Monday 29 February 2016

Saint or sinner or something in between

I hear terrible things said about you for helping the refugees, it must hurt you Val? " said a friend to me today.
I am surrounding by the most loving group of friends and helpers and the most loving and grateful young men you could ever wish for.
Friends French and English who all hold the same caring principles and will work helping others less fortunate. Young men just like our own children many missing so much their mothers and other family.

Am I upset? never.

I am proud of what Malc and I and all our group are doing.
We are the ones who will make the world a better place and those people who hate and are nasty to others are the sad individuals, who deserve our pity.
Open up your hearts to love and get out the flowers.
I am turning hippy in  my old age " love, happiness and flower power for me" as I go off singing " all you need is love..
Reynalt, a local French man who goes night after night to sit and talk and teach French to the young men. I think all the benevoles agree, he is our Saint.
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