Just out of interest I wondered how many deaths were caused by chasseurs in France 2011 to 2012, I googled it and was amazed to see in the year there were 52 deaths, and that is not even mentioning the accidents not ending in death.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
News and views from the Tarn, Aveyron and Tarn and Garonne corner of South West France. taglines82@gmail.com
Thursday, 31 January 2013
David Beckham joins Paris Saint- Germain
Malc says " is it definite?" Yes, he signed today according to the big media sources. Becks in Paris, I am sure there will be some stories in this booking. Paris Saint - Germain are top of the French football league.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
When we first came to France...
I had a routine Hospital visit, I was reminded of this today after another routine visit. There was a form to fill in with your details, name, address, tel. no. and " nom de jeune fille" My French was not very good and amazingly I had a young daughter, how did they know and why did they want to know her name ? I duly filled in Samantha, came back home and said to Malc, why would they want to know our Sam's name? Malc explained they wanted my name before marriage and we had a bit of a "titter " about it. Two years later when I went for another check up and I got a form saying my maiden name was Samantha, I laughingly explained it to the clerk. The harridan was not amused and told me in no uncertain terms these were serious forms, and strangely enough I was the last one in the long queue to be seen by the Doctor that day. I could imagine her saying " that took the smile off her face"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Snowdrops at Beaulieu
On our walk today a French lady who was single handedly clearing the drainage ditch on the hill towards Espinas assured us the "Grand hiver" was over ( though lots of gel to come) . Before that the snowdrops at Beaulieu had been well worth a visit especially if you like a bit of photography - we saw one keen lady lying prostrate with some very impressive equipment!
The lady might have had impressive equipment but she could not have taken two better pictures
well done, Sue Carter.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The lady might have had impressive equipment but she could not have taken two better pictures
well done, Sue Carter.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Pesticides are becoming a real threat
Another post sent by a reader , this time showing bees are under threat. When will we ever learn.
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Former Master Beekeeper ask us to sign to save Bees
Newcastle United Football team have at least 5 French players so...
Newcastle United have successfully applied to the council to have the City renamed "Chateau Neuf sur Tyne", in honour of our new arrivals.Val says , after checking the Magpies have 14 French speaking team members.
Let's hope Pards can parlez le francais un peu.
To help the crowd make the newbies feel at home, we have taken the liberty to translate the Blaydon Races to "Le Blaydon Races". Please laarn ye'sel it and come prepared to sing.
Je suis allé aux Blaydon Races, c’était le neuf juin,
Mille huit-cent soixante-deux, une après-midi d’été,
J’ai pris le bus de Balmbra, et elle était bien chargée,
Nous sommes allés au long de la rue de Collingwood, sur la chemin qui mène à Blaydon.
Ah, les gars, il fallait que vous nous auriez vus aller,
On passait des gens sur la route qui se tenaient là,
Il y avait beaucoup des gars et des filles, tous avec un mine souriante,GAAN SUR LA SCOTSWOOD ROUTE POUR VOIR LES BLAYDON RACES.
Sent by Eileen Davidson who has a home in Varen and is a Geordie!
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Forget your worries and enjoy the sun
Another lovely sunny day, the Pyrenees were so clear and visible this morning, topped with snow. Leisurely lunch on the terrace, the sun being so bright I needed to put out the sun blind. What is the weather like in England, you second homers?
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
And now French troops in position to take Kidal
The last town in the North of Mali to be held by terrorists Kidal, is on the point of being taken back under control of Malian and French fighters.
I have kept looking at The Connexion on line and wondering why they have not covered the War in Mali at all. Infact I have sent them an email to ask them that question. The English newspapers and French are all full of the story. Does the Connexion think we expats do not care, or am I wrong in thinking that we are interested ?
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
I have kept looking at The Connexion on line and wondering why they have not covered the War in Mali at all. Infact I have sent them an email to ask them that question. The English newspapers and French are all full of the story. Does the Connexion think we expats do not care, or am I wrong in thinking that we are interested ?
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Imams set to be deported
French Interior Minister Manuel Valls has said France is set to deport a handful of Imams who are foreign born preachers who refer to the need to fight against France.
I say good. Malc says they will never manage it as they will say their human rights are being violated or infringed. We shall have to wait and see how it plays out.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
I say good. Malc says they will never manage it as they will say their human rights are being violated or infringed. We shall have to wait and see how it plays out.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Marius In Concert at St. Antonin Noble Val
Marius in Concert at St. Antonin on Friday 21h in the Salle des Thernes. Chanteur / guitariste, organised by L' Association Culturelle. 5 euros.
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Always interesting, accents.
If you have an accent from the North and talk Ch'tis or are from Marseille you are thought drole /funny. If from Brittany you are thought intelligent and if from Toulouse sexy. oh, la, la.
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How awful, possibly killed by one of us
The poor lady jogger killed at Nimes, who if you know the story had a young child waiting at school for Mum to arrive, and of course never did, could have been killed by a Brit. The suspect taken into custody lived only 300 metres away from the body in a gated house and his DNA has been matched to that found on the body. The suspect is a 32 year old British man, living with his Mother in a luxury villa. Report in the Depeche and I am sure it will be on French news tonight.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Faits divers
Laguepie Circus leaves deposits behind!
Malc went out with the dogs this morning to Laguepie, walking along what we call ''the beach'' the grass down to the river. As always Malc had the bag and scoop at the ready in case the dogs ''faire une betise'' After walking gingerly around the beach he wondered why he bothered as the Circus had obviously tethered BIG animals there, as was evident from the size of the '' cannabis resin'' everywhere. I wonder if the Mairie has any come back on making them tidy up the mess, I do hope so.
Val says. For those who have not understood the cannabis resin please read again earlier post!
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Val says. For those who have not understood the cannabis resin please read again earlier post!
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The dog with no name and soulful eyes, has a home.
I am sure like me, readers will be pleased to hear that the poor dog chained and left in his own excrement has found a home. He will be cared for initially by Terri Tippett of Parisot and then in a few weeks will be moving to his permanent home in England. Well done Terry.
