Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tag can get you into Films!

L'Atelier Cuisine Wednesday 15th Feb. at the Salles des Fetes, Verfeil starting at 9.30am. is hosting an interesting morning filming its activities.They are welcoming film director Christophe Gernez who lives at St. Antonin. He will spend the morning filming the event and filming and talking to participants.The film is being made for the association MSA (Mutualite Sociale Agricole) You will have a chance to see the edited version at a later date. If you do not mind being filmed there is a declaration to be signed.Then a repas menu choux farcis(stuffed cabbage) followed by gateaux with fruits of the season (what can be fruits of the season in feb?) All for the tempting price of 3 euros. You will need to make a reservation if you are planning to attend. Contact Laurence or Elodie at elodie@midipyrenees-nord.msa.fr