C sent this link to yesterday's meeting between the UK and France to discuss security issues.
One gets the feeling Calais problems can be discussed now but it might be all change with a likely new government next year.
News and views from the Tarn, Aveyron and Tarn and Garonne corner of South West France. taglines82@gmail.com
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Nous sommes le mercredi trente et un août
Another sunny day forecast, and nice temperatures, not too hot.
The grass is scorched and does not need mowing but why do the weeds continue to grow?
Have a nice relaxing day.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The grass is scorched and does not need mowing but why do the weeds continue to grow?
Have a nice relaxing day.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Concert for Cancer research on Friday
The group Entente Cordiale, situated around Gaillac, is promoting this concert in aid of the Cancer Research institute in Toulouse.

Photograhy competition
Une seule contrainte : prendre un lecteur en photo, assis en tailleur, en train de lire.
Pour le décor, on vous laisse improviser : votre coin-lecture préféré, ou un endroit bizarre !
Ouvert aux photographes amateurs jusqu'au 17 septembre.
Vote du public en ligne et à la médiathèque du 28 septembre au 15 octobre.
Remise des prix le mercredi 19 octobre à 17h.
Règlement complet et bulletin d'inscription à télécharger ici : règlement-concours
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
New here, need a ride to Montauban or Caussade Wednesday
Hello, just moved in and need to sort school matters in Montauban tomorrow at 1:30 pm. Is anyone going there, or even to Caussade for the train? My son must be tested for school entry; we haven't yet a car. Thanks!
Sheila Tuthill St Antonin
email to Shiela Tuthill
It's not fair
The maire (LR) of Lavaur, Tarn, has decided to cancel the annual fair due next weekend. The town will still hold its festival, but no fair. The maire considers that in the light of the Nice attack the security measures needed would be too costly, unless the Minister (PS) for the Interior provided extra police.
The fairground operators (forains) are not impressed, so have decided to hold a demonstration each day, with a procession from the town centre to th A68 motorway.
Whether the maire considers this disruption to the town's life to be less of a risk than a terrorist attack on the village fete is not known.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The fairground operators (forains) are not impressed, so have decided to hold a demonstration each day, with a procession from the town centre to th A68 motorway.
Whether the maire considers this disruption to the town's life to be less of a risk than a terrorist attack on the village fete is not known.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Photo-journalists at Perpignan
This week, until Friday 2nd September, Perpignan will be hosting its annual "Visa pour l'image" exhibition of photo-journalism. With more than 20 exhibitors in several locations this is one of Europe's major celebrations of this art. This link to a preview shows some of the superb images taken by the professionals on various themes.
Visa pour l'image
Visa pour l'image
A "discriminating " radar
A new speed camera will be installed on the Toulouse rocade, near the Cité d'Espace, which is able to discriminate between the various classes of vehicle. Heavy goods lorries are generally limited to lower speeds than cars and the new generation of radars will be able to spot those travelling at more than 80kph, whereas cars are limited to 90kph. No change to the speed limits is being made and the warning panels are still in place.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Nous sommes le mardi trente août
I cannot believe how swiftly we are approaching the end of summer. It shows if you are busy the time passes very quickly. The weather is still superb with wall to wall sun.
The fruits plums, apricots and apples now have done well, raspberries could have done with watering whilst we were away but we are remedying that now. The lawns are brown and the donkeys who are in a neighbours field are munching their way through a new field and wood. So much has been going on over the summer and still activities such as the fenison, concerts and vide greniers.
What a lovely place to live, we are lucky here in SW France.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The fruits plums, apricots and apples now have done well, raspberries could have done with watering whilst we were away but we are remedying that now. The lawns are brown and the donkeys who are in a neighbours field are munching their way through a new field and wood. So much has been going on over the summer and still activities such as the fenison, concerts and vide greniers.
What a lovely place to live, we are lucky here in SW France.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Claquettes is tap dancing
Bonjour à tous!
Si vous avez toujours rêvé de faire des claquettes et jamais osé...
C'est le moment!
J'ouvre un cours de claquettes débutants enfants et adultes à partir du 28 septembre:
- à l'Ecole de Vaour le Vendredi 19h- 20h15 ( adultes et enfants débutants), just'avant les soirées atmosphére au bar asso...
- à la MJC de Gaillac le Mercredi 18h30 à 19h45 ( moyens) et de 19h45 à 21h(débutants)
Horaires a confirmer et modifiables
PREMIER COURS D'ESSAI GRATUIT ( pas besoin de chaussures de claquettes pour essayer)
Il se peut que j'organise aussi régulièrement des stages de claquettes ( niveau moyen) et de percussions corporelles à St Antonin...Faites vous connaitre si ça vous interesse...
N'hésitez pas à faire tourner !