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
L'Isard decimated in the Pyrenees
L'Isard which is like a mountain goat is struggling to survive in its habitat at the moment. The goat the symbol of the Pyrenees has difficulty raising its "faunes" and the culprit is thought to be toxic pesticides. This seems in my mind to tie in to another story, " Our children will accuse us " That post by the way has had the most hits from google.
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
"Shit in his boot"
105 kg of " shit dans le coffre " resin of cannabis found in a car around the Perpignan area. Our rude word means cannabis. The man got 3 years in Prison.
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Monday, 28 January 2013
Happily driving along and then shot in the head
Just been on French news, a 76 year old chasseur has shot a passing driver whilst out hunting sanglier... and they have all passed the safety tests, these chasseurs. How long is it since I reported the last death, just before Christmas
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Architect or Artist who wants this book?
Sedad Eldem Architect in Turkey Published in 1989 by Butterworth Architecture. For over 50 years Sedad Eldem had practised, taught and researched Architecture in Turkey. He was the country's most important architectural figure and has played a major role in reshaping Turkish architecture. A book with lots of plans and drawings and 170 colour photographs and the text in English. Worth 10 euros and probably more to the right person. Just checked prices on the net, they range depending on condition from £24 to £40 The condition of this is mint so save yourself £30 by buying from TAG Val mail@bromlea.com
Ceilidh at the Folk /Jazz Club Thursday evening
With Charles Ketteringham having something akin to a face lift this week [Good Luck Charles] the Thursday evening 31st will be hosted by regular performer Trevor Carter. A Ceilidh with Occitane dancing is on the menu we are told. From now on the evenings are free as the Salle des Fetes in Le Riols is now paid for up till the end of May.Venez nombreux for a fun evening of song and dancing. 8 pm sharp start.
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Two donations for donkeys and one for Via Sahel
Just sent 30 euros off to Liberte des Anes, thanks to Anouk and Franz and Spiced Cuisine. Received another 10 euros today from Leila Mclelland and with books sales on TAG running at 25 euros, that is another 35 euros for Via Sahel. Every little helps.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Timbuktu airport secured and later Timbuktu itself
Just heard the Mayor of Timbuktu on French radio saying Francois Hollande is our Messiah. (bet he does not hear that often ) There are real fears that a very important, ancient library of Timbuktu may have been torched.
A reporter on France 24 says in Timbuktu there are scenes of jubilation, men, women and children are out in the streets shouting God save Mali, God save France and God save Francois Hollande.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
A reporter on France 24 says in Timbuktu there are scenes of jubilation, men, women and children are out in the streets shouting God save Mali, God save France and God save Francois Hollande.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Martyn Cox, Oral Historian and his talk
Martyn Cox is giving a talk on '' The Real Charlotte Grays''. Martyn who was Associate Producer on the Channel 4 documentary ''Behind Enemy Lines'' will now be giving the talk in the Salle des Fetes at Le Riols just outside Varen. This now means all those who could not get in at our house are now able to come. There will have to be a 2 euro charge to cover the cost of the Hall but I think everyone will think this is worth it.
The talk is at 6.30pm on Tuesday 5th of February. The Salle des Fetes is in the middle of Le Riols with easy parking, car park at the side and if needed spaces in the village. 25 people had booked in but as I say now there is no limit. . The Hall is heated and intimate, a good venue.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
How to find the Salle des Fetes at Le Riols
Coming from St Antonin direction, after the station at Lexos and the dechetterie take the right fork (ie instead of bearing left to Varen), keep on and cross over the railway and river, then turn right underneath the railway bridge. Take the first left into the village centre and the salle des fetes is behind the church.
From Varen exit the village and take the first left to Le Riols, then left again at the stop sign, then as above.
The talk is at 6.30pm on Tuesday 5th of February. The Salle des Fetes is in the middle of Le Riols with easy parking, car park at the side and if needed spaces in the village. 25 people had booked in but as I say now there is no limit. . The Hall is heated and intimate, a good venue.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
How to find the Salle des Fetes at Le Riols
Coming from St Antonin direction, after the station at Lexos and the dechetterie take the right fork (ie instead of bearing left to Varen), keep on and cross over the railway and river, then turn right underneath the railway bridge. Take the first left into the village centre and the salle des fetes is behind the church.
From Varen exit the village and take the first left to Le Riols, then left again at the stop sign, then as above.
Record amounts of rain in January
The region is on " vigilance orange " alert after record rainfall in January. The good news is that in the next few days the weather is forecast to be " doux and sec."
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Somethings got to give.
Malc had a valuable comment on blood analysis. He has a blood test every two years and the results come back the next day or certainly day after. This is not an urgent test and perhaps should not be given priority. Tests that are urgent could go to the front of the queue, and others could take a bit longer. This might happen anyway if the little centres close.
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Rana also gives art classes
Rana (see profile below) is now giving art tuition to adults and children in the area either in her studio or in the comfort of your own home.
The classes are fun and ideal for beginners or those lacking in confidence in their artistic abilities. Rana gives encouragement and you can experiment with a vast range of different paints and media to find your particular style.
The classes are fun and ideal for beginners or those lacking in confidence in their artistic abilities. Rana gives encouragement and you can experiment with a vast range of different paints and media to find your particular style.
' There is an artist within each of us just waiting to be expressed ' and this is exactly what Rana encourages.
Price 12 euros per hour
Contact her on jenni.rodger@gmail.com
Artists of the area.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
All is not well, with the Sante.
I was sent this piece by Ginny Jenkins who asked if I was following the story, I had to admit I was not .For those with limited French, it is asking if we want to sign a petition against the closure of small, sometimes local laboratories of blood analysis. Apparently these small labs. are more costly and each sample costs more to process in these smaller concerns. [Although the piece does not say that.] For example the one at Caussade would close and say Montauban would be the nearest. As I know little about it I emailed my French friend married to a Dr. for her take on it all
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
This is the piece Ginny sent
Dès 2014, vous devrez parcourir 10, 20, 50, 100 km ou plus pour faire vos prises de sang, et ce au mépris de plus de 500 000 signatures sur cette pétition : http://www.touchepasamonlabo.com .
