Friday 31 August 2018

Making the rivers flow again

Three barrages being removed at Lozere.
A programme of removing dams, weirs and other obstacles is planned for the main rivers in the region. Some of the actions are controversial as they will alter local structures and amenities, such as changing the river bed at St Antonin by removing downstream weirs, causing the large "plan d'eau" to disappear.
The river authorities claim that removing obstacles will make the rivers flow faster and reduce flooding. The aspect of how rivers looked prior to the dams and weirs will be restored as will many leisure amenities resulting from natural "beaches". Work to remove three upstream dams on the Tarn have started and are expected to last until mid October.
We notice that a mill on the Aveyron at Lexos Bas has been closed off, presumably part of this process. Do readers know of other changes being made or proposed in the area?
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