Renseignements au 06 09 01 93 42
Monday, 29 August 2016
It's "la rentrée"
The holidays are over in France and the schools will be back next week: the regular rhythm of businesses will resume; visitor numbers will decline sharply and we will all get back to our usual (tranquil for some of us) way of life. 2017 sees Presidential elections and already the major parties are lining up candidates. Both the PS and LR are arranging primaries, with as yet no emergence of a left front runner to replace Hollande - some think it might as well be him as the PS has no chance of winning. On the LR (Les Republicains) the main candidates appear to be Sarkozy and Alain Juppé, the maire of Bordeaux. Former prime minister Francois Fillon has hinted he might run, as has NKM (Nathalie Kosciusko Morizet).
No such worries for the far right (Marine le Pen) or far left (Jean Luc Melenchon) whose main candidates are without serious opposition. The current polemic about "burkinis" seems to be dominating the debates; odd in a country with over 10% unemployment and serious economic problems that bathing suits should be the main thing occupying Nicholas Sarkozy, who declared that a law is needed to ban all signs of a person's religious affiliation in this "laique" country. Still, with holidays over the beaches will soon be empty.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
No such worries for the far right (Marine le Pen) or far left (Jean Luc Melenchon) whose main candidates are without serious opposition. The current polemic about "burkinis" seems to be dominating the debates; odd in a country with over 10% unemployment and serious economic problems that bathing suits should be the main thing occupying Nicholas Sarkozy, who declared that a law is needed to ban all signs of a person's religious affiliation in this "laique" country. Still, with holidays over the beaches will soon be empty.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Safely back home
We arrived back last night after a holiday where the earth moved for us. Sadly it moved so much at least 280 people were killed. The Marche in Central Italy is a beautiful area, but it is on a fault line and this most recent earthquake was quite devastating.
We left after hundreds of tremors and four serious quakes. The fourth quake which had us hiding under beds then running into the garden made for a stressful week, interspersed with lovely moments with family and the children. I swam in the Adriatic and the Med, drove through tiny villages surely never meant for cars, had the most wonderful aperos every night in local bars. All given for free when you had a drink. Listened to the Italians discussing the quake, easy to understand with all the beating of hearts ... and Malc and Sam being Italian speakers. Messages from friends and family saying " leave now" and on the 4 th quake knowing that leaving made sense.
Back now to give local news and views from our beautiful area in France.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
We left after hundreds of tremors and four serious quakes. The fourth quake which had us hiding under beds then running into the garden made for a stressful week, interspersed with lovely moments with family and the children. I swam in the Adriatic and the Med, drove through tiny villages surely never meant for cars, had the most wonderful aperos every night in local bars. All given for free when you had a drink. Listened to the Italians discussing the quake, easy to understand with all the beating of hearts ... and Malc and Sam being Italian speakers. Messages from friends and family saying " leave now" and on the 4 th quake knowing that leaving made sense.
Back now to give local news and views from our beautiful area in France.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Nous sommes le lundi vingt neuf août
Fetons St Antonin Noble Val on SAturday 3 rd September.
Walk with donkeys 10:00am
3pm-7pm children's games and donkey rides
4:30pm guided walking tour of the town
3pm-6pm walnut oil pressing
6pm Aperitif
9pm story telling
10pm torchlight dancing display
10:30pm Traditional dancing
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Septembers orders
Hello Malcoln and Val
What an adventure you have had! Glad that you are all home safe
I would be grateful if you post the following as per normal
Many thanks for your continued assistance
Hello all friends and members
Just to let you know that the final cut off date to order any traditional hand crafted smoked products from the list below
Smoked back Bacon
Smoked Salmon
Duck Breasts
Please note that all products are priced to include slicing (where appropriate), packaging and delivery to your home
Any questions or queries, please contact me at austynhallworth55@gmail.com
Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you
US Open, tennis live
Good morning Val and Malcolm!
I hope you are recovering from the ordeal. Something to dine out on and no mistake.....
I wondered if you or TAG readers know where I can watch the US open tennis live on TV? I can't see it flagged up on my Orange bein sports channels at the moment and websites are completely opaque in giving the information. I would be grateful, if anyone knows, if they could tell me before tomorrow evening!
All the best
You should be able to find it on livetv.sx although you may have to put up with Russian commentators.
I think it is on Eurosport
Canal+ as well, I think. Both pay-to-view, unfortunately. C
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
I hope you are recovering from the ordeal. Something to dine out on and no mistake.....
I wondered if you or TAG readers know where I can watch the US open tennis live on TV? I can't see it flagged up on my Orange bein sports channels at the moment and websites are completely opaque in giving the information. I would be grateful, if anyone knows, if they could tell me before tomorrow evening!
All the best
You should be able to find it on livetv.sx although you may have to put up with Russian commentators.
I think it is on Eurosport
Canal+ as well, I think. Both pay-to-view, unfortunately. C
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Nous sommes le dimanche vingt huit août
TAG editors will be flying out of Rome this afternoon so there will be little news till this evening.