En effet, c'est en 2013 que seront FERMÉS l'immense majorité des laboratoires d'analyses médicales de proximité en France, à l'instar des maternités et avec les mêmes dangers pour votre santé (en particulier pour les analyses urgentes), conformément à l'ordonnance n°2010-49 du 13 janvier 2010 relative à la biologie médicale qui devrait être ratifiée en procédure accélérée - donc sans véritable débat - fin janvier 2013; et ceci au plus grand profit de quelques grands groupes financiers.
Patrick LEPREUX, biologiste marseillais, est en GRÈVE DE LA FAIM depuis le 15 janvier pour protester contre cette réforme.
Contre ce nouveau massacre d'un service de proximité, vous pouvez signer ici : http://www.touchepasamonlabo.com
C'est parce que très peu de gens sont au courant que cette réforme peut passer; il faut donc la REVELER au grand jour : DIFFUSEZ CE MESSAGE, DIFFUSEZ LE LIEN DE LA PETITION ! http://www.touchepasamonlabo.com
Un exemple de fermeture de laboratoire : http://www.letelegramme.com/fil_region/fil_bretagne/saint-guenole-29-le-laboratoire-d-analyses-ferme-25-11-2010-1127183.php
La proposition de loi en procédure accélérée : http://www.senat.fr/leg/ppl12-243.html
This is the piece from my French friend.
dANS LE MéDICAL AU NIVEAU DES MEDECINS généralistes, beaucoup de choses viennent de changer au 1er janv 2013, mais on n'en parle pas , mais il est de + en + sure que les jeunes ne viendront pas dans nos campagnes et que dans 5 à 10 ans , il n'y aura plus de médecins ..!
Val says
If you feel strongly that we need local lab. analysis and quick returns, then maybe think of putting your name to the petition.Personally I think in these times of cut backs as with the Post Offices closing and Banks leaving villages, it is going to happen. Money is not elastic and if we choose to live in the hinterland, services are not going to be the same as living in Toulouse. I am always amazed how quickly reports on blood samples come back, sometimes the next day . I would not want that to change but maybe costs dictate it must. Sometimes the fight is lost before it starts, but that is only my perhaps negative feeling.
The desertification of medics in the country is another problem which will have to be faced, which relates to the second part of the email and I will discuss another time. Perhaps we ex pats are all a bit complacent about what is going to happen with the Sante and perhaps we need at least to be more aware. I know Malc and I have only good experiences with Doctors and Hospitals '' but times they are a changing''Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Profile on Rana J. Rodger
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When the boats come in by Rana J.Rodger |
I started my career specialising in architectural portraiture back in the 1970 s. ( jennirodger.co.uk ) This then led to greeting card designs and illustrations for posters and children’s books and many commissions in the commercial field.
However I still feel that my best paintings were the first ones that I did aged three and four.
My mother has kept all these paintings and I sometimes look at them and connect to the magic that I felt at that time...the smell of the fat wax crayon as it slid across the page… the wonderful surprise when pink met blue... or blue met green… the excitement I felt as the paper began to fill with circles and lines and dots.....
In the late 80 s I decided to concentrate solely on my own personal artistic journey. There was a whole year when I spent practically everyday experimenting with texture, colour and hue. There were days when I felt that I was just making a load of mess and not getting anywhere....but where is there to get to anyway?
I discovered a wonderful blue pigment in France called "Blue mineral" and spent an entire year just playing with "blue."
I couldn’t stop...."blue" took me on a voyage. I never imagined that there could be so many facets to "blue " (see Blue Gallery www.ranapix.co.uk )
I was deeply moved by a trip to Australia and when I returned I started to make my own paints from natural pigments and began to experiment with different media...rolling inks onto paper and working with gesso and oil pastel.
I had refound the delight and satisfaction that I had found as a small child, and as a result my paintings started to take me on a voyage of discovery.
My studio is a roundhouse built of limestone and wood high up on a plateau of SW France.
I choose to live close to nature, for it is from here that I gain the inspiration for my inner work.
My paintings are inspired from the earth...the source...the mother of all things.
My paintings are inspired from the earth...the source...the mother of all things.
I listen to the silence within...to my dreams and intuitions and paint from my heart.
Major inspirations for my paintings have been from travels in Australia, dry arid landscapes such as The Painted Desert in Arizona, New Mexico and Southern Spain, N Africa and the traditional art of all these regions.
I’m now starting to pass on the gifts and knowledge that I have gathered over these years to children and to adults wishing to connect with their own artist within.
French and Malian troops in Timbuktu
The latest gain in a fast moving offensive appears to be Timbuktu. The rebels seem to have retreated North after relentless air strikes. The advancing French and Malian troops are working on securing the town. The rebels that were holding the town have provoked international outrage by destroying ancient shrines. Report from the Guardian
Comments to taglines82@ gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@ gmail.com
Three good places in St. Antonin Noble Val for Gifts
Not wishing to stereotype but there are three shops when you visit the market on a Sunday, and you are a " girlie", you should think of visiting.
Maison Noble Val is just next to the Halle and they are continuing their sale till the middle of Feb. Some lovely things to buy for the house and also some very nice fashion jewellery.
Bazar Curieux, a new venture and a bit more difficult to find, but persevere. Huge ceramic garden pots for 10 euros, lovely arabesque lamps, little gifts for 2 euros. Find it by The Auberge Lion d' Or, towards the gendarmerie type area.
Another new venture finding its feet is just at the side of the immobilier Disc. Lots of small presents, mirrors and the like, very charming gift ideas.
No need to travel further afield now for pressies.
If I could make a suggestion, I think a range of cards by local artists would sell well. Rachel Pennington has some lovely cards I noticed when I checked her website. ( loved the cats, like our Max) Why not talk to local artists and stock a range of cards.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Maison Noble Val is just next to the Halle and they are continuing their sale till the middle of Feb. Some lovely things to buy for the house and also some very nice fashion jewellery.
Bazar Curieux, a new venture and a bit more difficult to find, but persevere. Huge ceramic garden pots for 10 euros, lovely arabesque lamps, little gifts for 2 euros. Find it by The Auberge Lion d' Or, towards the gendarmerie type area.
Another new venture finding its feet is just at the side of the immobilier Disc. Lots of small presents, mirrors and the like, very charming gift ideas.
No need to travel further afield now for pressies.
