of chewing up the furniture in the Elysée Palace’s prestigious Salon d'argent and peeing on the sofa when he was Minister of the Interior – but Elysée officials have refused to confirm or deny the story.
For a few days newspapers have been carrying stories based on a Mediapart report that Toumi the Chihuahua, Clara the Labrador and the terrier Dumbledor had gnawed their way through furniture in the room where Napoleon signed his abdication in 1815 and Felix Faure died in the arms of his mistress in 1899.
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Is there anything left of value in the Elysee Palace?
FORMER president Nicolas Sarkozy’s dogs have been accused of chewing up the furniture in the Elysée Palace’s prestigious Salon d'argent and peeing on the sofa when he was Minister of the Interior – but Elysée officials have refused to confirm or deny the story.
For a few days newspapers have been carrying stories based on a Mediapart report that Toumi the Chihuahua, Clara the Labrador and the terrier Dumbledor had gnawed their way through furniture in the room where Napoleon signed his abdication in 1815 and Felix Faure died in the arms of his mistress in 1899.
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Aid for Palestine from the French government.
BREAKING NEWS: France is to hand over €11 million worth of aid for Palestinians in Gaza, President François Hollande announced on Thursday morning after meeting with several NG0s at the Elysée Palace.
A statement from the Elysée Palace read: "The President of the Republic received French non-governmental organizations who are active and mobilised Gaza.
A statement from the Elysée Palace read: "The President of the Republic received French non-governmental organizations who are active and mobilised Gaza.
"They made him aware of the gravity of the situation, the magnitude of the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian civilian population and the difficulty of getting humanitarian access to victims."
Hollande then announced that he would release €11 million in financial and humanitarian support "to meet the emergency" situation.
"This emergency assistance is part of an ongoing commitment of France alongside the Palestinian Authority," the statement added.
An advisor to Holland said the humanitarian aid, eight million of which will be given to the Palestinian Authority and the remainder to UN bodies and NGOs working in Gaza, was approved after a meeting with non-governmental organisations working in the strife-torn region.
Reported in the Local
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Reported in the Local
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Hit twice by lightning!
Our house was hit twice by lightning this morning. Our poor dogs were on the verge of nervous breakdowns!!! First it hit our ornate metal balcony upstairs – sparks flying and a fizzing noise… with the second hit our lights all came on! Hopefully no damage – other than the phone now not working and our electric gates not opening (although fuse if fine). According to our farmer neighbour this year is the “year of thunder storms”.
Irena-Marie Makowska
A few things to do next week
Once again many village fetes, with petanque, repas and dancing. Here are few different ideas.
Sunday 27th July
Varen: vide grenier on the banks of the Aveyron from 8am
Caylus: Expo at Draw International (see below)
Tuesday 29th July
Cordes sur Ciel: Marche nocturne from 7pm
St Antonin : torchlit procession 9pm
Thursday 31st July
Varen: Soiree FolknJazz at La Vigerie. The regulars are joined by guests to sing a selection of songs to commemorate the first World War. 8pm
Friday 1st August
Bruniquel: First night of the Offenbach series from 9.30pm
Saturday 2nd August
Laguepie: Motocross Nocturne from 3.30pm for trials and "contre la montre", from 6pm for races.
ideas to
Sunday 27th July
Varen: vide grenier on the banks of the Aveyron from 8am
Caylus: Expo at Draw International (see below)
Tuesday 29th July
Cordes sur Ciel: Marche nocturne from 7pm
St Antonin : torchlit procession 9pm
Thursday 31st July
Varen: Soiree FolknJazz at La Vigerie. The regulars are joined by guests to sing a selection of songs to commemorate the first World War. 8pm
Friday 1st August
Bruniquel: First night of the Offenbach series from 9.30pm
Saturday 2nd August
Laguepie: Motocross Nocturne from 3.30pm for trials and "contre la montre", from 6pm for races.
ideas to
Risk of " orages" in 19 departments
Risk of storms/orages in19 departments including TAGland, Tarn, Aveyron, Tarn and Garonne.
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Mesdames de la Halle
Friday 25th July
Caussade: Cast of Bruniquel Offenbach season present extracts from les Mesdames de la Halle from
6.30pm. Apero concert. Free entry. ( Place de la Calahorra)
Val says the young family members have never been to the Opera at Bruniquel as it is too late for them but this could be a taster to see if they would like to go.
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Caussade: Cast of Bruniquel Offenbach season present extracts from les Mesdames de la Halle from
6.30pm. Apero concert. Free entry. ( Place de la Calahorra)
Val says the young family members have never been to the Opera at Bruniquel as it is too late for them but this could be a taster to see if they would like to go.
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Thursday, 24 July 2014
I have a doppelganger
A doppelgänger is someone that looks the exact same as another person. yet not a twin. ghost identical to living person: an apparition in the form of a double of a living person.
A friend tells me that as she was preparing to fly here in the queue at the airport she saw someone who was my double. She mentioned to that person that at first she thought it was her friend, me.
Whoever it was replied " I bet your friend is Val from TAG online, other people have said she looks like me"
Whoever this lady is, firstly commiserations but who is she?
The doppelganger is Caroll from Najac
she tells me she is often mistaken for me
Your post on Tag has made us chuckle....thank you, says Caroll
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The doppelganger is Caroll from Najac
she tells me she is often mistaken for me
Your post on Tag has made us chuckle....thank you, says Caroll
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