Friday 28 September 2018

Toulouse Lautrec for sale?

Many of us have used the Clinique Toulouse Lautrec at Albi. This clinic specialises in various ailments which can affect the elderly, as well as more common surgical interventions. But because it is owned by the same group as the Clinique Claude Bernard, also in Albi, the competition authority demanded that one of the clinics be sold.
Long negotiations have taken place with the public Centre Hospitalier Albi which wanted to take over the private clinic. But once again the lack of competition worried the authorities and no deal has been done.
It was thought that a buy-out by the staff was possible, but it seems that they were unable (or unwilling) to raise the money needed. Unions representing nursing and ancillary staff want assurances on jobs - preferably via the CH Albi purchase. However it seems that a new private buyer has come forward and all await the next moves.