If I could make a suggestion, I think a range of cards by local artists would sell well. Rachel Pennington has some lovely cards I noticed when I checked her website. ( loved the cats, like our Max) Why not talk to local artists and stock a range of cards.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Vendee Globe, the end is nigh.
Day 78 and we are waiting for the winner Francois Gabart to sail in as race winner this morning ETA 12.30. Second will be Armet le Cleac'h and third Alex Thomson. Single handed without stopping , takes a bit of doing!
French Francois Gabart is now the youngest ever race winner at 29 years old.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
French Francois Gabart is now the youngest ever race winner at 29 years old.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
US extends support to the French in Mali
The US has extended its support to the French and Malians by providing vital refuelling facilities to France's air offensive. Washington's decision to step up its role helping refuel warplanes is a vital boost. US military has an unparalleled fleet of more than 400 tankers equipped to refuel fighters and war planes in mid air.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Bazar Curieux Open tomorrow
Bazar Curieux selling Pottery, Decoration and Gifts will be open at St. Antonin tomorrow from 10 to 14h Find it on the Rue del Pebre at the side of the Auberge Lion D'Or
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Profile on Rachel Pennington
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Pushka by Rachel Pennington |
Her current work is concerned with describing the molecular structure of light and the results have created some extremely beautiful abstract paintings that have an indefinable quality of the infinite.
She is an English Artist who was born in London. She studied on a Foundation in Art & Design at Camberwell College of Art & Design and gained her BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art at Manchester Metropolitan University.
She has always maintained her studio practice and has contributed to many group exhibitions including shows at The Macintosh Museum, Glasgow, The Beardsmoore Gallery, London, the Millennium Project at the Milton Keynes Gallery and local galleries in South West France.
She is an English Artist who was born in London. She studied on a Foundation in Art & Design at Camberwell College of Art & Design and gained her BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art at Manchester Metropolitan University.
She has always maintained her studio practice and has contributed to many group exhibitions including shows at The Macintosh Museum, Glasgow, The Beardsmoore Gallery, London, the Millennium Project at the Milton Keynes Gallery and local galleries in South West France.

05 63 67 36 45
06 46 56 73 88
Uranium mines in Niger protected
Jean Yves le Drian ( said you would be hearing his name ) has given the go ahead for an elite team of France's armed forces to reinforce security in Niger, a former Colony. They will be protecting the Uranium mines. A report in 2008 showed 18% of raw material used in power in France's 58 nuclear reactors came from Niger.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Gao Airport and key bridge taken, and later Gao itself
Malian and French troops seize Gao airport and a key bridge, making significant inroad into the heart of territory held by al -Qaeda linked extremists. There is no word as yet on possible casualties.
Two hours later and we hear that Gao itself has been liberated.
Jean Marc Ayrault says troops are currently around Gao and will soon be near Timbuktu, a fabled caravan town on the edge of the Sahara Desert which for centuries was a key centre of Islamic learning.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Two hours later and we hear that Gao itself has been liberated.
Jean Marc Ayrault says troops are currently around Gao and will soon be near Timbuktu, a fabled caravan town on the edge of the Sahara Desert which for centuries was a key centre of Islamic learning.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Snow returns for the third time, c'est l'Hiver
Woke up this morning to another fall of snow, the third since Christmas. Listened to English news where people were whinging about snow and how the authorities were not prepared for it, unlike other countries. When you get " exceptional " weather it is hard to be prepared. We have had "exceptional" weather ever since arriving in France. If it is cold it's " exceptional" if it is hot "exceptional" or have you noticed if you mention the snow or cold to the French, the reply "Madame c'est l'Hiver"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Now 70 dolphins dead on the beaches of the Landes
Reports show they did not die from natural causes but by fishing, not just a fisherman with a line but the big net fisherman and also low frequency sonar. This is reported in French newspapers every day, on beaches along the coast from Arcachon to St. Jean de Luz dozens of dead dolphins are found.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Friday, 25 January 2013
Complete French Learning Suite / SOLD
A complete French learning Suite with 3 Audio DVds in pristine state. Expand your vocabularly, immerse yourself in French conversations and all for 5 euros. Not sure how much these boxed sets would cost but they are not cheap. Money of course going to Malian children. SOLD
Val mail@bromlea.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Val mail@bromlea.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Art teacher, mini bus, catering all wanted
I have a group of 6 budding art students interested in renting our gite in June. Unfortunately their tutor can't come due to a family crisis.
Does anyone know of any locally based English speaking art teachers that could run a weeks 'out door' art course please?
I'm also searching for cheap minibus hire, catering (French food) and recommendations for wine tasting in a Gaillac vineyard. Any ideas?
Other types of art, sculpture, pottery or photography tutor contacts would be greatly received.
Thank you for any help you can offer!
Leila McLelland. 0565658483 leila.design@hotmail.com
Val says reply to Leila, not TAGlines thanks. I have forwarded emails that came to TAG
Comments to
Does anyone know of any locally based English speaking art teachers that could run a weeks 'out door' art course please?
I'm also searching for cheap minibus hire, catering (French food) and recommendations for wine tasting in a Gaillac vineyard. Any ideas?
Other types of art, sculpture, pottery or photography tutor contacts would be greatly received.
Thank you for any help you can offer!
Leila McLelland. 0565658483 leila.design@hotmail.com
Val says reply to Leila, not TAGlines thanks. I have forwarded emails that came to TAG
Comments to
The Circus comes to town
At Laguepie this weekend, there will be performances Sat. And Sun. at 15 hrs of a Circus. The circus is encamped now in the centre of Laguepie with three huge trucks each pulling two huge trucks. This seems to be a larger circus than last years small family one, which was basically a one man act with wife handing equipment and children doing gymnastic tricks. Quite charming really apart from the seedy looking llama, who you felt sorry for.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Caught by his DNA, ten years after the event.
Ten years ago in Montauban an old lady of 86 was attacked in her home with a knife, killed and then robbed. A young 17 year old plumber was questioned at the time but lack of evidence let him evade the law. Now ten years on when he is 27, DNA evidence has linked him to the crime.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Faits divers
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Two more bears to be released
In the Western Pyrennes two more bears are due to be released into the wild. I do hope this programme works but there is so much opposition from local farmers and the odd "loony" hunter wanting to bag a bear that one does not have great hopes. When we were last in the Pyrennes many of the roads were defaced with signs in paint " non aux ourses " so I do not have great faith in a long life expectancy for them.