Have a good day, enjoy the sun, or find a cool spot in the shade.
Coments to taglines82@gmail.com
Have a good day, enjoy the sun, or find a cool spot in the shade.
Coments to taglines82@gmail.com
Saturday, 27 August 2016
Another bargain with money going to Macmillan CAncer Support, better be quick
Dear Val and Malcolm
Dear Val and Malcolm
We hope you have returned home safely from your Italian holiday.
We have been given a ladies Decathlon Rock Rider cycle with 21 gears to sell for Macmillan Cancer Support. It arrived too late for our vide grenier, so we will add the money to our Macmillan Coffee Morning fund.
30 Euros
Email: pourramond@gmail.com
Love from
Linda and Martin.
Fetons St. Antonin
Fêtons St Antonin !
Office de Tourisme
Place de la Halle
Tél. 05 63 30 63 47
E-mail : tourisme@st-antoninnv.com
Comme chaque année, l'Office de Tourisme organise, le 1er samedi de septembre, une journée et soirée sur le thème "Fêtons de St Antonin Noble-Val". Une occasion de réunir les habitants et des centaines de visiteurs et leur faisant parcourir à la lueur de torches quelques endroits typiques de la ville.
Place de la halle
10h randonnée de 2 h en ânes sur inscription 06 46 39 14 35
de 15h à 19h: jeux en bois et jeux surdimensionnés
de 15h à 18h: promenades en ânes
Buvette et location de costumes
Office de tourisme
16h30: visite sur le thème du patrimoine caché, avec des jumelles.
Place du Bessarel
de 15h à18h: ouverture du moulin à huile de noix et des anciennes tanneries
Rampeau traditionnel, jeu de quilles aveyronnaises
cour arrière de la Mairie
20h30-22h: projection de photos
Place de la Halle
18h: Apéritif efstif: le vin des génovéfains
21h: Conte sous la halle avec michel galaret
22h: Farandole costumée aux flambeaux
22h30: Bal traditionnel animée par Bassacada
Ouverture des ateliers des créateurs
Le Restaurant l'Auberge des Sens propose une menu médiéval sur réservation au 05 63 31 27 41
Fêtons St Antonin !
Office de Tourisme
Place de la Halle
Tél. 05 63 30 63 47
E-mail : tourisme@st-antoninnv.com
Comme chaque année, l'Office de Tourisme organise, le 1er samedi de septembre, une journée et soirée sur le thème "Fêtons de St Antonin Noble-Val". Une occasion de réunir les habitants et des centaines de visiteurs et leur faisant parcourir à la lueur de torches quelques endroits typiques de la ville.
Place de la halle
10h randonnée de 2 h en ânes sur inscription 06 46 39 14 35
de 15h à 19h: jeux en bois et jeux surdimensionnés
de 15h à 18h: promenades en ânes
Buvette et location de costumes
Office de tourisme
16h30: visite sur le thème du patrimoine caché, avec des jumelles.
Place du Bessarel
de 15h à18h: ouverture du moulin à huile de noix et des anciennes tanneries
Rampeau traditionnel, jeu de quilles aveyronnaises
cour arrière de la Mairie
20h30-22h: projection de photos
Place de la Halle
18h: Apéritif efstif: le vin des génovéfains
21h: Conte sous la halle avec michel galaret
22h: Farandole costumée aux flambeaux
22h30: Bal traditionnel animée par Bassacada
Ouverture des ateliers des créateurs
Le Restaurant l'Auberge des Sens propose une menu médiéval sur réservation au 05 63 31 27 41
Nous sommes le samedi vingt sept août
Magali tells us
The uncle of our neighbour has died and there are loads of things available to buy from his house. They are now at the neighbours opposite us at Mas del Sol.
If you are setting up home it may be worth you going to look. We are not home till Sunday night but the visitors over the road will have the dogs barking like mad. You will know where the house is, opposite the wall with barking dogs standing on it.
Bonjour Valèry et Malcolm,
The uncle of our neighbour has died and there are loads of things available to buy from his house. They are now at the neighbours opposite us at Mas del Sol.
If you are setting up home it may be worth you going to look. We are not home till Sunday night but the visitors over the road will have the dogs barking like mad. You will know where the house is, opposite the wall with barking dogs standing on it.
Bonjour Valèry et Malcolm,
J'espère que vous profitez bien de vos vacances.
Ce dimanche, lundi, mardi et mercredi, nous organisons un vide maison suite au décès de mon oncle .
Il y a beaucoup de chose dans la cour.
N'hésitez pas à venir voir et si possible, en parler autour de vous ou sur Tagline.
A bientôt
Magali Lebel
Mas del sol
82330 VAREN0563276515
Friday, 26 August 2016
Enjoy every day
Whilst Malc and I are sitting in the shade drinking gin and tonic and enjoying the atmosphere of the seaside, we hear the girls just wanted to go home. So at the moment they will be on a flight back to the Uk.
