Tuesday 14 February 2012

Atelier de taille fruitiere / Fruit tree pruning class

This Saturday 18th February at 15.00 the association Jardiniers de France will be holding a workshop on fruit tree pruning at the Jardin des Paradis. The workshop is run by Benoit Ourliac who manages the Conservatoire at Puycelsi, specialising in old and unusual varieties. The Jardin has mainly trees which are grown in cordons, fans, U shapes or are the small 'step-overs' so the workshop will be useful for anyone who has this type of fruit tree. Anyone is invited to come along.  Jardinier de France members are always invited free of charge but non members can participate in one free workshop a year.  If you want to come along please let me know so I have a rough idea of numbers. You'll need to bring warm gloves and SHARP secateurs and be there by 14.45. Tea, coffe and biscuits will be on sale.
Hope to see many of you on Saturday.Email me at   ianpauline.wallace@sfr.fr