Comments to taglines82@ gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@ gmail.com
I am excited, I am doing a Book Fair
Malcolm says, calm down Val, you are doing a vide grenier. Well it is a similar thing, at Sautou on the 16th and 17th of Feb. I am having a stall selling English books for one euro and I want you all to come and support me and who knows what other bargains will be there. If you have books you wish to donate let me know and I will pick them up. I have a good stock already which are the " have been twice to the book swap" ones and others of our own I am happy to donate. If you want a stall or have anything you would sell for the children of Mali also let me know. Gosh, I love a good rummage.
Contact me Val mail@bromlea.com
Alan Palmer says Sounds like you're going back to your roots. Hope we'll see a photo of you in front of the stall with a sign " No book over a euro".
Contact me Val mail@bromlea.com
Alan Palmer says Sounds like you're going back to your roots. Hope we'll see a photo of you in front of the stall with a sign " No book over a euro".
Val says
The vide grenier is the same time as the San Francisco Book Fair, where a few years ago we would be exhibiting selling thousand of pound books to the likes of Brad Pitt. I am sure we will have as much fun at Sautou and our efforts will be rewarded for the Malian children, and you never know who will turn up on the day ( although Brad Pitt will be unlikely
Not sure which more you are interested in, for those who say tell me more. If it is Brad Pitt I can vouch for his lovely eyes and the fact that he owns some of our better books. Imagine he came into our booth and kept piling the books up, he did insist on a 20% discount but hey ! it was worth it.
If it is the vide grenier at Sautou which interests you it is over two days and I can repeat you must come and get a bargain.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Not sure which more you are interested in, for those who say tell me more. If it is Brad Pitt I can vouch for his lovely eyes and the fact that he owns some of our better books. Imagine he came into our booth and kept piling the books up, he did insist on a 20% discount but hey ! it was worth it.
If it is the vide grenier at Sautou which interests you it is over two days and I can repeat you must come and get a bargain.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
A merry go round of bar owners
In Villefranche de Rouergue there has been a change of bar and cafe owners around the town, so expect some changes. One of the owners complained of a " morosity" in the town, but the truth is all " enterprises" are suffering at the moment. The Restaurant with the young Chef Quentin Boundy is closed till March as the building is undergoing a serious " relooking"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Florence Cassez released from Mexico
This is the big news of the day in France, the release from a 60 year sentence in Mexico of a 38 year old, Florence Cassez. Seven years in prison on a charge with her boyfriend and his gang of kidnappers, in which she has always denied any involvement. In court yesterday she was released as there was a violation of her fundamental rights in the original trial, with many irregularties in the prosecution's case. There was some suggestion that her case was helped by new heads of Government in France and Mexico, contributing to a normalisation of relations between the two countries.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Save a dog and give him a home, he looks so sweet
rich.tertippett@wanadoo.fr I HAVE FOUND A HOME< THANK YOU
I’m looking for help with a dog that I came across where Frankie’s boyfriend has started working. The poor thing is kept on a five foot long leash, permanently, no walks & no time off the leash. Quite evident this was as he is living in his own excrement & can’t even get in his kennel, yes lucky thing he has a kennel!!! Due to it being filled with dog pooh too.
I’m looking for help with a dog that I came across where Frankie’s boyfriend has started working. The poor thing is kept on a five foot long leash, permanently, no walks & no time off the leash. Quite evident this was as he is living in his own excrement & can’t even get in his kennel, yes lucky thing he has a kennel!!! Due to it being filled with dog pooh too.
He is possibly 4/5 years old, medium size, ginger in colour, I have photos but will send them when Rich can attach it for me…. He has no name & apart from being scared seems very happy to receive human affection.
I have approached the owner who offered me the dog there & then which I cannot possibly have as my continuing marriage depends on me not bringing home any more strays! I have asked the owner if he can at least clean the pooh & this has been done by the handy man who works there. He says he has also called the local dogs home but they can’t take him as they are full.
If I do a poster type ad with photo & send it out could you help by passing it on? & put the word out?
I know there are thousands of dogs kept like this but believe I met him for a reason & giving a new life to 1 of them is a worthy thing to do.
Contact Terry Tippett at Parisot email address above.
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I am a boy with no name, look into my eyes and see love. Comments to taglines82@gmail.com |
Petit marché aux puces de Sautou
Petit marché aux puces de Sautou. Manifestation organisée par Jane et Colin au
16 et 17 février 2013 Domaine de Sautou
Journée conviviale De 10h à 18h. 82160 CASTANET/CAYLUS
Venez tous vendre vos objets que Réservation au : 06 74 70 41 66
vous ne voulez plus garder. Ou au 05 63 65 72 64.
Au profit de l’Association Via Sahel www.viasahel-enfantsdafrique.fr
Enfants d’Afrique, vous pourrez verser
totalement ou partiellement le montant de
vos ventes.
Déjeuner partagé, amenez tous quelque
chose à manger .
Vin chaud, café, thé, et pâtisseries sur place.
2,000 French soldiers in Mali
2,000 French soldiers are now in Mali with another 500 waiting to go. The US have five C17 planes flying in to Bamako with heavy equipment, armoured tanks etc. flying out from a base at Istres in the South of France. The UK, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Italy are all providing transport services.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Show someone you love them.
Are there any romantics out there interested in ordering a decadent cake for valentines day?
The cakes will be 3" - 4" square, round or heart shaped and made from a rich chocolate and irish cream
and beautifully decorated. The price is €12 each
Please let me have any orders by Tuesday 5th Feb
05 63 24 23 58
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The cakes will be 3" - 4" square, round or heart shaped and made from a rich chocolate and irish cream
and beautifully decorated. The price is €12 each
Please let me have any orders by Tuesday 5th Feb
05 63 24 23 58
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
An International Global Survey shows we are happy
Lloyds TSB has done an International Global Survey to discover we expats are all pretty content with our quality of life. 79% of expats do not plan to return to Britain. French expats were the most content and lifestyle was decisive in us choosing to live and stay in France.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Anyone coming back from the UK in a car.