Remember the good times girls. Also remember how important it is to enjoy every minute. Do not worry too much about exam results if you have worked, do not worry if you do not become Olympic athletics champions, just enjoy each day and discover that helping someone less fortunate gives you the most pleasure in this sometimes cruel world.
Enjoy your " fan" Annie and remember where it came from.
A young man from Nigeria who had very little, had been in Italy a year and a half. If you remember that Sharki and Annie and continue in Grandma and Grandads footsteps you personally will improve the world.
Love you all
Remember the good times girls. Also remember how important it is to enjoy every minute. Do not worry too much about exam results if you have worked, do not worry if you do not become Olympic athletics champions, just enjoy each day and discover that helping someone less fortunate gives you the most pleasure in this sometimes cruel world.
Enjoy your " fan" Annie and remember where it came from.
A young man from Nigeria who had very little, had been in Italy a year and a half. If you remember that Sharki and Annie and continue in Grandma and Grandads footsteps you personally will improve the world.
Love you all
Nous sommes le vendredi vingt six août
We all wanted to stay together ... but after another sleepless night we have decided it is sensible to go our separate ways.
Last night a number of bed rattlers at 3 finishing with a 4.8 at 6.30 am . It had us all running into the assembly point in the garden.
After that we all decided we needed to leave.
We are going off to Rome and Sam and family are heading for Bologna.
A holiday we will all remember, sadly with some fun times totally overshadowed by the sadness of others nearby losing their lives.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Last night a number of bed rattlers at 3 finishing with a 4.8 at 6.30 am . It had us all running into the assembly point in the garden.
After that we all decided we needed to leave.
We are going off to Rome and Sam and family are heading for Bologna.
A holiday we will all remember, sadly with some fun times totally overshadowed by the sadness of others nearby losing their lives.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Suggestion for a gentleman on his own
Dear Val
I have a suggestion for someone wanting to 'try out' living in St Antonin Noble Val.
As part of my 'chambre'd'hote' I have a very comfortable (second floor) bedroom with 'en suite' bathroom available which I am thinking of long-term letting over this coming autumn-to-spring. Because I have to have a shoulder operation in October my bed-making and window-cleaning activities will have to be curtailed whilst I recover...so it makes sense to long-let. Bed-linen, washing machine and ironing board available! Must tolerate/appreciate my beloved cats!
If someone ( or a couple) wanted to try living centrally in St Antonin for a while I could offer the use of the dining-sitting room, share of my (well-appointed) kitchen, central heating, satellite TV, and wifi - in effect - a house and court-yard-garden-share in central St Antonin. I have a website if anyone is interested in checking me out - and we can arrange sensible rates for such an arrangement.
The wonderful cinema in St Antonin has not been mentioned which is open all year round -and which is just round the corner from here showing multi-cultural and 'version original' films. We have year-round activities in the village and there is every reason to enjoy a full, interesting and active live here - I do !
Andrea White
'La Reverie' Chambre 'd'hote
mobile 0684 155 211
Hi Val
Hope you and the family are OK today.
A strange thought struck us yesterday. At about the time of the earthquake we were woken by an electric ‘blip’ when phones and aircon units around the house switched on and off. I wonder if it was a tremor felt in France ?? Has anyone else mentioned this?
Looking forward to having you back safe and sound
L xXx
Betty says
Yes,I had the same thing with phone & electicity!!
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Hope you and the family are OK today.
A strange thought struck us yesterday. At about the time of the earthquake we were woken by an electric ‘blip’ when phones and aircon units around the house switched on and off. I wonder if it was a tremor felt in France ?? Has anyone else mentioned this?
Looking forward to having you back safe and sound
L xXx
Betty says
Yes,I had the same thing with phone & electicity!!
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Italian earthquake
Val, Malc & family, You have been in my thoughts since the news of the earthquake affecting the area you were holidaying in. A week on Saturday it will be six years since our first big earthquake (7.2) which i was at about the same time as the Italian one. So frightening to be woken up
In that way, it took some time to realise what was happening. I hope the girls will not be too traumatized by the experience. The aftershocks are very upsetting and I have to say we are still experiencing them albeit not so frequently, now past 15,000.
Take care Regards Ann
Val says
Ann from Christchurch in NZ has been a reader of TAG for years.She remembers a good holiday in St. Antonin and likes to hear of our adventures.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Local author wants to arranging a signing.
Hi Val,
As you will know, I am published by Crooked Cat Publishers. My third novel with them, Vichyssoise, has just been released in paperback (http://amzn.to/2bg3kkG). As much of it is set in St. Antonin, I wondered whether your readers would be interested for me to do a book-signing locally to you? (I believe the SA bookshop only deals with used books.) My original intention was to use local texts in French for my research, as I wanted to get a feel for the real man who was Philippe Pétain. If interested, perhaps you could suggest a venue and date before, say, the end of October (I would need some time to access sufficient books). To whet your appetite, below is a description:
Nous sommes le jeudi vingt cinq aout
Apparently it is very hot there this week.
