Tuesday 7 January 2020

Are you eligible to vote ?

Elections Municipales et Régionales 


As probably most of us have heard of, in 2020 we will have elections for both the local councils and the representatives in the regions (Communité de Communes) on the 15th and 20th of March.

If you want to participate and want to vote, you have to be sure that you are on the election list of your town.

The rules: First of all you have to be 18 years of age or more. You must be French or a member of the European Union (UK at this moment included, but depending on Brexit results) living in France. You must have voting rights. And you must be on the list for the local elections in the town where you live. 

Once you are on the list you also may vote for the European Elections (you have to indicate that you want to vote for this also), but you may only vote in one country.

To get on the election list you have to subscribe. But for EU members there are additional rules. You can subscribe in:

  • The town where your house is
  • The town where you live for at least 6 months
  • The town where you pay local taxes (taxe foncière, taxe d’habitation, cotisation d’entreprise) for at least 2 years
  • The town where you have a company as a (co-)owner for at least 2 years and pay local taxes for

When you subscribe you must indicate if you only subscribe for the local elections, only for the European elections, or both.

The subscription can be done on the website of the Service Public via the link https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1937

You have to send in a copy of your Passport or ID or Titre de Séjours. Plus, a justificatif de domicile, not older than 3 months. 

You can do everything online, but you also can go to the Mairie of your town to subscribe. On the website you also can find the forms to fill in when you want to do everything per mail.


The subscription needs to be done before the 7th of February 2020. Did you subscribe before? Then it is good to check at the Mairie if you are still on the list. Because of the changes in the recent past some people are not on the list anymore.


It is good to participate in the local elections and to let hear your opinion. It is good to be represented.


Hans Buijserd