We are wondering if there is anyone who is likely to be driving back from
the UK any time soon who would be willing to bring back an item for us. The
item in question is a Vax Steam Cleaner, which is lightweight and not
bulky. We cannot find any supplier who will deliver to France and France
Vax doesn't stock the cleaner, so we are rather stumped at the moment.
David and Helen Graham
Val says George White who has a sister living in the area will bring back small items so it may be worth contacting him if really stuck. He can be found in the Transport label
Helen says
the UK any time soon who would be willing to bring back an item for us. The
item in question is a Vax Steam Cleaner, which is lightweight and not
bulky. We cannot find any supplier who will deliver to France and France
Vax doesn't stock the cleaner, so we are rather stumped at the moment.
David and Helen Graham
Val says George White who has a sister living in the area will bring back small items so it may be worth contacting him if really stuck. He can be found in the Transport label
Helen says
Thanks to Taglines we have managed to order the item we wanted off the
internet. We had several offers of help with tranpsorting it from the UK but
one reader pointed us in the right direction and our order includes
Many thanks again.
Wow, Val says reader power!
Poules pondeuses reformes
Now I think I am right on this one , poules pondeuses, plein air a retirer from 26 Jan to 2nd of Feb. 2.50 euros each. At Najac tel 0611600959 or 0565297106 [ not sure if the last 6 was 0]
I think these are laying hens which you can go and pick up between those dates and cost 2 euros 50 each
This was an ''affiche'' on the window in RAGT Not quite sure about the 'reforme' but I imagine they have been some sort of production hen that is still laying.If you wanted hens these are a good price, I paid 9 euros for mine from Unicor.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
I think these are laying hens which you can go and pick up between those dates and cost 2 euros 50 each
This was an ''affiche'' on the window in RAGT Not quite sure about the 'reforme' but I imagine they have been some sort of production hen that is still laying.If you wanted hens these are a good price, I paid 9 euros for mine from Unicor.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
How is this for a giraffe ?
Bernard Mages lives and has his atelier just off the road to Laguepie at Puech Mignon. He is an artist, garden deco designer and he felt his giraffe fitted in well with our Mali pictures.I have given his website details and there are lots of ideas for decoration for gardens, fountains, lights etc. all made in metal by him in his forge. I know he welcomes visitors in the Spring and summer and it is always a delight to go and visit.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
A name we will hear often over the next few months
Jean - Yves Le Drain born in Lorient in Morbihan in 1947. He was an active member of the young Christian Workers and studied at Rennes University. He joined the Socialist Party in 1947 and at 30 became a member of the French National Assembly. He served as " Minister of the Sea" and in 2004 he was top of the list in "Bretagne a Gauche" and then became Regional President of Brittany. In Oct. 2010 he became President of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe.
He now works under Jean Marc Ayrault as Minister of Defence.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
He now works under Jean Marc Ayrault as Minister of Defence.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
fnac, my favourite store in Toulouse comes to Blagnac.
In Hall B at Blagnac, Toulouse Airport, they have done a spot of "relooking" and new additions are the retailer fnac. fnac have a huge store in Toulouse where you can lose yourself for an afternoon. They sell electric goods, books, DVDs, CDs,computers, mobile phones etc. Opposite fnac there is going to be a Casino and also a swatch shop.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Monday, 21 January 2013
Varen hairdresser open
The hairdresser in Varen appears to be open with the young girl assitant who normally washes your hair in control.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
They have still retained their sense of humour.
Just had a phone call from Toulouse airport from the friends who had the nasty car accident. Just phoning me to say " We must be alright, we have just read it on TAG" ... and they are OK apart from bumps and bruises. They were kept in hospital for observation but now a couple grateful to be alive are on their way back to London.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Do not doubt it, France is at war.
No two ways about it we, the French are at war in Mali. French Defence Minister Jean - Yves Le Drain says " We will not leave any pockets of resistance, the goal is the total conquest of Mali. We have retaken the strategic town of Diably", this was with French and Malian troops working together. Ousting the militant Islamist rebels is the aim.
Having lived here full time for more than eleven years I am feeling French, thinking of them as our lads, just as I do with the British boys.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Having lived here full time for more than eleven years I am feeling French, thinking of them as our lads, just as I do with the British boys.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Friends have dreadful accident at Penne
Yesterday I reported an accident with out mentioning names but today there is a big report in the Depeche with a picture of the car turned upside down, ready at any moment to fall in to the Aveyron. Stuart and Michaela who have a second home in Varen were on their way back to Toulouse in a hire car when just around Cazals near Penne, Stuart hit a patch of ice and lost control of the car. The car shot through bushes and down a bank and then flipped over. Stuart managed to get out and phone the Pompiers 18, but Michaela was trapped in the car with the worry that the car would slide down in to the Aveyron. It was at this time being held upside down by a bush. Pompiers and Grimpe 82 eventually released Michaela after 2 hours and she was taken to Montauban hospital with a suspected fractured leg.
All your friends here in Varen send their best wishes to you both and it will be champagne all round on your next visit - says Roger Bowen
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
All your friends here in Varen send their best wishes to you both and it will be champagne all round on your next visit - says Roger Bowen
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Faits divers
Ask an Expert
Do you need help with Planning Permission?
Now registered as an independent draftswoman, Leila can offer the services of an architect at a fraction of the cost!
Tel: 05 65 65 84 83, Mobile: 06 24 89 79 60, E-mail : leila.design@hotmail.com Blog : http://mcl-design.blogspot.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Having trouble with French planning application forms? In need of architectural drawings or need help envisaging a future building project?MCL Design is the solution.
Whether for renovations, extensions, new houses, pools or garden buildings, MCL Design will tailor to your budget with no hidden costs.
Based near Najac, Leila McLelland is offering architectural services for medium sized projects (less than 170m2) as follows:
-New-Build or Renovation, Traditional or Contemporary styles
-Ecological Houses, Self-Build Projects
-Internal Changes and Garage Conversions
-Loft Conversions (Velux, Roof lights, Dormer Windows)
-Swimming Pools, Garages, Garden Buildings
-Septic Tank Applications
Leila is an English trained architect with 8 years professional experience working in both the UK and France. Now registered as an independent draftswoman, Leila can offer the services of an architect at a fraction of the cost!