We are more concerned here in Central Italy with an earthquake which has devasted numerous local villages and killed 247 people, many still mising and the toll is expected to rise.
Two earthquakes followed by at least 80 aftershocks. Last night we had another quake of 4.1 which had us panicking again, as the house swayed.
We are devastated at the loss of life of Italians and tourists. A spectacularly beautiful area and up to two nights ago we had all agreed we would like to come back and explore more.
Now sadly we are all looking forward to leaving at the week end and getting safely home.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
We are more concerned here in Central Italy with an earthquake which has devasted numerous local villages and killed 247 people, many still mising and the toll is expected to rise.
Two earthquakes followed by at least 80 aftershocks. Last night we had another quake of 4.1 which had us panicking again, as the house swayed.
We are devastated at the loss of life of Italians and tourists. A spectacularly beautiful area and up to two nights ago we had all agreed we would like to come back and explore more.
Now sadly we are all looking forward to leaving at the week end and getting safely home.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Electric pool cleaner going spare?
Hi Val
Gosh isn't it hot - I personally hate it
AD..................Wanted a good quality Electric Pool Cleaner in guaranteed condition. Telephone 05 63 33 13 00 or email - yvonyoyo@gmail.com
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Regatta today
Martin Feeney did not win but he enjoyed the day and the racing... report of the day soon
Six dead in nearby village
Do remember we are holidaying in the Marche in Italy, we are not in France.
In a local village 6 have been killed it has been announced so far. That village is virtually destroyed.
We are all feeling fragile after being mainly in the garden from 3.45 am.
We are off up to our village to have a coffee and listen to the local news.
French news may be limited today.
21 now confirmed dead. The locals tell us they were all in the streets or slept in cars. Everyone was frightened so it was not just us.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
In a local village 6 have been killed it has been announced so far. That village is virtually destroyed.
We are all feeling fragile after being mainly in the garden from 3.45 am.
We are off up to our village to have a coffee and listen to the local news.
French news may be limited today.
21 now confirmed dead. The locals tell us they were all in the streets or slept in cars. Everyone was frightened so it was not just us.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Safer in France
Just had quite a severe earthquake, apparently we are at the epicentre.
As the bed shook I thought Malc was having a fit, Sam thought Christiaan was rubbing his nose, till it got really severe.
Everything rattled, pictures came off the walls and cracks have appeared in some plasterwork
We ran down stairs with everything in the house shaking. We made an assembly point in the garden.
When Sam said " we have cracks in the walls" Annie said " will we have to pay for that?" which made us all laugh.
After another small earth tremor we are back in bed having looked up what to do in case of other severe tremors.
After another more serious tremor we are back downstairs having quickly got dressed.
What an exciting holiday.
The first was 6.1 and the last 5 .3
We are now sitting in the kitchen feeling a bit anxious.
Annie says she is scared not anxious.
Picture of us in night clothes ready to leave the house.
ON local news a nearby village has been destroyed
As the bed shook I thought Malc was having a fit, Sam thought Christiaan was rubbing his nose, till it got really severe.
Everything rattled, pictures came off the walls and cracks have appeared in some plasterwork
We ran down stairs with everything in the house shaking. We made an assembly point in the garden.
When Sam said " we have cracks in the walls" Annie said " will we have to pay for that?" which made us all laugh.
After another small earth tremor we are back in bed having looked up what to do in case of other severe tremors.
After another more serious tremor we are back downstairs having quickly got dressed.
What an exciting holiday.
The first was 6.1 and the last 5 .3
We are now sitting in the kitchen feeling a bit anxious.
Annie says she is scared not anxious.
Picture of us in night clothes ready to leave the house.
ON local news a nearby village has been destroyed
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Just an idea
The young couple who have the rockery nursery at Les Espiemonts, his mother has recently moved to St A and she is on her own and does not drive, so might be idea for him to speak to her.
See below for their contact details.
Morning Val
FREE RANGE PORK AVAILABLE THIS WEEK: Lincolnshire and Pork N Apple Sausages back on the menu!
Also, have Pork N Leek and Gold Sausages and cuts of Echines and Pork Chops, any other cuts you'd prefer please ask
All priced at 14 euros per kilo.
To Reserve phone 0563652578 or e-mail: naomie.westbury@orange.fr
Nous sommes le mardi vingt trois août , I think
I have been contacted by a retired academic who sadly is on his own since the death of his wife.
He is thinking about coming to live in St. Antonin, but wonders if there is a social life for him.
He is the same age as Malc and I but has the problem that he does not drive and also does not speak French.
He asks should he do it? I would like some advice from you all for him.
