Sunday 26 June 2016

What to do with old mining sites

At Cagnes les Mines, just north of Albi, old open cast mines have been turned into a open air leisure and water sports complex; others have been turned into nature reserves; here in Varen the vast quarry now houses thousands of photovoltaic panels producing electricity for the grid. The inhabitants of Rayssac. a Tarn village to the south east of Albi, imagined that when the mines closed 10 years ago they would have a tranquil life away from the noise and dirt of open cast mining. The loss of jobs is always a concern, but no enterprise came forward to exploit the site. Until now.
A British couple living in the village for some years revealed plans to open a military style training camp. Specialising in teaching private security firms, especially in marine protection, the company called Solgarde has won approval for its plans to start training in small and assault weapons. The Ministry for the Environment is not opposed and local gendarmeries may use the facility. The local maire has given the green light.
But all of this was without the knowledge of local inhabitants, who were informed at a public meeting a couple of weeks ago. The ex-marine in charge of the operation has refused to comment and local villagers are concerned that the proximity of such weapons will be a danger to them, their children and animals, as well as the noise and traffic implications. They have formed an association to take action in the courts.
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