Monday 31 August 2015

Nous sommes le lundi trente et un août

Hello Val and Malcolm,

Knocking on doors in Verfeil-sur-Seye this afternoon and spreading the word about the plight of the refugees at Calais, has resulted in collecting 85.00 euros to help towards the cost of the journey. My assistant was a lovely 6 year old girl from Ghana who is going to donate some of her toys for the children! People have been most kind and supportive, regardless of their political views.  This is a humanitarian crisis and I must say, the people of Verfeil have been wonderful.  

I will be bringing boxes of provisions before the 8th September as I have asked around the village for suitable items. 

Thanks for what you are both doing to help people who are in such a desperate situation.

Joanne Schofield
+33 (0)5 63 30 74 46

Val says we are all doing our bit and great to think we can help even if only a little. Thank YOU Joanne