Mine would be go for it. The social life is great vand is there if you want it.
Book swap once a month at the Gazpacho in St. Antonin. Many games clubs, bridge, cards, games group at the Gazpacho.
Walking groups, reading groups, dining groups folk groups, the list is endless. Many singles, mainly ladies so the chaps are in demand.
Shopping easy in St. Antonin.
Down sides dealing with general French life difficult without some language skill but a great place to have French lessons, two or three teachers and groups right in the town or even Jacynth Crozier who will come to you and comes highly reccommended.
Can we have other opinions please, Malc thinks he should rent here for a couple of years before deciding, but the gentleman has been renting in the GERS and knows he likes the life.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Ginny says
Depends if he wants to learn French if he does he will have a real entry to everywhere and make both British and French friends. His ability to leave SA will be limited but there is the weekly market bus on a Monday morning and if he is rich enough he can take taxis to Caussade and the train
Goeff says
If he can't drive then a place in St Antonin would probably suit him very well. Lots to see and do.
Eve says I would not recommend it if he cannot drive
Chris says
I'd say give it a try. For most of us it has, after all, been a test of whether we're adventurous enough. Renting first is vital, given how slowly house purchases go through here. We chose our house one February, in sleet. If you like the place then, you'll love it in during the other 3 seasons. St Ant has loads to offer, but good way to see more without a car is via Caylus (10km), with the Villefranche - Montauban bus service passing through twice or more a day. Also the permanences at St Ant (CPAM, Impots, etc) make dealing with bureaucracy that bit easier. An academic brain needs like minds to feed off, and St Ant is no backwater when it comes to bright people. Plus there's so much to do all year round if you get out and meet people, and single out the ones who enjoy the same things as you do - or as you might if you tried them... Maybe putting in an appearance on Facebook might be a good first step. Also, wanting to be able to cope in French is, as Ginny wisely says, pretty key. But the Paretto principle applies, and getting to that level isn't anything like as hard as becoming fluent. If this gent plans to visit, should be happy to meet up to chat. Hope this helps. C
He is thinking about coming to live in St. Antonin, but wonders if there is a social life for him.
He is the same age as Malc and I but has the problem that he does not drive and also does not speak French.
He asks should he do it? I would like some advice from you all for him.
Mine would be go for it. The social life is great vand is there if you want it.
Book swap once a month at the Gazpacho in St. Antonin. Many games clubs, bridge, cards, games group at the Gazpacho.
Walking groups, reading groups, dining groups folk groups, the list is endless. Many singles, mainly ladies so the chaps are in demand.
Shopping easy in St. Antonin.
Down sides dealing with general French life difficult without some language skill but a great place to have French lessons, two or three teachers and groups right in the town or even Jacynth Crozier who will come to you and comes highly reccommended.
Can we have other opinions please, Malc thinks he should rent here for a couple of years before deciding, but the gentleman has been renting in the GERS and knows he likes the life.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Ginny says
Depends if he wants to learn French if he does he will have a real entry to everywhere and make both British and French friends. His ability to leave SA will be limited but there is the weekly market bus on a Monday morning and if he is rich enough he can take taxis to Caussade and the train
Goeff says
If he can't drive then a place in St Antonin would probably suit him very well. Lots to see and do.
Eve says I would not recommend it if he cannot drive
Chris says
I'd say give it a try. For most of us it has, after all, been a test of whether we're adventurous enough. Renting first is vital, given how slowly house purchases go through here. We chose our house one February, in sleet. If you like the place then, you'll love it in during the other 3 seasons. St Ant has loads to offer, but good way to see more without a car is via Caylus (10km), with the Villefranche - Montauban bus service passing through twice or more a day. Also the permanences at St Ant (CPAM, Impots, etc) make dealing with bureaucracy that bit easier. An academic brain needs like minds to feed off, and St Ant is no backwater when it comes to bright people. Plus there's so much to do all year round if you get out and meet people, and single out the ones who enjoy the same things as you do - or as you might if you tried them... Maybe putting in an appearance on Facebook might be a good first step. Also, wanting to be able to cope in French is, as Ginny wisely says, pretty key. But the Paretto principle applies, and getting to that level isn't anything like as hard as becoming fluent. If this gent plans to visit, should be happy to meet up to chat. Hope this helps. C
Monday, 22 August 2016
Rhodri Miles is Burton
Dear F.E.T. friends
Our next show, on Wednesday 21st September at 7pm, is the award-winning BURTON, a warts-and-all biography of Richard Burton from humble beginnings to Hollywood mega-stardom.