Tel: 05 65 65 84 83, Mobile: 06 24 89 79 60, E-mail : leila.design@hotmail.com Blog : http://mcl-design.blogspot.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
''Non si uccide la poesia''
''You can't kill poetry'' in Italian, sent by an old bookseller colleague Paoli Tonini. Sent to us today with a fragment of poetry by Giovanna Bemporad. Any one interested in poetry do not forgot we have a very active poetry group in Fifi which you are welcome to come and join. Malcolm speaks Italian and he has just read it out, sounds divine. We have to clean the shelves in the kitchen this afternoon so I will keep asking him to repeat it to me to spur me on.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Thinking of ordering from Spiced Cuisine?
I have heard on the grapevine that Spiced Cuisine are planning on making deliveries to St. Antonin on the morning of the book and DVD swap, the next one being Monday March 4th at the Gazpacho.
Check out their website if you are thinking of giving them a try, and email spicedcuisine@orange.fr
Their initial advert and website details with link can be found in the label " food"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Check out their website if you are thinking of giving them a try, and email spicedcuisine@orange.fr
Their initial advert and website details with link can be found in the label " food"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Our children will accuse us / Nous enfants nous accuseront.
At the foot of the Cevennes, a little village has taken a stance against pesticides used in agriculture and the meals at the local school are now all BIO.
Watch the film which is being shown in schools in France,and if you are like me, you will cry. Please pass on the link to others.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Watch the film which is being shown in schools in France,and if you are like me, you will cry. Please pass on the link to others.
Thank you to Marcia Scott for informing us
Pouvez-vous faire Suivre SVP ? MerciVoici une affaire qui nous concerne tous, SANS EXCEPTION ! La sortie en salle du film : "Nos enfants nous accuseront".Pour que ce film soit en salle (film qui dénonce les méfaits de la mauvaise alimentation et des pesticides), il faut qu'un maximum de personnes regardent la bande annonce dans les 2 jours qui suivent.C'est le nombre de visites dans les 2 jours qui fera emporter la décision de sa mise en distribution grandes salles.Faites le suivre rapidement, s'il vous plaît, à tous vos contacts,merci par avance.Voici la bande annonce à visionner et à transmettre :
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
In the SW 25,000 homes without electricity
With all the disruptions on the road, for some people keeping warm is more of a challenge as 25,000 homes are with out electricity. Another problem in the region is the risk of flooding ( inondation ) as water runs over the top of sodden ground and rivers keep filling.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Three stalls in the market today in St. Antonin
Can you believe that ? Hardly anybody there and no traffic on the roads in. One of two people we know who went had an accident and the car is badly damaged. Weather like this, stay in if you can, cars and snow just do not add up.
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Comments to
Watch out for Quentin Boundy !
Will he become " Topchef " 2013 He has just been selected for the programme on M6. Find him cooking now in the restaurant famille in the Place de Republique in Villefranche de Rouergue, called L'Universe. This 23 year old is the grandson and son of local chefs.
And according to the reporter in the Depeche " les resultats faisant mouche aupres des papilles"
Now that has taken me some time and effort to understand, I think it means it hits the target with your taste buds!
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
And according to the reporter in the Depeche " les resultats faisant mouche aupres des papilles"
Now that has taken me some time and effort to understand, I think it means it hits the target with your taste buds!
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Concert at Caylus Dimanche 3rd Feb 17h.
Janet Emmelkamp mezzo-soprana
Micheline Pinoncely piano
Robert Schumann
Charles Ives
Vincenzo Bellini
Gaetano Donizetti
Les Poncets, Caylus
[direct. Caussaude- Caylus, avant le Garage Renault, a gauche, l'avant derniere maison]
Reservation necessaire janetemmelkamp@orange.fr tel 0563648084
Participation aux frais 10 euros.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Micheline Pinoncely piano
Robert Schumann
Charles Ives
Vincenzo Bellini
Gaetano Donizetti
Les Poncets, Caylus
[direct. Caussaude- Caylus, avant le Garage Renault, a gauche, l'avant derniere maison]
Reservation necessaire janetemmelkamp@orange.fr tel 0563648084
Participation aux frais 10 euros.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Winter Activities
Getting cupboards stocked was a good idea.
Woke up this morning to another carpet of snow, and yet another orange alert through most of France, 53 Departments Looking at the meteo it will be snowing all morning. Cannot think there will be the usual throng at St. Antonin Marche this morning.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Saturday, 19 January 2013
It is over, but at least 7 hostages dead, 5mins later 19 confirmed dead
William Hague has warned us all to expect the worst for the ten British hostages at The Gas installation in Algeria. The Algerian Army stormed the facility and it is known that at least 7 hostages have been killed and also 11 militants. I hope the rescued Brit no longer finds the situation exciting and something to be enjoyed and hope he contemplates what uncaring comments he made. We all send our sincere condolences to the poor families of everyone involved
The dead hostage count is now 23... and that kept rising to 35
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The dead hostage count is now 23... and that kept rising to 35
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
6 deaths on the roads because of snow and icy conditions.
Six people have died and numerous others have been injured in the North of France.
Five people and others injured in an accident at Lozere, and then more deaths at Buisson in the North of France. Three men who died were soldiers in an army vehicle who had been posted to Mali.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Five people and others injured in an accident at Lozere, and then more deaths at Buisson in the North of France. Three men who died were soldiers in an army vehicle who had been posted to Mali.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
No French hostages in Algeria
No Frenchmen left in the terrible hostage situation, one French man was killed and one escaped. Ten British men are still known to be held. I despair about you men sometimes though. I have just listened to a released Brit hostage who was rescued by the Algerian Forces saying " I enjoyed it, it was very exciting !" As if it was a computer game, fortunately two other Brits had the decency to express their fears for their work colleagues left behind. I could never imagine a woman coming out with a statement like that.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
We are all at the shops and markets stocking up
We have not been able to get out for 3 days and I am sure others in country locations were in the same boat ( so to speak.) The Dutch will be off again, saying "why is she talking of boats?" Everybody will be using this chance to restock, with predications of more snow on the way tonight and later next week.
