Hi Val
I promised you a brief note on the new alternatives for cancelling French insurances. This change came in last year but in fact takes effect only after policies have been in force a full 12 months. Until recently, the method of cancelling insurances in France has often seemed strange to us British. You either have to be ready to switch 9 or more weeks ahead of the due date, or rush around when your renewal notice arrives; and then tell your old insurer quickly, by recorded delivery, remembering to ask for aRelevé d'Information as proof of your claims record...
The new process, under the Loi Hamon consumer protection law, works like this:
(a) At any time, not just near your renewal date, research possible new insurers.
(b) Choose, and sign up with your new insurer. For simplicity, we'll call this DAY 1.
(c) Your new insurer takes charge of giving notice to cancel to your old insurance.
(d) A month later, at the end of DAY 30, your old insurance terminates, as a result.
(e) In its place, from the beginning of DAY 31, your new insurance becomes active.
The French auto-renewal system remains in place, as does the chance to cancel two months ahead of the renewal date. Also, you can still cancel in the 20 days following the postmarked date on your renewal notice envelope. And if the belongings are no longer yours to insure - cars, for instance - you can cancel anytime, with proof of their disposal. The new process outlined above is simply an additional option.
Best wishes