Rhodri Miles (Torchwood, Game of Thrones) stars as the younger Burton, in an acclaimed performance which garnered "Best International Show" at the Hollywood Fringe awards."A brilliant and gripping portrait" ***** LA Weekly “Fantastic, the whole audience was in the palm of his hand from beginning to end” ***** Edinburgh Guide
From tempestuous relationships with beautiful women (not least Elizabeth Taylor), a love affair with alcohol and constant guilt over the family he had left behind, this gritty, exuberant and often hilarious one-man show has received rave reviews on the Edinburgh Fringe and beyond. Rhodri Miles (Torchwood, Game of Thrones) stars as the younger Burton, in an acclaimed performance which garnered "Best International Show" at the Hollywood Fringe awards."A brilliant and gripping portrait" ***** LA Weekly “Fantastic, the whole audience was in the palm of his hand from beginning to end” ***** Edinburgh Guide
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Traffic measures in St. Antonin
Dear Readers,
I thought I would brave the obnoxiously busy Saint Antonin market this morning for a change, to see what all the fuss is about – since it has been amply applauded/criticised on this forum. Here’s my tuppence-worth on what I saw.
For those of you criticising it, what on Earth is your problem? I thought it was a bloody good idea to funnel everyone up towards Caylus and then back into the Place des Tilleuls by the back way (or indeed the reverse if you’re coming from the direction of Espinas and the like.) I also thought it was excellent that they have used barriers to separate the traffic from the stalls/shoppers along the main drag down towards the garage.
Whether it has been done for traffic reasons, pedestrian-safety reasons, or vigipirate reasons, it works for me and seems sensible. In fact I would suggest it is long overdue for a village centre which is ridiculously packed with shoppers and traffic all fighting for the same limited space on a Sunday morning. So I take my hat off to the Mairie, Préfecture, Conseil Départementale, Président for it – whoever took the decision.
It doesn’t inconvenience those doing their shopping (they can pass freely through), motorists get a clearer and safer passage without being a danger to shoppers, it hasn’t made parking any harder (which becomes just ridiculous in the summer anyway), and it certainly won’t have done any harm on the vigipirate front. So where is the problem?
If you’re one of those objecting, is it perhaps because it makes it a bit more awkward (and takes three extra minutes) to get to your weekly coffee stop? If that’s your reason, please think of other people (such as the safety of pedestrians and especially children) before you get worked up about being a tiny bit late for your little cafe gatherings. Maybe that’s not the reason for the objections – perhaps it is just some mindless cretins indulging in mindless trolling on TAG just to stir things up. Whichever of those two reasons it might be, get a grip and think of others. In any case, this grumbling is making the British ex-pat community here look like selfish colonial Little-Englanders in a foreign land.
Best Wishes,
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Val says
Sorry S, we have readers with opinions and calling people cretins and mindless trolls is unnecessarily rude.
For me I like the idea of pedestrianising the main street.
Enjoyed S's message - there is a lot of truth in it guys!
I was at the market myself yesterday for the first time this summer (I tend to avoid it during the summer months as it is full of ex pat LOL), and found it worked very well and was easier and safer to get around.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Val says
Sorry S, we have readers with opinions and calling people cretins and mindless trolls is unnecessarily rude.
For me I like the idea of pedestrianising the main street.
Enjoyed S's message - there is a lot of truth in it guys!
I was at the market myself yesterday for the first time this summer (I tend to avoid it during the summer months as it is full of ex pat LOL), and found it worked very well and was easier and safer to get around.
Vide Greniers
Hi Val
Hope you're holidaying extravagantly!
Two big vide greniers today back in Tagland: Auty (82) and Vieux (81).
Nous sommes le dimanche vingt et un août
If you know of anything happening in the area let us know and we can promote it even from Italy.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Nous sommes le samedi vingt août
buon giorno
from the sunny Appenines.
Today driving to our rented house at Montalto delle Marche
Malc even though the car is automatic cannot drive it as the pedals are not well configured for his artificial leg.
Does anyone know how the electronic speeding works in Italy now? Saw two signs above the motorway saying " this stretch is monitored by electronic speeding." The speed limit was 130 and I varied from 110 to 130 but one time gave myself a shock to see 140 on the speedometer. It is a powerful car and yesterday I had not found cruise control. If they measure your time overall I think I should be OK!!!
Enjoy your day, I think it is going to hot in SW France.
Linda tells me it is raining - thank heavens the gardens needed it
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
from the sunny Appenines.
Today driving to our rented house at Montalto delle Marche
Malc even though the car is automatic cannot drive it as the pedals are not well configured for his artificial leg.
Does anyone know how the electronic speeding works in Italy now? Saw two signs above the motorway saying " this stretch is monitored by electronic speeding." The speed limit was 130 and I varied from 110 to 130 but one time gave myself a shock to see 140 on the speedometer. It is a powerful car and yesterday I had not found cruise control. If they measure your time overall I think I should be OK!!!
Enjoy your day, I think it is going to hot in SW France.
Linda tells me it is raining - thank heavens the gardens needed it
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Sausages and they can be tried at the market
A nouveau ce weekend, en plus de l’agneau, nous vous proposons de la merguez de brebis, ainsi que de la saucisse de brebis nature et au curry.