A big thank you to neighbours in St.Vincent de Varen with a 4x4 who were able to make a mercy run to us with a bag of chicken food. Their first reaction was " just eat the bloody chickens" but Henny and Penny are family pets now, so that was not an option. Malc says " No we feed them to the b..... foxes !"
comments to
A big thank you to neighbours in St.Vincent de Varen with a 4x4 who were able to make a mercy run to us with a bag of chicken food. Their first reaction was " just eat the bloody chickens" but Henny and Penny are family pets now, so that was not an option. Malc says " No we feed them to the b..... foxes !"
comments to
Dave Brubeck, Friday 25th
I spotted this entry in the tv guide this morning..Fri 10 45pm BBC4 ..portrait of Dave Brubeck on his
90th birthday. Its been a bad week for news so I thought it might just give readers a lift
love both
TudorNew style driving licence comes in today throughout EU
A credit card style licence with your photograph, points will be readable in the countries they are accrued but presumably able to be viewed throughout the EU system eventually.
France cannot roll this out till Sept 2013 and if you want to change your licence from English to French for the new style or just change from the old style French one you will have to wait till 2014. This driving licence will then be renewable every 15 years.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
France cannot roll this out till Sept 2013 and if you want to change your licence from English to French for the new style or just change from the old style French one you will have to wait till 2014. This driving licence will then be renewable every 15 years.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Cercle des Amis de Bourdelle
Pourrais-tu s'il te plaît annoncer auprès de ton réseau la soirée "Emile Antoine Bourdelle" qui sera animée par Patrick Fonzes, Président du "Cercle des Amis de Bourdelle".
Ce rendez-vous sera l'occasion de découvrir ou redécouvrir ce grand sculpteur montalbanais.
Dans l'attente de vous retrouver mardi 22 janvier à 20 h 30 à la salle de conférences de l'immeuble des Récollets à Caussade.
Communauté de Communes
du Quercy Caussadais
05 63 93 28 66
Val says Such a shame they have sent a lovely poster with sculptures by Emile Antoine Bourdelle shown but I cannot post it on TAG, wrong format.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Winter Activities
Shakira continues her work for Unicef
Quite a lot in the French newspapers about the beautiful, young singer Shakira, who works tirelessly for UNICEF. She has launched a series of photos of herself with her handsome young partner Gerard Pique ( who plays football for Barcelona ) showing off her form in pregnancy. The photos are launched with proceeds going to Unicef. The singer sings songs like " Esta Navidad" and the latest "Santa Baby" An enterprising young lady who has also launched the first virtual baby shower on her internet site. Good Luck and well done Shakira with your money raising. How many young people doing well in their careers also think of others. I also wondered if this couple are going to become the new "Posh and Becks"
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Friday, 18 January 2013
Armstrong cheated in all 7 races
He has now admitted he did it, Lance Armstrong did cheat in all seven races. What I cannot understand is how with all the doping tests did he get away with it for so long. The Tour de France officials need to explain I think.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Who would you recommend as an advocat?
Have you had the need to use an advocat in the area and if so could you say you were pleased with their service ? A TAG reader has asked if we know of a good one . Replies in confidence if needed to mail@bromlea.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Very good reporting by David Blair in the Telegraph
For up to date news on Mali I have been reading the reports by David Blair in the Telegraph. " Armoured cars towered over homes made of sun baked mud and a tricolour flew on the banks of the Niger yesterday as French soldiers deployed in the vast Savannah of Central Mali"
David Blair writing in the Telegraph from Markala and there is another report from him written in Bamako.
David Blair was born in Malawi to British parents and is Chief Foreign Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph. His descriptive passages are so well written if he wrote a novel I would be first on the list to buy it.
For people who asked for more info. David was the reporter who discovered documents that the Telegraph felt needed airing on the " George Galloway" affair. Google it, as it cost the Telegraph a lot of money in libel and lawyers fees
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
David Blair writing in the Telegraph from Markala and there is another report from him written in Bamako.
David Blair was born in Malawi to British parents and is Chief Foreign Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph. His descriptive passages are so well written if he wrote a novel I would be first on the list to buy it.
For people who asked for more info. David was the reporter who discovered documents that the Telegraph felt needed airing on the " George Galloway" affair. Google it, as it cost the Telegraph a lot of money in libel and lawyers fees
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
It is all about perception.
75% of French people backed the surprise military offensive to stop al Qaeda troops advancing on to Bamako in Mali.
The move was judged morally right and analysts say it has transformed Francois Hollande from the nick name "Mr Flamby" ( had to google Flamby, it is apparently a kind of caramel pudding ) a wobbly ditherer into a strong and decisive Commander in Chief.
Not sure of the spelling of "flamby or flanby" as Henry Samuel went for the "n" but lots of other reports go for "m" Pays your money and takes your choice?
Report by Henry Samuel in the Telegraph.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
The move was judged morally right and analysts say it has transformed Francois Hollande from the nick name "Mr Flamby" ( had to google Flamby, it is apparently a kind of caramel pudding ) a wobbly ditherer into a strong and decisive Commander in Chief.
Not sure of the spelling of "flamby or flanby" as Henry Samuel went for the "n" but lots of other reports go for "m" Pays your money and takes your choice?
Report by Henry Samuel in the Telegraph.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
Mentioning no names ...
When we came looking around the area 12 years ago we had no idea what the winter would be like here in South West France. We asked the immobilier what we should expect. We remember the reply with smiles now." All you need to do in winter is "throw a sweater around your shoulders" I am sitting here with warm woolly socks, thermal vest, 2 sweaters and this is in a house with under floor heating and double glazing. I think in retrospect this gent was a little economic with the truth. To be fair it is a decision moving here, we have never regretted for one moment. Even so if anyone says "a sweater around the shoulders " now Malc and I give each other knowing smiles.
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In two days 38 dolphins found dead
On the beaches at and around Biscarrosse in the Landes 48 dolphins have been found dead. Their deaths are so far unexplained.
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Comments to taglines82@gmail.com
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