Les merguez et saucisses seront disponibles sur le marché de Montauban ce samedi 20 août, et sur le marché de Saint Antonin ce dimanche 21 août, par contre, pascal n’étant pas sur la ferme cette semaine, je ne pourrai pas trop livrer.
Ces produits sont 100% brebis (pas d’ajout de porc ou autre), nous ajoutons seulement des épices bio pour la merguez ; du sel et du poivre bio pour la saucisse nature ; du sel, du poivre bio et du curry bio pour la saucisse au curry.
Le prix au kilo est de 12,90 € pour la saucisse, et 13,00 € pour la merguez.
La DLC (date limite de consommation) va jusqu’au 28 Août.
Nous referons de la merguez et de la saucisse de brebis aux alentours de mi-septembre, je vous tiendrai au courant de la date précise.
Cette année, nous serons présents avec nos agneaux, toutes les semaines sur les marchés et cela très certainement jusqu’à l’hiver, avec l’ensemble des morceaux au détail, et la possibilité de commander des colis de demi agneau (6 à 8 kg).
Je vous rappelle aussi que nous aurons du porc gascon la semaine du 5 Septembre, et du veau la semaine du 17 octobre et du 28 novembre (dates à confirmer en fonction de la croissance des animaux), colis ou détail à commander au préalable. N’hésitez pas à commander d’ores et déjà.
Tous nos animaux sont élevés en AB (agriculture biologique), certification Ecocert.
Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous en dire davantage sur le marché, par téléphone ou par mail, vous pouvez également venir découvrir notre ferme en famille ou avec des amis, sur rdv préalable
Pour commander, il vous suffit de nous renvoyer un mail, ou de nous appeler au 05 63 30 63 36(répondeur si nous ne sommes pas là). Nous confirmerons bien entendu la possibilité de votre commande dans les 48h et verrons avec vous les détails de livraison.
Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir nos mails, il suffit de nous en informer par retour…
Nous vous souhaitons une belle fin de journée,
Florence Morot-Gaudry et Pascal Picili
Safari supper
| ||||||
Friday, 19 August 2016
Talking Italian
Negotiated the Rome by pass with no problems ( you were right Ginny)
Now in the Appenines in a rather smart hotel, too good for the likes of Malc and I.
Had an early evening prosecco in the bar and now off for a meal in the rather smart restaurant.
Every man looks like Robert De Niro, loving it so far.
Malc is talking Italian and it is lovely to hear.
Ah demain or a domani
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Now in the Appenines in a rather smart hotel, too good for the likes of Malc and I.
Had an early evening prosecco in the bar and now off for a meal in the rather smart restaurant.
Every man looks like Robert De Niro, loving it so far.
Malc is talking Italian and it is lovely to hear.
Ah demain or a domani
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Some one sleeps well
The Big Bed Furniture Company
Rieusec 82330 Varen 06 74 17 68 93
A recommendation.
We could not find a new bed that we liked anywhere, so we thought we'd look for someone to make one for us and, very fortunately, we found Marian Staal who runs the Big Bed enterprise.
She made a beautiful oak bed for us, working collaboratively with our design ideas but adding interesting design elements of her own. We found her to be so enthusiastic about what she does, so easy to get on with and always, refreshingly, prompt in replying to emails - and she produces work of real quality at a very reasonable price; in fact we so enjoyed working with her that we have already commissioned another couple of pieces.
We highly recommend her to anyone seeking bespoke, well-made furniture and an efficient and friendly service.
Alan and Kathryn Humphries
Rieusec 82330 Varen 06 74 17 68 93
A recommendation.
We could not find a new bed that we liked anywhere, so we thought we'd look for someone to make one for us and, very fortunately, we found Marian Staal who runs the Big Bed enterprise.
She made a beautiful oak bed for us, working collaboratively with our design ideas but adding interesting design elements of her own. We found her to be so enthusiastic about what she does, so easy to get on with and always, refreshingly, prompt in replying to emails - and she produces work of real quality at a very reasonable price; in fact we so enjoyed working with her that we have already commissioned another couple of pieces.
We highly recommend her to anyone seeking bespoke, well-made furniture and an efficient and friendly service.
Alan and Kathryn Humphries
Handel's Messiah at Puycelsi
It's 10 years since we started to organise the scratch concerts to raise money for the restauration of the church in Puycelsi. To celebrate this anniversary the choir will once again be singing the Messiah by Handel on 11 September at 5pm (please note that this is an hour earlier than usual). Tickets are priced €18.00 for adults,€12.00 for students and those under 18 and entry is free for those under 10.
Reservations are recommended and can now be made by phoning 05 63 33 15 84 or emailing arcpuycelsi@gmail.com
looking forward to seeing everyone
Ross and Ginny Jenkins
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